Status: I will eventually post the story more often when I really start writting a lot.

A Butterfly's Flight

Chapter Five

“Evan's” P.O.V

“Okay, but promise you won’t be mad or hate me?” He said softly.

“I promise.” I said truthfully.

“I hunt down bad people," I said semi-lying. God, I just couldn't tell here the truth.

She bit her lip, which I thought was quite adorable, and said, "So you’re sort of like an undercover cop?"

I rose and eyebrow and tilted my head, "Sure, something of the sort." No, not really.

Rose's P.O.V

"Sure, something of the sort," He said.

I had a feeling he wasn't telling me everything but I decided to let it go and not pester him about it anymore.

I put the grapes back in the bag I found them in so they wouldn't spoil then pulled my legs up into the seat and curled up.

"Do you have any family?" I asked him out of the blue.

His hands tightened on the steering wheel, turning his knuckles white, "Yes, I did."

I turned my head to look out at the night sky, I felt bad now, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked."

He sighed and pushed a piece of hair out of my face then turned my head towards him, "Rose, you can always ask me anything. Sure, I might get a little mad sometimes but don't be afraid to ask."

I simply nodded my head.

He let go of my face and rested his hand back on the steering wheel, "I had a very small family, and I had both my parents and a brother. I didn't have very many friends and we never were in contact with our relatives." He stopped for a moment.

"They died in a house fire. They were all sleeping, died in their sleep," He finished.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times, "I'm sorry that happened to you."

He relaxed a little, "I wasn't in the house you know? I had snuck out that night to meet a friend, I was only ten. Maybe if I had stayed they would be alive."

It was my turn to console him, "Evan, it’s not your fault; you didn’t know it was going to happen…”

He sighed pushing back the hair that constantly got in his eyes, “I know. I just wish I could’ve done something.”

I didn’t say anything back so I rested my head on my arm and fell asleep in the seat as Evan drove far away from the home I knew.

“Evan’s” P.O.V

I really hated that she called me Evan. All I really wanted to hear was here say my real name, but no I had to go and tell her a fake name. Why am I so stupid?!

I immediately felt guilt, if I loved her why would I lie to her?

Well at least she’s here with me. That’s what matters now. I have to protect her; I can’t let them hurt her.

It was no accident I found her.

3rd Person

Richard Mason’s body walked down the long hallway towards the locked room where Rose Mason was secretly hidden.

He pulled a key ring from his pocket and grinned, today was the day. Today was the day the girl would die. The sacrifice would be made and he would become all powerful. He had kept her life a secret, if he hadn’t every other demon and there mother would be trying to capture her. So in reality he had done her a favor by hiding her. Once her reached mother was out of the way that is.

He chuckled at memory of the woman pleading for her life as he killed her.

The child Rose was special, the key to the end of the world. Every demon wanted her power so they could bring on the apocalypse. She was the most powerful human ever known to any race; demons, angels, in centuries and Richard had her now, in his grasp. Today was the day.

Richard put the key into the lock and twisted, “Rose, daddy’s coming in,” he said as he opened the door.

To his shock he found the shattered remains of her glass window scattered about the floor and no sign of Rose.

Richard ripped the door off its hinges and threw it across the room while screaming in a fit of rage, “She’s gone!”

Something on the floor, shining in the light, caught his eye. Richard walked over to it and picked it up, “Hunters, looks like one of them left his pretty knife behind.”

He tucked it into the back of his pants and said with a smile, “Oh, I’ll find you, Rose. Don’t you worry one little bit.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I put the "Evan's" name in quotation marks because it's not his real name and I don't want to let you know what it is just yet :) Any comments? Thank you for reading.