Status: I will eventually post the story more often when I really start writting a lot.

A Butterfly's Flight

Chapter Seven

Rose’s P.O.V


“Why would you tell me your someone else?” I asked quietly.

I had this strange nagging feeling in my gut and I couldn’t begin to tell you what it was about.
He scrunched his eyebrows together for a second, “Wait, do you remember who I am? Tell me Rose.”

I bit my lip, “I don’t know, I don’t think I know you but you seem… familiar. I don’t know. “
Then all hell broke loose.

Colton’s P.O.V

“… I don’t know.” She said.

I could feel my face heating up with anger. Angrily I hit the steering wheel of the car and threw myself out of the door.

I kicked the car in a rage and yelled, “That damn demon went ahead and erased part of your mind.

Why did I even get my hopes up? Stupid, stupid, stupid!” I continued kicking the car.

I heard the door to the other side of the car shut softly. The sun had finally risen.

“Ev-, Colton? She said quietly.

I stopped trying to beat up the car and turned my attention to her.

I sighed, “Yes?” Then I slumped against the car and looked towards the ground.

I heard her footsteps until I saw her petite blue sandals right in front of my boot clad feet.

“Hey,” She said and I lifted my head just enough to meet her gaze.

“Don’t get so mad, please?” She pleaded with me.

I nodded my head simply.

She went to my side and leaned against the car, like I was. I chuckled a bit.

“So, what about this demon thing that erased my, mind?” She asked.

I sighed loudly and pushed myself away from the slightly dented car and paced around, “Your ‘father’.”

She made a weird face, “My father?”

I clinched my jaw and spoke through my teeth, “Yes, accept that now it’s just the empty shell of your father that some filthy demon invaded.”

She didn’t say anything for a few minutes, and neither did I. At that moment I felt horrible about what I just said to her. I should’ve been more sensitive to the situation.

I stepped forward and reached my hand to her check where a renegade tear had made a track, and brushed it away, “Hey there, I’m sorry, I didn’t think about what I was saying. I-”

I let out a heavy breath and said, “No, it’s okay, I should have seen it coming. Why my mother was never around when he locked me away. I was a prisoner, to a demon!”

I stayed silent and rested my hand on her face.

“Colton?” She asked.

I took my hand from her face and stuffed it in my pocket, “Yeah?”

“She’s dead isn’t she? My mother I mean.” She bit her lip.

I sighed and answered honestly, “I really don’t know.”

She nodded her head, “Okay.”

A few minutes went by in silence except for Rose’s occasional sniffle. Finally, I decided we needed to leave.

I sighed loudly to get her attention and said, “C’mon let’s get going before breakfast time is over, I want me some pancakes. How ‘bout you?”

She bit her lip and smiled, “I don’t know, I think I want a waffle today. I’ve never had one you know? I’d really like to try one.”

With that we got in the car and left to go find a restaurant that served pancakes and buttery waffles.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heeeyy! So I'm sorry this one is really short and I'm also sorry to my subscribers, that I took FORVER to write this. I'm sorry! I give you all cyber-cookies. Enjoy!