Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

Divides Me Somewhere In My Mind

And yet again, I sat in the back of the car, wrapped tightly in some white fabric shit like a straitjacket, being driven to Better fucking Living.

I'd punched a hole in the Kevlar, he had whipped around and grabbed my fist and pulled me through it, then he wrapped me in whatever the fabric was--it made me tired, so it was drugged--and tossed me back through the gaping hole. I had been sitting, glaring,for about an hour.

And then the white muscle car pulled upto BLI.

I realized exactly what situation I was in and instantly started to struggle, gritting my teeth at the foul taste of the powdered pills in the gag around my mouth. The Draculoid's hand flashed in my vision, and instants later an agonizing sting ripped through my face. He growled. "Another move and it will hurt worse."

I nodded silently, already forming a plan.

I let him drag me inside, where he checked in with Korean Chick and gave her his code--some number I forgot--dragging me further down the hallways and flinging me into a bright white room, surrounded on all sides by piercing white lights.I squinted against the harsh light and looked around, freezing when I saw a pale grayish figure in the corner, smirking humorlessly at he as he turned a huge wand over and over in his hands.


He tied me, still flailing randomly, to the table and pulled off the gag, and my head was flooded with images of Scatt and Insulin. I knew it; I was fucked. There was no chance of my survival.

And then, Korse stepped forward and in his oily voice declared, "Tell me now. Where are the others?"

"UP YOUR ASS!" I yelled, eyes wide. He sighed. "Let's try again. Where are the other Killjoys?"

I whimpered. "I am so not telling a douche like you where my friends are!" I said again, fear replacing the anger in my voice. It earned another sigh. "I did not want to have to do this. But..." He raised the wand. "Looks like it's force time." I realized what it was in the same moment he touched it to my arm.

A brief moment of numbness. And then a shocking, ripping agony through my entire left side brought me out of whatever stupor I had been in, and the pain blinded me. I could see nothing, hear nothing, the only thing in the world was the flashing pain as it subsided after what seemed like a million years.

Korse chuckled. "That was only low setting for ten seconds. Rest for now. But tomorrow... medium power, thirty seconds. Better decide soon... Fallout Dust." He smiled a creepy rictus grin, and next thing I knew I was in a cell, dizzy, as the door slammed shut in my face. Exhausted, I collapsed onto the cot and fell into a deep, restless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fallout Dust, over and out~