Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

Mission Statement

I was getting really sick of this, sometimes literally.

So eventually I did something that to this day I can't believe worked out. I waited for a few days, planning, and then when my Drac was turned away, I snuck up behind him and pulled a move I had almost forgotten. I jammed both my thumbs as hard as I could into the place where his neck joined his shoulders, and with a weak groan he dropped to the floor. I grinned and snagged his card, going to the other wall and swiping it across the little mechanism. With a tired creak, the door swung open.

I stepped out, coughing silently at the cold air, and gave the unconscious Draculoid a good kick to make sure he wasn't to be getting up anytime soon.

Then I grabbed his gun and padded off down the hall.

It was pretty intense--more times than one I passed inches from another Drac, a Crow, an exterminator or even Korse himself. I held my breath until they passed, then continued on towards the front of BLI.

I had just reached the doors and had stepped outside when an alarm went off. Shiiiiiit. They had discovered I was gone. I picked up my pace and shot into a door, which was luckily someplace useful.

The garage.

I hopped in the nearest Drac car and turned the key in the ignition, panting with fear as the footsteps grew closer. The engine revved and I backed out into the heated desert.

Damn, was it hot. Even the air-conditioned inside of the muscle car was warm, and it was not a good feeling. I slammed the pedal to the floor and would be picking myself off my seat later as the car zipped at 110 down Route Whatever.

It didn't take long to find the base, but when I did I had to wave to make them stop shooting at me.

"FALLOUTFUCKINGDUST!" screeched my sisters simultaneously. I managed a weak grin. "H...hi," I said.

Insulin stared at me. "What the fuck happened?!" she demanded. I shrugged. "Got caught in the middle of a road trip because my car died."

She sighed heavily.

"You are such an idiot, Fallout."

I grinned again. "Mission... accomplished."
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IDK, random update. HE IS HOME! YAY!