Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

life is but a dream

Insulin opened her eyes in a haze and truer to rub her eyes.
"Where the hell am I"
She had no memory of anything as she looked at her surroundings, she was in a? Motel room maybe she wasn't sure.
Her mind came into focus as she set up she remembered waking up like this before but in a white room. She had sent a message for help, that had never come she had layed in the corner of the room until a man gave her a shot and now she was waking up here.
She felt weight on her hands as she looked behind her to find a pair of hands clasped around hers. The hands of a strange man with red hair, his hands were tied in front of his body while hers were tied behind.
I wonder if he has the power she thought drawing inside of herself and searching for the power inside of her. She reached out to his mind brushing it and shivered as all his thoghts melded with hers oh yeah she though that's why I hate it so much. She recoiled as the man began to move he was waking up. She panicked and pulled out of his firm grip using her body weight to flip over the bed and hide on the other side.
He opened one eye and stood up yanking at his bonds, and sudenly he fell to the ground with a blue tipped dart sticking in his neck.
"Nooooooo" she screamed. The man may be foreign but he was certainly a killjoy and whoever had shot him.......... Her attention snapped to the door as a cocky looking bald headed man strode in.

" aught darling its certainly been so long what has it been 4, 5 years now?"
"It's been never, I don't know you now stay the hell away from me!"
She kept back trying to avoid the advancing figure but only suceeded in stumbling, as her feet were still tied as were her hands.
"Ashlyn! Don't you use that kind of launguage I thought your mother and I taught you better."
She recoiled at her actual name no one had called her that since, before Danger Days and only one person used her full name instead of her nickname. Her father............
"You, you, you can't be alive they killed you I remember after they killed him, you're dead and so is my mother."
"Really, didn't I always tell you expect the unexpected. Well if you really must know, after HE was killed." Insulin winced at his tone it was her little brother they were talking about after all...."they shot your mother and while you ran like cowards I was offered safety a way to better the world like I so desperatly wanted. All the years I spent as a scientist had finally layed off and i would fix the world no matter what it took. So I became there leader and I was so disapointed to find you and your sister and HIM as killjoys. It was a shame you know, billie Joe realty had the potential of a drac. I had hoped he'd join me but he was ever reselient and then those morons let him escape and brought only you to me. Your sister should join us shortly I've arranged for her to be brought here as well."
"But but YOU told us to run, to save ourselves" tears began to form in her eyes.
"Oh don't be so overdramatic" he rolled his eyes "I mean really you think I care anymore, the only feelings I have are my lust for.power and my drive for perfection."

"As sorry as i am to do this I really must were returning to my personal quarters in battery city tonight" he lifted the gun and shot her in the leg.
And everything went dark.
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Sooooooooooo.what do you think you like where its heading? Or do you even know......