Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

Save yourself i'll hold them back

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed angry.. what does he think he's doing running away, ok i can take being called BLI and i can take being fought, but running away.. last straw. why was he calling me Insulin? it must have been some of the venom still in his system. I'm confused at this and the girl that he is toting along with him. Who is she? and what does she think she's doing with my brother? I wanna beat the shit out of this chick just for being here.... what has this place done to me?

"who the flying fuck is this?" I say angry at him and her for just existing.

"um, my friend, i don't know her name." Fallout said calmly. sending me OVER THE EDGE.

"MAYBE SHE'S A DRAC!" I yelled, furious.

"no" Fallout almost whispered. "wanna see something cool?" He said, I knew it was just to distract me, but i needed it if i was not going to KILL him.

"what" I said sharply. He smirked and cat ears came out of his hair. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! I gasp. then glanced down at his waist. no belt.

"FALLOUT! WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR BELT!" I said getting so angry i couldn't stand it.

""When you're high on Dylakane cobra poison you don't stop to think before you run for it," He said nonchalantly. he must really think i'm Insulin because he is just pissing me off more and more... she would have been calmer.... oh Insulin. I said almost sighing. All of my anger exhausted.

"True.. but still" I said cocking my head.

"I lied" A voice came from the bitch i had forgotten was there. My anger pitched again. She lied? what the fuck about?

"What about" Fallout replied. the fire starting to burn. dammit.

"I have a name" She said fucking SMILING, how dare the bitch smile. God i need to control myself. Fallout doesn't even realize yet. i need to get away, I just can't move.

"well, what is it then" He said smiling back at her.

"Suicidal Saint" She said Making Fallout laugh. Making my blood boil.

"Like the guy from that Green Day album. St Jimmy." He smiled.

"yus, yus and yus" She said nodding.

"Whoever she is, why are you with her?" I said still glaring at her, i couldn't keep the fire and my glares under control at the same time. but i saw i hit a nerve... good.

"She's another Dylakane victim, and we met up about five miles out of the Zones, in the empty desert. We just stuck together for safety." He said making me roll my eyes.

"I never thought my bro would be so stupid! She might be a Drac, Dusty." I said turning my harshest glare on. He snorted and grabbed the girl, pulling her up next to him. He glared at me... GLARED AT ME. Sending the fire into rolling spurts in my stomach..... i had to calm down.

"She's. Not. A. Draculoid," He said taking extra emphasis on the words. Brushing a piece of hair from his face he said something to her. So, he's saying shit to her I can't hear?? It started to grow, like a campfire, i barely contained it. He leaned in closer he said something again, anger welling up next to the fire. I had to get away. he pulled away from her and smirked at me. HE KISSED HER! i'm done. all of my willpower gone, all of my self control. I couldn't move. I felt it burst out of me. I fell to my knees and knew i shocked them. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Scatt? SCATT!" He said, finally looking up i saw that he knew it was me. but the fire didn't dim, it might even have gotten hotter, she took a step closer and i growled.

"get..... your..... friend..... and... get.... away... from... me." I said spitting out the word friend.

"no, you need me" He said looking back at the shocked Suicidal Saint. "go into the shack say you are with me and i need some stuff, ask for water and wet towels, look for Jet or Ghoul or someone, please" He said pleading towards her.

"no.... i.... don't... want... her.... or... your... help... infact...........stop.... touching..... me" I said fire burning in my eyes i glared at him. I felt it dying down, but not because i was calm.. but because i was exhausted.

"Scatt... no, i love you and i am not going to let you just burn out here... look at me, you have to calm down" He said making me start crying.

"you.. don't me........ you... don't ...even.... care..... Fuck.............. you." I said struggling to stand up. He started to help but shoved him off.

"Scatt. how can you even say that?" He asked wiping away my fiery tears, The guys piling out with medical supplies and towels.

"i.." I started before everything went black. I felt the fire die out and i fell into my brothers arms.
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Sorry it took so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope it's good!!!