Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

carry me home

Party woke up with a headache and what felt like a hangover, he rubbed his head and thought must have been a crazy night with the guys. He smiled and stoop up stretching his arms up in the air, he saw a lump on the army issue cot that they all had, must be ghoul he assumed with black hair.
Party walked to the bed and ripped the covers off laughing maniacly hoping for a funny reaction from ghoul, but it wasn't ghoul, it was a girl, a strange girl who simply rolled over and said
"Go the hell away scatt I'm trying to sleep"
the girl he had been assigned before,before, before what? He remembered laying down and flipping through the file and then nothing.......... So if he was with the guys who was he with?
He rushed to the door searching for light with the dim glow coming from its window, and as he found it he recoiled instantly at the stark white room.
He knew where he was, and he searched himself patting himself down and true to his thoughts not a weapon was found.
The girl suddenly sat up and looked around at the white room, the grimace on her face was immediate as she bared her teeth eyes resting on his,
"You" she simply said,
"Me.........." He trailed off not knowing where he was heading.
He turned and truer the door, he mumbled under his breath cursing because it was locked.
"Well....." He turned around shifting his eyes to the only other thing in the room besides the cot insulin slept on, another cot. He swayed as he tried to take a step reeling as his head pounded, he sat down letting out a sigh and swept his eyes around the room, they fell on a white camera fixed into the wall.
He held up his middle finger and smiled into the camera. Insulin laughed across the room, and suddenly the door clicked, party and insulin both jumped up heading for a corner of the room. Party spoke fast running his words together "I'makilljoysenttosaveyoufromdoctordyoursilentinsulinandimpartyposionimafriendsoletssticktogether"
"Okay" she managed to exhale before turning and staring into his eyes grasping his hand as the door slowly opened.
Party shoved her behind him as he puffed out his chest trying to seem bigger.
"Really now the theatrical events aren't necessary party poison, or should I say gerard way....."
"You" party spat putting as much venom as possible into his words.
"Yes me now if you will excuse me I've come to see my daughter"
Party looked confused and turned to look at insulin, but in an instant Korse had drawn his gun and insulin had shoved him out of the way
And he shot her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hangers:................