Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

Lights out

Party stared at insulin as she lay under the sterile sheets of the hospital bed.
"Why would you do something so stupid" he said allowed not worried in the least bit that she would hear she hadn't moved since shed been shot.
Party felt a conscience brush his mind and he recoiled unaware that it was her until she enveloped her mind with his.
The feeling was like becoming someone completely different, yet the same all at once. Memories that had never happened flashed through his head and he was confused, until he saw the mental image of a drone clone in his head, the drone clones were connected with the brain waves of its original though its thoughts were the same they were unaware they were clones and would be the same as them.
She must be tapping into that part of her brain he thought as the image of Korse came up he involuntarily recoiled at his sight, Korse stared at the drones and they stared back, Korse removed his gun from his holster and shot the drones as they exploded to a cloud of dust, his vision switched to rise up and as if viewing it from the curling watched as Korse turned and left the room as someone, or rather fun ghoul his friend ran in, he looked.bewildered at the sight as a boy with cat ears and another girl filed in. They cat boy who in his mind he dubed fluffball had tears in his eyes as he handed ghoul a letter, he stared in disbelief and then collapsed on the bed sobbing into the quilt and though party couldn't hear anything he knew this girl, the one he was looking at ment something to him.
He vowed to do.everything he could to protect her and pure bliss enveloped him in a cacoon of happiness as he drifted off to sleep.


Party awoke abruptly as a girl was shoved violently into the room and the door locked behind her. Party jumped up remembering his vow and standing in front of her.
"Step Back!" He shouted as she rushed towards him.
"Fuck you!" She glared at him and he swore he saw fire dancing in her eyes as she shoved him aside "that's my sister you moron"
She grasped her hand and concentrated and party watched in awe as the blood on the sheet slowly condensed before returning to insulins body, " please please please" she muttered as she pulled the sheet back to reveal the rapidly healing wound.
Suddenly insulin sat up with a startled cry before shoving her sister away,
"You idiot" she seethed, you know how much power it takes I could feel you energy use everwhere it wasn't even concentrated how many times must I tell you focus on the target!" The girl sagged to the ground as exaustion overcame her and she, well she burst into flames, insulin looked shocked as she wrinkled her forehead and slowly reached out to touch her, the flames licked her skin leaving no sign of injuries and she picked her up laying her on the bed where seconds ago she too had layed.
"She will be okay, she's a fighter even if she doesn't know it, she will make it through so much, and you you honestly think you could protect me over your friends little crush? Haha I can take care of myself" she stalked off to the corner if the room and sat down content to lay her head on the wall.
Partys ego was a little bruised but he knew she was just worried about her sister, he would protect her he though even if it ment giving his life, ghoul had only ever liked one girl and that had been his little sister alyce before she was killed.
" I can hear them you know" she kept her eyes shut as she spoke "your thoughts I mean, I lost my little brother too, and I guess now you know why Korse wants us as long as I'm here YOU will be protected not the other way around."
Party smiled what a pig headed girl he thought.
Insulin just smiled and layed her head back against the wall saying "you haven't seen anything yet"
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I'm so so so so Sooooo sorry this is so late I've had no internet for about a week now so I hope this makes up for it sorry guys