Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

The Motto Was Just A Lie

After a few days passed in that shack in the Unknown, we decided to make a run for it and find somewhere more steady. Someplace where we could never be found.

"I say we head for Two," stated Fallout suddenly, folding up the Zone map and stuffing into his pocket. It was drizzling lightly, which in itself shocked me--there is never rain here--but I shoved the feeling away and shrugged. "Better than here. We're in danger of SC'ing anytime.""


"Spontaneously combusting," I repeated.

He swallowed and nodded, flattening his catlike ears against the rain. I still found it incredible that he had cat ears. But then again, we do live in the Zones. Anything can happen.

I picked up my bag from the door-frame and slung it across my shoulder, feet already aching just thinking about the long trek ahead of us, "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Fallout said quietly, rubbing a thumb over the material of his left jacket sleeve. I knew he had stopped hiding the scars. "Now," he said, and we stepped into the rain.

It was warm rain, but hell, it was rain. The desert itself seemed surprised by this water from the sky that most Killjoys had never seen in their lives, and eagerly soaked up the rain as it fell.

The rain plastered my hair to my face and there it stuck. Fallout Dust wasn't in a much better place, thick black hair glued to his cheeks by the water. I smiled and walked on, jacket soon damp and jeans spotted with rain.

We passed by our Fallout's old base, which seemed deserted for once, and upon seeing the place I had a sudden idea.

"Hang on," I told him, running down to the base and grabbing hold of somebody's motorcycle. I smiled and got on, kick-starting the thing and returning to a surprised Fallout. "Um," he said, smiling.

"get on or get dusted," I instructed him, and cautiously he sat behind me and we took off, his hands digging into my stomach with every bump in the road.

The journey took much less time, but by the time we reached a real road it had stopped raining. And not only had it stopped drizzling, but there on the horizon was a Drac car, and in the shadow of a nearby boulder were a huddle of shapes.

Fallout's eyes grew huge.

"Scatt!" he yelled. "Is that you?"
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Not done :)