Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

Fallout in the Fallout

I stared blankly through the window of the shack, the slight sounds from behind me as Insulin got her wounds checked insignificant. I'd never been really emotional. Insulin used to joke I'd have worked out better as a Draculoid sometimes, and now... I hope she's wrong.

"Insulin?" I asked, turning back around and trying to put some actual concern in my voice. She glanced at me. "Yeah?"

"You good over there?" I continued. She nodded and I went back to my 'bird watching'.

That's code for being on the lookout for Dracs.

I was starting to worry really bad about Scat too. She'd been gone way too long. "I'm gonna go and find Scat," I told the other Killjoy, and another slight nod. I sighed. How the hell was I gonna find one Killjoy in the sprawling mess that was California?

But nonetheless, I had to try.

I hopped into the old car, having to kick it a few times before it even considered starting up. But when it had there was no stopping it, and its old creaky frame zipped down... what's the Route called? Oh, screw it, who cares anyways... something about batshit.

It was a while before I noticed the white, sleek shape in my rearview, but when I did I flew into a panic, heart racing as I shoved multiple locks of black hair out of my face and practically gluing the gas pedal to the floor. "Damndamndamndamndamndamn," I muttered under my breath, sticking my almost embarassingly orange ray gun out the window and not even trying to aim. If I aimed I would swerve around and smack INTO the Drac car.

My breath caught in my throat as I made a connection.


They had Scat.

And that just pissed me off even more. I was... overprotective, you coul call it, of my little sister even though we weren't related--I was adopted--and these goons had taken her to BLI?!

They just sighned their own will and handed everything over to me.

Because they don't know my secret...

And neither does she.
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm BeeJ, I'm the third author and the character of Fallout Dust. He's Scat's 18-year-old adopted brother. Hope ya like, Insulin, Scat!
