Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

When Your Heart Begins To Break

Insulin listened contentedly to ghouls thoughts as he held her in his warm embrace, he was happy oh so happy to see her, and though physically she hadn't met this boy she still had the memories, the way he'd looked at her and partys thoughts on how rare it was for him to love someone. At that moment she realized why she was drawn to him, that irresistible look on his face was because he loved her, and that for her was a first. She looked into his eyes and his only thoughts were her eyes and how the yellow was stunning to him.
Yellow? That was new, yellow eyes.
His thoughts turned abruptly as he looked over her shoulder and she gave a mental groan as she remembered where she was, what had just happened and what was still happening.
"It's Mikey" she whispered letting the sadness soak through her body. Mikey the name she'd heard gerard say in his mind and she wanted to honor him with at least his name the name he'd had coming into the world and rightfully leaving the world.
"God no" and like party a thousand memories played through his head of mikey, Mikey as a kid running down the block, Mikey as he was now, before all this and Mikey burning......
Ghoul pulled away and gave her a sad smile before running to gerard and enveloping him in a hug as they both cried, jet walked calmly past her and in his thoughts she saw the pain that was racking through him. A loss, as she knew all to well, that would never, could never be forgotten. He too stretched his arms around party and ghoul and swayed as insulin began to sing a tune long since forgotten..
" And you only live forever in the lights you make When we were young we used to say That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break Now we are the kids from yesterday...."
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Shortish chapter uhrmm hope you like it