Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

Fallen Killjoys

“NO!” Party screamed as he slammed on the breaks sending everyone, including the mutant, lurching forward. The mutants talons grazed his cheek and left a line of red across it. “shit that hurt” he said holding his hand to the line of red as blood seeped through his fingers. The mutants talons were embedded into the floor of the van as Jet pulled the door open and screamed
“Out now!” Party jumped out the drivers seat and turned back to the van holding his gun level, he was just about to shoot when he noticed Ghoul backed into a corner of the van curled up in a ball as the creature pulled its talons free and moved towards him. Kobra ran around to the back of the van and threw the door open pulling Ghoul out and onto the ground, Party took his chance and shot it in the head and abruptly made his way to the body he pulled a knife from his jacket and slit the creatures throaght he winced as the animal shuttered once more and died.
“Hey guys get the body out” He called to Kobra and Jet, Ghoul he concluded would not be the one to help with that mutant for sure.
“Hey” Kobra grunted as he grabbed the legs and pulled the body out of the van “We should call it a ‘Reappearing Lioyote’”
Party gave a sharp laugh as he pulled his notebook out and wrote ‘Reappearing Lioyote’ on the top of the page. He tucked the notebook back into his pocket as Jet dragged the body off into some sage bush grown up around a cluster of rocks.
“Okay guys we have got to make time, we have half an hour left on our belts” he tapped the belt strapped around his waist that kept him from getting radiation poisoning and continued “and the dracs could catch up any minute”
“Got it” Jet said as he jumped into the drivers seat and turned the key, the engine purred to life and party gave him an incredulous look, “piece of junk” he mumbled as he kicked the van door and climbed in Kobra pulled the back doors shut as Ghoul pulled the side one closed.
“Here let me get the med kit” Ghoul rummaged through a wooden crate and came up with a dented metal box with a hand painted red cross on it.
“it will have to do I suppose” Kobra sighed and opened the box pulling out antibacterial wipes, gauze and medical tape. He wiped the cut wincing as it touched the open wound and covered it in gauze using the medical tape to secure it.
“Get that checked out when we RTB okay?” Party gave Kobra a stern look as he pulled his bandana off and wiped his face with it.
“Sir yes sir” he mock saluted as he turned to Ghoul “help me cover her up will you” he gave a sad smile as he motioned to the body of the fallen killjoy that had been thrown about during everything.
“Yeah” Ghoul mumbled as he had a far away look in his eyes “You know sometimes I really hate this” he finished.
“Join the club” Party said wishing he could go back to his life as an artist.
The rest of the ride back to base was uneventful and as they all stepped out of the van Party took charge and said “first go get new batteries for your belts, Kobra check in with D and give him this to file” he handed him the notebook and continued “Jet Ghoul can you guys take her to the guys at burial?”
“can do” they all replied and party turned on his heal heading inside to get their new missions he walked into the dark office lit only by a small table lamp on an old school desk that illuminated the papers strewn across it.
“Cyanide its Party I’ll file a report later on everything but we need our new reckon missions”
Cyanide stepped into the soft glow and handed him 3 separate files, “Your assignments are as written and to each group”
“Group? we’re a team not groups” he said making sure to emphasize the NOT GROUPS part.
“Well deal with it we’ve got 3 missing killjoys a Silent insulin who you will be looking for in New York a Scattered bullet who Jet and Ghoul will be looking for and a Fallout Dust, Those are your missions don’t fail me they are key to our operation” said Cyanide, frowning.
“Sir yes sir” party said defeated at the fact he’d be on a raid alone. Party left the office and headed into the main bunk house he met the guys there and handed them their folders
“I’m going to bed” he took his folder labeled ‘Silent Insulin Killjoy 96 Key Operative”
“well here we go something interesting he said scanning the file about the girl.
♠ ♠ ♠
another chapter for the wonderful readers my cowriters are really good eh? hope my cowriters liked the chapter anyways did you catch my semi-refereance to kingdom hearts? haha anyways comment and subscribe if you like it and I appreciate it very much