Sequel: It's Like My Destiny

It's More Than Nature

Road Tripped

The door opened and Kobra stepped in.

"Hey dude, we have a jobs" Jet said nodding to him

"something unheard of lately" Ghoul said getting his dorky smile and grabbing the file assigned to him.

"we are being separated for this one." Ghoul said slightly angry. Kobra immediately got mad.

"no, we don't do separate groups!" Kobra said outraged

"it was orders" Jet replied shrugging.

"better get going" Ghoul said raising his eyebrows and sighing, standing up and walking out the door.

"Jet, are you teamed up with him?" Jet reluctantly nodded "good luck... and have fun" Kobra said chuckling.

"thanks" He said embracing Kobra shortly and walking out to find Ghoul.


"Ok, so it says here she is short, with bright red A-line cut and black spikes in the back of her hair. she has bright blue eyes with a yellow ring around her pupil, she wears bright eye shadow and dark eyeliner. She wears a torn up Lynard Skynard T-shirt with a bright orange tank top underneath. She wears a leather jacket with fringe on the arms and breast pockets, black combat boots and camo combat pants, favors medical supplies in the pockets and other random stuff. She will most likely be wearing a hospital gown unless she finds a way to get to her clothes... very unlikely. They also say she's sarcastic and slightly bi-polar. Sounds like someone from the team already." Ghoul chuckled

"Great. what's the plan" Jet said packing for the rescue mission.

"It says she was spotted in Portland Oregon, so i guess we are going there." He said putting the file down and grabbing his bag.

"ok, let's get to it" Jet said getting to the car and throwing his stuff in. "Let's go say bye to the guys and get this chick back"

The guys walked in to the safe house, said bye to the other two guys and headed to the car, making the long trip to Portland.
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so i have decided to write in the guys pov until the meet up with Scat ;) oh and i loved it BJ!

Hehe thanks, Scatt, and btw, I'm renaming all the chapters :) --BeeJ