Status: Sequel up!

Play the Player

girl's day out

About half an hour later we were starting our one hour drive to Port Angeles. The whole trip spent laughing, singing along with the radio and whatever else we could think of. The drive was over before we knew it and I was parking the car, not long from the boutiques. Arm in arm, we started our shopping adventure. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Let the retail therapy begin” A couple of hours later, we were making our way back home, when we came by the diner.

“Is anyone up for some food?” I asked, only getting sighing agreements in return. So I turned into the parking lot, parked the car and a few moments later we were sitting in a booth besides a window.

“Thank you guys for everything, it was just what I needed.” The girls smiled triumphantly at me, giving each other high fives and doing some small victory dance while sitting. Normally others would take notice of this, but we were known as the school geeks and frankly, we loved it that way. Not too long after a waitress came over to us, and we ordered a pizza and some cokes. Just as we got our food, the bell over the door chimed and in walked no other than Paul. When I realized it was him, I looked at the others intently and hoped and prayed that he wouldn’t notice me. But of course I wasn’t that lucky.

“Hey babe, what happened to you yesterday?” he asked smirking. He actually enjoys this?!? That’s when I decided, if he wanted to play games, than so could I.

“Oh my God,” I put my hand over my mouth as if in shock, but in reality to cover up my smirk, “I’m so sorry babe. I totally forgot we were supposed to meet up, can you forgive me?” I asked in an innocent voice, trying my hardest to look sorry. His smirk widened at this.

“Of course babe, listen I got homework. But I’ll write to you sometime this weekend, okay?” he asked sounding all smug. That asshole is almost too easy to fool… as he tried to kiss me, but I turned my head so all he got was my cheek. This coursed him to give me a weird look.

“Cut my lip earlier, sorry babe. See you at school.” He nodded his head and mumbled a see you, before he walked out of the diner again and driving away in his car.

“Why didn’t you break up with him or rearranged his face or just something? You were just like, ‘alright babe’ and…” asked a now confused and a bit angry Jessie, she leaned back in her seat and folded her arms across her chest, Julie mimicking her.

“Would you two chill? I didn’t do all of that because I want him in my life. I mean come on, you two know me better than that!” I exclaimed a bit annoyed that they just assumed things, when they really did know me better than that.

“What do you mean?” asked Julie a bit softer this time. She and Jessie were now sitting like they did before Paul came in, leaning slightly over the table towards me.

“I figured that if I was a toy to him, I might as well toy a little with him as well… That reminds me, I have proposition for you two.” I smiled wickedly at them. They looked at each other, before nodding their heads slightly at each other.

“Alright we’ll bite, what is this proposition exactly?” their faces showing that kind of excitement you would only expect to find on a five year old kid, who is about to get a cookie. But then again, I don’t come with many propositions that include them or any for that matter.

“Well how would you two ladies like to join me in an experiment?” I asked them, my smile turning into a half smirk. I could feel the excitement bubbling inside of me. I hope they agree to this. They looked at each other for a second again before, turning their attention back to me.

“Okay mysterious, more details would be appreciated…” Julie said half laughing, before I began explaining my idea for them. The more I explained it to them, the more their faces seemed to light up with excitement. In the end they looked like two small kids on Christmas morning.

“Well I never, our little Rose is an evil little master mind.” Stated Julie trying to keep a straight face, but failed in the end, making her crack a smirk. I laughed a little at her antics.

“So are you guys in or out?” they looked at each other grinning like mad women before turning to face me again.

“Hell to the motherfucking yeah!” they exclaimed in unison, making us all laugh as we got up, paid for our food and made our way back to my car.

“So when do we set this master plan in action?” asked a still chuckling Jessie. I unlocked my car and got in, the girls following my actions shortly after.

“Well I was thinking that we observe first and then use our knowledge to set the plan in works. How about the week after this one?” I asked while paying attention to the road, Yep I can multitask, and started the drive back to La Push.

“That makes sense, especially if we want this to work.” stated Jessie after a moment’s thought. I was still a bit shocked that they had agreed to my plan. But then again this could turn out to be not only funny, but downright hilarious. At least that was what we were hoping for. Otherwise we would at least have tried it.

“That also gives us more time, to figure out the little details and such.” added Julie shortly after. I nodded my head in agreement as I pulled into the driveway next to my house. We got out shortly after and I locked up the door.

“So we discuss the final things about the plan next Saturday and then we’ll set it in works, the Monday after. Does this sound good to all of you?” I asked while looking at both of my friends. I stretched my hands over cross, Julie and Jessie doing the same, before we did our own little handshake thing.

“Okay then it’s a deal, Paul Parker is going down!” we laughed a bit, before we grabbed our bags and stuff from the shopping trip and said our goodbyes. I smiled and waved at my friends one last time before I noticed Sam and Jared staring at me from the edge of the forest across the street. Well that’s weird.. I decided to simply smile and wave at them before I turned around and walked into the house and up to my room. This is going to be fun!
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what do you think the deal is about?