Status: Sequel up!

Play the Player

and so it begins

That following Monday and the week coming along with it, we did as we agreed we observed. But for some reason Paul wasn’t in school. I liked it better that way actually, than I didn’t have to act like I still liked him and was all naïve to him being a cheating asshole, also it was actually more of the girls we needed to observe anyways, and so the plan would work fine without Paul being around. We weren’t stalking anyone or being creepers, we just needed the information.

The next Saturday we were sitting on a log on the beach near the ocean. I inhaled deeply as we all enjoyed one of the few really sunny days here in the area. Looking out over the water I couldn’t help but smile. The ocean always had a way of making me smile. Ever since I was a kid, I have always loved the ocean. I don’t know exactly why, but I have never thought that was important – I simply just enjoyed the feeling.

“So are you ladies ready for face two of the plan?” I first looked to my left at Julie, who nodded her head in agreement, before I looked over to my right at Jessie, who was nodding her head as well. My smile widened a bit at that.

“Alright, so make over time?” I asked them as I slipped of the log, turned around and looked at them. They nodded their heads, once again in agreement before slipping of the log as well. We linked our arms together and started to walk across first beach and towards my house. On our way, we spotted Sam, Jared and, surprisingly, Paul. I shook my head slightly at the sight. I nudged the girls a bit and gestured to them slightly with my head.

“Looks like it’s not only girls I have to be jealous of now.” I said jokingly to them, which made us all crack up as we looked over at them again.

“Well that makes a lot of sense now that you mention it. I always did suspect Paul of being of a different orientation…” she stated like it was the most common thought out there, which made us all burst out laughing.

“Nah, but maybe they’ll rub off on him and that wouldn’t be a bad thing. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about all the school sluts.” I stated, quickly winking at them both. They cracked a smile at me.

“Sorry honey, but I don’t think that would ever happen.” She gave me a fake sad smile, before giving me a hug. When I looked over I saw Paul looking at me. I gave him a small wave, before reattaching my arms with J&J and continuing our walk.

The walk itself from the beach to Julie’s house was short and soon we were sitting on her bed in her room.

“Alright, so do we have the hair dye?” Jessie looked in her two bags before finding the hair dye and holding the packages up triumphantly.

“Do we have scissors and other hairstyling things?” Julie looked through her bag and quickly lined up the hairdresser tools on a table, while Jessie grabbed some other things for the whole hair dying thing.

“Nail stuff, skin stuff and other things I can’t remember the name of?” I stated jokingly as I started to pull different beauty products out of my bag. Not long after we were done setting up for face two of the plan and looked at each other triumphantly.

“So are you ladies ready for this?” Smiling at them, they nodded their heads and we began to do each others’ hair: cutting it, dying it and styling it up. We everything about the styling part, so we had some library books to learn from as we went along. Surprisingly it went really well. After that we went on to extra hair removal and skin care. It wasn’t as noisy as the whole hair ordeal, so I turned on her dock station and IPod, hitting shuffle and walked back towards my seat as ‘push the button’ by Sugababes came on. I quickly grabbed Jessie’s hand, pulled her up from her seat and started dancing. She laughed catching my drift and joined me. Before long all three of us were dancing around in shorts and tank tops, singing along with her IPod, having a good time, until the song ended and we decided to get back to our small beauty pallor.

Next on the agenda was nails, this took a couple of tries, since none of us could hold still for very long. Slowly but steadily we finished our manicures and moved on to pedicures. This wasn’t as hard as the manicures for some reason and about an hour later after we started we were finally done with our spa day. It had also gotten pretty late, so we decided to crash at Julie’s place, after having asked our parents if it was alright. Apparently they hadn’t expected anything else, so they quickly agreed. After that we just watched movies until we eventually fell asleep.

Waking up the next morning, I quickly found out that I was the only of us awake. Slowly and quietly I made my way out to Julie’s bathroom. Yep I said Julie’s bathroom. Julie’s an only child and as a luxury to add on to that, she has her own bathroom. It’s not that I don’t love my older brother Jason, but sharing a bathroom with him isn’t always pretty. When I was done, I looked myself over in the mirror and almost screamed before I remembered the whole make over thing. I sighed a bit tiredly, before stretching and grabbing some products. While I was doing my new morning routine, I could hear the other two starting to come back to life.

“Why is the night always gone?” grumbled the tired voice of Jessie. I chuckled at her. Jessie was a b person all the way. Julie and I used to joke around, saying she was a vampire, she just didn’t know it yet. I finished up in the bathroom, turned off the lights and brushed my hair, before styling it a bit. This is going to take some getting used to. I thought to myself. Finishing up my new morning routine, I decided to do something dangerous. I walked over and pulled up the blinds. Jessie rolled over in the bed and gave me a death glare.

“Why are you set on torturing me?” she asked dramatically, while trying to cover her eyes with her arm.

“Oh shush, you know you love it!” I stated jokingly, she pulled her arm away from her face grinning at me.

“Oh you know I like it rough!” she stated in the same tone and did some sort of fake purring thing. I suppressed my laughter, so it turned into a light giggle.

“Of course I do my lover!” I said giggling and doing the same sort of purring thing, she just did a moment ago. But before Jessie could reply, she had a pillow chugged in her face.

“Yeah, Yeah, you two fuck like bunnies. But can’t we discuss it at a descent hour?” asked Julie in an annoyed tone. Looking over her descending figure, I checked her clock radio and almost laughed.

“Julie, sweet heart, its one in the afternoon, I don’t think the hour gets more descent than that.” All I got as a response from that was her middle finger. Shaking my head at her antics, I laughed lightly; I sometimes forgot that Julie could be worse than Jessie, but only on Sundays. She said that if Sunday was suppose to the resting day, then who was she to rebel against it? I grabbed my hoodie from a chair and started to pack up my stuff and cleaning up after yesterday, while humming for myself.

About half an hour later I was done. Julie and Jessie were finally up and functioning, they were doing the whole beauty routine as I had done earlier. When they were done, we walked out into Julie’s kitchen and made ourselves some cereal. When breakfast was done, Jessie and I said our goodbyes to Julie and started on our ways back home.
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I'm thinking one more chapter and than this will be done ^.^