Status: Hope you enjoy, especially if you have a strong dislike of the Disney Princesses the way that I do. Will write more at your request!

True Love's Kiss

The Wedding

Cindy's Point of View
He was determined, his expression set in stone. He was strong, holding more than the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was handsome, inside and out. He was… crying?
Yes, right there in the church, in front of God and everybody, my “prince” began to cry like the little brat I always knew he was. I smiled to myself. Today was my wedding day and everything was perfect.
But only in that moment. Before I knew it, everything had gone terribly wrong.
It began with my dress. I wore a beautiful floor-length mermaid style, made by the birds and the squirrels and any other woodland creature looking for work. In the next instant, I wore nothing more than a tight mini dress. My dress had unraveled at the waist.
Somehow I got through it, until it was time for our vows. I gave a beautiful monologue about how being in love with Char made me a much prettier person, and it was then his turn to speak.
He didn’t talk about how beautiful I was, how smart, how perfect. He didn’t even read the vows I wrote for him! He just droned on and on about love, respect and understanding! He slurred his words as if he had gotten into the poison apple cider again. I could only hope he wouldn’t fall asleep until we left the church.
But the ceremony went on, the priest none other than the Big Bad Wolf himself. “Do you, (huff) Cindy Rella (puff), take Char (huff) Ming (puff) to be your lawfully (puff) wedded husband? (Huff, puff, huff, puff, huff, puff).
“I- I do.” I said. I will spare you the details of Char’s unbearable bout with B.B.W., but it was chaotic. There was crying from Char, cursing from me, and plenty more huffing and puffing. He just about blew my veil off.
But Char began to speak. “I-------.” The doors of the church flew open.
“Stop!” shouted a voice, a voice I knew all too well. It was Belle the conniving rhymes-with-witch who had tried countless times to free Char from my power.
“He’s mine!” I yelled. “He will always be mine!” I grabbed Char by the arm. He screamed for Belle and I tightened my grip.
“Release him!” came her pitiful cry.
I cackled and mocked her. “Release him! I laugh at you, ha! You’re a fake! A disgrace! You will never be a real princess!”
Then Char began to speak. Without permission!
He began, “Within your cold eyes no beauty lies.”
Who did he think he was speaking to? Didn’t he know that I was in control? I drew him near.
“Then why not lips on lips, since eyes in eyes?”
I pressed my lips against his, and with that my spell was complete. With a plume of smoke, he was gone.
“Where is he?” Belle exclaimed. I began to laugh, my blond hair turning black, my eyes tar black, my skin wrinkling. Guess they forgot to tell you in your stupid little fairytale.
I was a witch, but I was still the sexiest evil witch in the kingdom! I began my riddle,
“To find him you must bear the weight of the soul of the person you most hate.
You must give life to the formerly dead and find a way to clear your head,
And know that only true love’s kiss can break a spell as evil as this!”
Then I vanished, as I often do. I am obligated now to turn over narration to Little Miss Pretty, Belle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you think!!! For now there are only two chapters. If you think I should continue writing, let me know! I enjoyed writing it! Hope you enjoyed reading!
