Forsaken Dreams


When I got inside, I realized I had to do something. And beside when will I get another opportunity like this? No use explaining since it's very self-explanatory. He moves past me, his shoulder shoving mine. I sigh,

"What is your problem!"

"No problem," he said.

"Then why did you shove me?...And why do you want me to leave so bad?" I added.

"That was an accident." He poked his head out to see if it was safe and jumped down. I expected him to help me but instead he waited. I climbed down slowly, trying to give myself more time to enjoy the rest of the beautiful, safe house.

All too soon, we were slowly approaching the front door. I stopped dead in my tracks. He stopped too, noticing my absence alongside him. He stared at me, searchingly. He had a questioning look on his face.

“I don’t want to leave.” I said to him.

“I know.” Is all he said. No suggestions to stay? I sighed.


He smiles. Then chuckles. “Someone who walks that slowly certainly wants to leave the house.” He says sarcastically.
“Can I just stay for a few days. I’m so exhausted. And trust me, as much as I love this house, I would never live here” I say. “No offence.” I say once again, wrinkling my nose.

He laughs again. And this time, I get angry. Why is he laughing at me? Is he making fun of me? Ugh! He is complicated.

“No.” He says once he finished laughing. Well. I guess that was it. I couldn’t whine and beg, because I’m not that type, and plus, If I were to get out of this world, I want at least a shred of my dignity. So this is goodbye? It cant. I smile, as a plan comes to me. Maybe I could make a bet. That’ll work.

“What if I could make you a bet?” I say giving him a smirk. He goes thoughtful.

“What kind of bet?”

I didn’t know. I couldn’t say, ‘You could pick,’ because that would be giving him that power. Keep the power. Keep the power I chant to myself.

“I’ll tell and teach you everything I know before and about the zombie apocalypse if you let me stay here a few days.”

“That’s not really a bet,” he says

“I wasn’t finished.”

He goes quiet as his right eyebrow goes up.

“But I will only tell you, if you can handle me here. Trust me, I could be quite a handful.” I continued. I smile at that. And after a few moments of silence, I look up, afraid I did or said something wrong. But when I do look up, I see his face. Its so beautiful, especially when he is deep in thought. And then I give myself a mental slap. I hate him, remember? And besides, I have JJ. Used to have JJ. My small, panicky voice said inside me. Even during the zombie apocalypse, things are complicated.

“Deal.” I hear suddenly. My mind snaps back.

“Seriously? I mean okay. . .good.” I say.

He chuckles. “This will be interesting,” he says putting his hand out to seal the deal.

“Oh it will.” I whisper, shaking his hand. I smile, not realizing how fast my heart was beating. He stops smiling, his face going cold and emotionless like it was before.

“Let me show you a room. After you.” I then go in the direction he points to, steadily walking up the stairs and down the hallway.
“Here.” he says very loudly, making me wince.

He unlocks the door with his keys and opens it. I walk in the very dark, and eerie room, only then hearing the door slam shut behind me.

It’ll be very interesting indeed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm seriously in love with writing this story :3
I love him :$
Yes the guy with no name. But dont worry, I will reveal
his name next chapter! :)

And shout out bonitalita, KettleCookedChips, and oheyimkelly for commenting! :)

And if you haven't already, SUBSCRIBE! I have big plans for this story, so you might want to stick around to see what happens ! :)