Forsaken Dreams


A few hours later, I woke up happy and cheery. I didn’t know why. There was nothing to be happy and cheery about. But I was, and I was glad to be. I got out of the bed, shifted my feet out of the covers and onto the cold wooden floor.

Geez! Where’s carpet and slippers when you need it? I yawned and started rummaging in my pack for my second pair of clothing.

That’s all I had. Only two outfits. You see, when you’re fighting for survivor, clothes and status don’t matter anymore. And actually, now that I think about it, that is the only positive after the apocalypse that I could think of. I love not having to give a shit and not care. Not worrying if I looked okay. Walking in the halls of school and meeting the gaze of a person and think in my head:

Oh God, they think I’m a freak. Why’d I wear this?

I hated that person; myself before the apocalypse. Actually, as I think about this further. This is me. The real me. No pretending. No choosing my words carefully. No insecurities. Nothing. And again, I feel so happy. Its such an incredible joy. It just makes me wish I could have this happiness forever. But the thing is, not everyone is always okay. I’m fine with that.

I quickly put on my favourite white sweater with the pixel purple panda, front and centered on it. I loved it when I was in school, but I never wore it. The easy way to say this is, I was insecure. When people were screaming and running away from the newly Returned, I shoved this sweater, a cardigan, and two pairs of jeans in my backpack and took off, hiding. I felt grateful that I had this advantage.

I can remember it, like it was yesterday. Dinner was almost ready, I could smell the pasta cooking on the stove, a flight of stairs down. My mom most likely cooking it, as my dad would watch T.V or read the newspaper. And me, well I was lying on my stomach on my bed, typing on my laptop, trying to finish up a story so I could update it on BrainStory. (A creative writing site) When all of a sudden, I heard screaming outside my bedroom window. I looked out to see lots of people running, and people eating people. When I got a closer look, those people weren’t people, they were monsters. I was horrified. Absolutely disgusted.

I started to think of what to do. I was remembering all the books and stories that were written about this. They were zombies. Just then, I heard my mother scream. My heart and breathing rate increased. I was frightened. So I took off, with the things I mentioned of course. Now that I remember it, I grabbed something else too. It was last minute, because I knew I didn’t have a lot of time. I was in survival mode at the time. All logic. But that didn’t stop me from getting my sketchbook.

Black. Bare. And Beautiful.

I climbed out the window, and started my way down the ever growing vine along my house. I jumped the last meter down, and ran. I ran hard, keeping to the shadows. Constantly looking over my shoulder to see if I was being followed. Didn’t matter who. Zombie or human, I had to be alone. I know that sounds selfish. But according to all the stories and also movies I’ve seen, they mentioned to never be a hero. And that’s what I did.

The memory faded away and I was left back in the little girl’s room.
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New update!
Speaking of which,..

Im so sorry I didnt update in a long time. So many things were
going on. But now since its summer '12...I will be updating
much more frequently now.

Thank you readers and subscribers who have up until now.
Stay tuned for the next chapter! I already have it written and
its going to be awesome! :)