No Heartbeat

second chapter

Kevin Daniels was my bestfriend

He was that kind whom you would never pick out from a crowd but once you were left alone with him...that was a different story.

He had this sandy blonde hair, Hazel eyes that had this certain sparkle when the light hits them in the right angle. Smart kid but he wasn't exactly the top of his class and real friendly too.

His family wasn't perfect but then whose is? His dad left him, his sister and his mom when he was 5. His mom was a nice lady but she was always so busy at work and haley, haley was the cutest thing ever! well, until she got into this nasty car accident. Now, she's in a cemetary. She was only 9, dammit!

Poor mrs.daniels, Kevin was the only one she had. Now, she's all alone.

Kevin Daniels was probably the best thing that ever happened to this little town in michigan.
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Sorry, it's do i say this...short? unsatisfying? but I'm working on it! so hold you're horses mates :)