No Heartbeat

Sixth Chapter

My name is Kevin Daniels

I died in august 26,1986

I always knew that I was sick

how? not so sure

but it was a small feeling that I had in my gut

and your gut is never wrong

at least that's what I hear

heaven is an alright place

If you like constant sunlight and people in white robes and wings singing hymns all day

the flowers aren't even different colors

they're all just silver and gold

but I saw hayley again

My, has she grown

well, not really but it has been a long time

I didn't want to tell anyone I was sick because I didn't want them to get hurt

especially mom

and if I told anyone else

the news would reach her ears before noon

news flies faster in a small neighborhood

but I'm happy now

it's not like you can be sad in heaven

bored maybe but not sad

There is only one regret that I have

and that's not telling claire (my girlfriend)

my last "I love you"

can you tell her for me?

thanks, man

Hey mom, what are you doing here?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, we are nearing the end (noo...;_;) and that is my perception of heaven right there but what do I know, I was born catholic but ......I talk too much

Can anybody give me any ideas for another story because I have brain block for the next plot