Status: Done!


Part Two

After that day, we became best friends. I had become his official weeding assistant and he became my taste tester.

It was Valentine’s Day and the whole school was decorated from head to toe in pink and red. I walked pass a pin up of a chubby baby cupid. It was ridiculous. I burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Nate came up behind me and looked around, looking for the source of what caused my laughter.

“It’s this cupid! It looks… looks… well not real!” I started giggling again.

“Well I don’t know. His cheeks look real.”

I shook my head and smiled at him. We continued down the hallway. There was a brunette at her locker. She was looking ahead, farther down the hallway. I looked too. There was a small group of jocks. I looked back at the girl. Her aura was a shimmery brownish-green. I looked at the jocks and instantly found her match. He kept stealing glances at her. I grinned and skipped over to the group of jocks. I tapped Mr. Green-brown on the shoulder. He looked down at me (He was at least a foot taller than me).

“You should go talk to her,” I said.

He looked surprised. “But what if she doesn’t like me?”

“Trust me, she does. Just go up to her and talk.”

He looked puzzled for a second and then nodded. He said a quick good bye to his friends and left the group. I continued on my way.

“So, what are you? A matchmaker?” Nate asked as he cought up with me.

“Kind of.” We walked out the side doors into the student parking lot.

“Oh, hey! I almost forgot. I have something for you back at my house,” Nate said. We were at his truck. “Do you want me to drop you off and I’ll come back later to give it to you or do you just want to go with me?”

We were already on the road. “How about you drop me off. I have to finalize your present.”
He nodded. The ride to my house was quick, since I only lived a couple blocks away from the school. I hopped out of the car and went inside my house. Nate said a quick goodbye before he left.

I went into the kitchen and checked on my strawberry cream pie. It was a new recipe that I wanted to try out. And what better to give as a valentine’s gift than this to my taste tester. I was about to get the whipped cream when my cell rang. It was my mother.

“Anniel? Are you home yet?” My mother’s voice sounded calm. It must have not been a busy day at the hospital.

“Yes,” I said.

“Great. There’s some stuff I need you to do. Make sure you clean up that mess you made in the kitchen and-“

“Hey mom?” I cut her off “What does a person without an aura means?”

I could hear her breath catch. “Who is it?”

“I didn’t-“

“Who’s the boy?”

“A friend. Mom what-“

“I can’t believe its happening!”

“MOM! What does it mean?”

There was a pause. Finally she spoke, “Anniel, sweetie, you found it. Your true love. Soul mate. Whatever you want to call it.”

“My what? I can’t possibly-“

“Oh my! This is so exciting!” I heard some muffling. “Sweetie I have to go. Don’t forgot to feed to Honey! Got to go! Bye!” My mother’s voice ended with a click.

My face felt cold. I looked down at my hands. They were even more white than usual. Me? A cupid? A love for my own? That’s not possible! We’re supposed to be helping people to get together. Not find our own loves. Isn’t that selfish?

“Hey, Anniel! I’m home!” Nate said while walking into the kitchen.

I must have been so gone into my own little world that I didn’t hear the door open. I soon found a silly grin plastered onto my face.

“Hey Na-“ I stopped and mentally slapped myself. Here I was fawning, selfishly over a guy. I should be out there on this significant day bringing soul mates together. “Uh here! I made you a new recipe! Its strawberries and cream. Well now I have go. So buh-bye!” I thrust the pie into his hands and started pushing him towards the door.

“But wait, Annie! I have your present in the car,” He said.

“Yea. Okay you can give it to me. I was on my way out anyways.”

“But I think it its… uh too big… for you to be carrying out and around.”

We were by his car now. He opened his passenger door and set the pie down on the seat. He leaned over grabbed something out of the back seat. He showed it to me. It was a large white bear holding a bouquet of roses. I felt my mouth go into an “O” shape. I hugged it to me.

“It’s cute. Thank you.” I mumbled pushing my head into the bear soft head.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. I sighed. He’s gotten really in tuned with my feelings. I wondered if that was because he was my true love. I sighed again.

“Nothing.” I lifted my head up and put on a fake smile.

“There’s something wrong.”

I shook my head. “It’s nothing.”

He looked at me for a second, searching my face for a clue. “Then I guess I should wait to ask you.”

“Ask me what?”

“Oh Nothing. It’s nothing.”

“Just tell me.”

“Well if you insist. Well, you see. There’s this girl that I like. And I want to ask her out. What should I do?”

My shoulders slumped a bit. “Well you should tell her.”

“Well okay then, will you?”

I looked up at him shocked. “No!”

And that is when I ran into my house to hide.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's part two! Thanks for reading!