Your Answer In Spades

First off: this is the sequel to "These Days Watch Over Us Tonight." If you have not read that, I suggest you do, though it is not crucial to have read to understand the plot of this story.

What is an "answer in spades?"
The expression is similar in meaning to "the proof is in the pudding." An answer in spades is evidence, proof, something tangible, not just empty words. "Actions speak louder than words." An answer in spades is an answer through action.

For those of you who have not read the other part of this story, I'll give you somewhat of a set up so that you might understand the characters.

Grace is a very clumsy girl, with parents whom she has deemed, the Perfects. One night she forgets to close her window and is kidnapped by a stranger in the night. Unlike most kidnapped girls, Grace enjoys finally being free from her parents. Her kidnapper, Gerard, is a vampire with the task of taking 1000 souls, not by his choice. Unfortunately for him, he's too nice for his own good. To take a soul he must take the innocence of and them kill the victim. He gets through the first part, and, although Grace cares not if he kills her, he can't bring himself to do it. The leader who assigned him the task is furious and wreaks his vengeance on Gerard by sending the equivalent of ear-splitting screams through his head. Grace and Gerard run away from their respective lives, escaping by car.