Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

I've Had Enough.

I screamed at the phone after he hung up on me. I was sick of being treated like shit. He's lied to me, wronged me, and left me empty handed for the last time. I trhow my phone to the other side of our bed getting up going to the hall for my suitcasesI toss them on the bed I have 10 minutes to get the majority of my things in a suitcase. He should be here by then and all hell is gonna break lose.

I started with my clothes, whatever I bought with my money I worked for I threw in a bag. Then began on the things in the bath room, around my thrid trip, double checking to make sure I had everything out of there, He stopped me. I didn't know he was back, pushing past him without a word knowing it would only piss him off more.

"Kayla," He whispered sounding apologetic, "Stop please."

"Why Gerard," I continue, "You have every other girl in the town in your pants. How is one going to make a difference?"

"Really, you trully believe those girls mean anything to me," Gerard keeps his voice level.

I stop for a second and laugh coldly, "Thats funny. Cause if they were trully nothing then you wouldn't need them. Why can't I give you what you want? Huh? Look I don't care. I'm so sick of you. All the lies, the girls. I may be wrong but I don't care any more.

I lay in bed everynight wondering, 'hmm wonder when my fiance will be home', not you. I have to think in the back of my mind at work that you sleep with half of my co-workers and that's why the laugh about me behind my back. I have to wake up every morning to you smelling like some other women cause you can't be bothered to shower afterwards you get back.

I get to walk around with my head down as I see you in another magizne sucking off some girls face at a party. But oh it's part of your image. What image Gerard? The image the you lying, cheating, asshole. I love you so much but I can't love a man who is only with me because I have a pretty face. But not even that is good enough for you anymore."

Gerard jumps as I slam my suitcase down on the floor, "Kayla I'm begging don't do this."

"What am I gonna hurt if I do? Your ego? Well that's a good thing if you ask me," I set my engagement ring down on the bed, "give it to one of those lovely ladies you sleep with I'm sure they'll like it. And look at this way you get the car back too."

Gerard follows me downstairs like a lost puppy, "Kayla will you listen to me."

"WHY?! Why would I do such an outraging thought! You've used all your chances Gerard. It's over your out. And I'm glad, even if it's temporary. I can move on with my life! I feel better already knowing I dont have that ring anymore. You're no longer a burden. I can walk with my head held high now. So I hope you enjoy that king size bed when it's empty. I didn't," I open the door grabing my car keys, "Bye Gerard."

I shut the door in his face, leaving him standing there mouth open like a fish, I take a deep breath and put my things in the car. I get in the driver seat, lay my head on the steering wheel with a smile, laughing to myself I start the car and back out the drive way. Here is to the start of a new life, good riddance Gerard Way. For now atleast.
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Well, here it is if I get enough feed back I might write more. It depends. We shall see. (:
Hope you enjoy it.

Much Love Puppets.
