Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

You Really Believe That.

I cringe, physically cringe, to myself. Gerard doesn't notice merely continues to eat his dinner. And I can't help but feel my prediction just may be right. And that scares me, I'd like to think Gerard isn't that type of man. But here lately I'm not to sure of that. He grabs me rougher then ever, always goes with me when I leave, calls to make sure I'm at work, yells at me if something is wrong. He was never like this and I don't understand why a simple mistake on my part made him act like this. But I still love him and always will, or so I think.


The kiss was urgent a passionate like it was the first time, Mikey pinned me to the door in his room. It been around three weeks since we'd last seen each other so this was gold for us. Before I knew it i was laid on my back in his bed.


"I truly don't understand why you always go back," Mikey says with a sigh.

"Because I don't want the consequence of staying," I sigh sitting down on his.

"Y'know if you really wanted to be with me instead of just a fuck," Mikey watches as I cringe, "You'd stay."

"MIKEY," I yell, "Dont pull that shit you know I;m doing all I can."

Mikey shakes his head, "No your not Kayla. Look this isn't gonna work like this I need you completely or not at all I'd rather be heartbroken once then everytime you leave. So if you're not staying the don't come back."

I stare at Mikey like He's crazy as a tear falls down my cheek. Is he really doing this to me. He's giving up barely giving me time to work out the kinks of this. How could I be so stupid to let this happen. I was really beginning to believe we had something. But I guess not.

"Well I guess you could give shit about me," I stand, "Thanks for nothing Mikey. Thanks for making me feel like shit all over again, I will see you at the wedding. Because you're Gerard's best man."

I walk out with that note and drive home in tears. I sit in my car for hours just crying before Gerard get's home. He's talking asking me what's wrong but I don't responde I have nothing to say. There is nothing to say so I cry just let the tears fall as he holds me comforting me. Or atleast trying too.
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Short sweet and for a good reason! Enjoy it! Last for this night possibly! Not sure most likely! Leave me some love!

Much Love Puppets!
