Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

Breakfast For Two.

My last thought as sleep accompany's me is 'I will make it through this'. I slip into darkness alone in bed, not the first and not the last time. I pray for a dreamless deep sleep. My prayer is granted morning coming sooner then wished.


I roll over away from the sun a chuckle floats to my ears waking me. I crack my eye open seeing Mikey scan my body the look at my face and smiling. I realize then that I'm in panties, a Ramones tee, and there are nio covers. I groan and blush sitting up. It's not the younger Way brother's first time seeing my a little over half naked, he's walked in on me plenty of times. Just I was awake.

"You have nice legs," MIkey snickers.

I throw a pillow at him but fail to hit him, "You're such a pervert. Get out so I can get clothes on."

He puts his arms up and leaves me to get dressed. I pull my hair back with a clip, bangs falling in to my face. I slip on my black jeans and purple belt. Searching for a bra I pull out a Harvey Danger's album We Are The Merrymakers t-shirt, purple cami, and socks. After accomplishing finding a bra I continue getting dressed, mkae up is simple a litte eyeliner and navy blue mascare to match the pastel blue with a little brown eyes, clear lipgloss just to add a shine for the day. I smile at my reflection but decide to to wear my purple and black gauges instead of my plugs, why not.

I walk to the kitchen and I'm greated by a smiling Mikey. I give him a weird look and head to make coffee but he steps infront of me.

"Mikey move," I reach around him.

"I'm older so, no. Plus I wanna take you out for breakfast. You're my guest," Mikey turns me around pushing me towards the door.

He stops and hands me my purse and shoes, "Mikey are you insane I;ve got to bring Gerard the car back not drive it all over town."

"Well the car is in your name," Mikey points out.

I sigh, "But the insurance isn't."

"So put it in your name," He starts the car.

"Please don't wreck," I laugh a little, "It's all I got for the moment."

Mikey shakes his head and speeds off in the direction of town. I sit back in the passenger seat thinking about when Mikey said, 'I'm older', hard to believe Mikey was a good 3 and half years older then me. Which made Gerard six years, who was I fooling of course Gerard would cheat I'm 26 for crying out loud making Mikey 29. I was insane thinking Gerad at the age of 32 would settle down and be fathful for someone like me.

I'm fortunes fool, I fell for him, his charming speach, pretty little lies, and what I that was love. God I was stupid. Gerard made me feel loved at first, everything was perfect when we first got together. But a little less then a month after our engagement everything went down hill. It was hell knowing the love of my life was possibley cheating on me but after a while I stopped caring the stress of work numbed out the pain of loneliness and heartbreak.

I look up to see Mikey pulling in to a Waffle House parking lot, I giggle knowing Mikey picked because it's my favorite. My door opens and Mikey offers me his hand. I take it with a smile. We take our seats and get ready to order.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you don't know Harvey Danger then look up Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger, you know this song belive me. But other then that I hope you liked this chapter. Three in one day!!!

Much Love Puppets!
