Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

Songs About Jane.

I look up to see Mikey pulling in to a Waffle House parking lot, I giggle knowing Mikey picked because it's my favorite. My door opens and Mikey offers me his hand. I take it with a smile. We take our seats and get ready to order.


I hum as I look over the menu deciding what I want I lay my menu down to find Mikey watching me intetnly. I look out the window, watching the cars drive by, as a blush creeps to my cheeks. I hear Mikey chuckle under his breath and I can't help but smile. I don't know what he playing at but I like it. It puts me at ease to know he's so laid back.

"Are we ready to order," A waitres smiles politely to Mikey but it falters a tad when she looks to be.

Mikey nods to me, "Ready, " I nod back, "Alright then. I'll have a number 4 with no grits with a diet coke."

I laugh at Mikey and he's phobia of grits, "Make that two number 4's both with no grits. And a sprite."

Mikey crosses his arms, "You don't like them either."

"Yea because they taste funny. You don't like them cause your brothers stuck them in your underwear as a teen," I shrug.

"Okay whatever," Mikey laughs as the waitress brings us our drinks and slips Mikey a sheet of paper.

I laugh almost choking on my drink, "Sorry," a mumbled apology.

"Thank sweetheart," Mikey waits till she's out of viewing range and her shot, "So not keeping this."

"But why she's obviously way into you."

"But I'm not into her remotely. Not even physically. She's like what, 16. I'm to pretty for prison," Mikey cringes.

"Oh yea some's boy toy I could see it," We laugh together at my statement.

The waitress brings us our food with a smile and leaves us to eat. MIkey and I eat in silence. My thoughts drift as to who Mikey could be interested in, if it was anyone. It could one of his co-workers to the girl in the apartment two down from his. But something nagging at the back of my mind said look in the mirror I pushed it away. There was no way Mikey was into me.

For one I was his big brothers ex-fiance. Two I'm not worth his time. And three Mikey deserves so much better then ratty old me. He deserves a beautiful girl, who can love without being guarded like I am.

I finished my food in silence and waited for Mikey to finish and pay. He opend the door for me on the way out and at the car. I laughed at his polite ways and said he was mocking me. And we both laughed at that knowing it was a joke on my part but when he pushed a stray strand of hair from my face I had a feeling his politeness wasn't a joke; It meant something to him and it should to me too. I couldn't help but lean into his hand as a silent thank you as I was telling my self.
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Hope you enjoy it! (:

Much Love Puppets!
