Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

A Freindly Mistake.

I finished my food in silence and waited for Mikey to finish and pay. He opend the door for me on the way out and at the car. I laughed at his polite ways and said he was mocking me. And we both laughed at that knowing it was a joke on my part but when he pushed a stray strand of hair from my face I had a feeling his politeness wasn't a joke; It meant something to him and it should to me too. I couldn't help but lean into his hand as a silent thank you as I was telling my self.


"No Gerard," I sigh down the phone.

"Please Kayla. Come home. I'm sorry. I'll change I promise," Gerard says pleadingly as something falls in the background and mumbles shit.

I push my hair back laying my pencil down on my sketch book, "You say that every time Gerard. I'm sorry but you're never gonna change."

"Please I will. I'll try for you. I can't do this without you," He sighs I can see him sitting at the kitchen tablepulling at his hair with his empty hand, like always did so cutely.

"NO! You sure as hell didn't need me a month ago! When you skeezing around with Samantha! Huh? Saying you need me now is kind of offending y'know," I yell, "Look I have work in the morning I've gotta go. Bye."


I hang up throwing my phone on my nightstand as I start to cry. Why does this have to be so hard. Why can't I just move on and forget him completely. I feel a hand lightly touch my shoulder and I throw my self into Mikey's chest and crumble into a million pieces. Mikey holds me, doesn't speak just holds me as I cry my self to sleep on his accepts arms.


I wake on someones chest, their breathing still steady in their sleep. I shift to see who my company is and look up at the sleeping face of Mikey Way and I can't help but sigh and lay there watching him sleep. He was always good looking. With his sharp features, big hazel eyes, soft brown hair-

"Kayla your staring. Do you see something you're interrested in," Mikey jokes not knowing he's 110% right.

I laugh as well, "Oh yes of course but mainly waiting for you to let me go so I can pee."

Mikey smiles and lets me go and I run for the bathroom. I meet Mikey downstairs where coffee and toast are waiting for me to start my day. I look at the clock noticing I actually have another hour before I need to start getting dressed and head to the office. I smile at how sweet it is of Mikey to go out of his way to do all this for me. I've been here a little over two weeks now but I'm enjoying it. After eating I slip off to dress for work. I wear a plain black pencil skirt, a white button down blouse, and black blazer. I slip on my small skin tone socks, that don't really match my white, almost translucent skin tone, then my black and white plaid heels.

I work for a fashion designer you'd think I'd have better taste, but I'm comfortable in my outdated clothes. I feel like I'm making a statement. I walk back to the front of the apartment grabbing my keys and purse as Mikey comes into the hall.

"Have a good day," He whispers and hugs me.

"I will try," I pull back.

Mikey stops me and looks at me. His eyes look at mine the my lips then back to mine. I don't have time to ask questions before he lightly presses his lips against mine but pulls away whispering bye and walks away. I stand there astonished for a few seconds but run to my car. I sit there i the driver seat confused but wondering how it would've played out if I'd kissed back. If that could even be consider a kiss. Myabe just a friendly peck. Yeah, just a friendly peck.
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I hope you seriously didn't think they were gonna sleep together! And the 'friendly peck'! Woah! Powered out 5 parts in one day so far! New record for myself! Hope You like it! Leave me some love!!

Much Love Puppets!
