Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

My Apologies I Didn't Know You Were My Mom.

Mikey stops me and looks at me. His eyes look at mine the my lips then back to mine. I don't have time to ask questions before he lightly presses his lips against mine but pulls away whispering bye and walks away. I stand there astonished for a few seconds but run to my car. I sit there i the driver seat confused but wondering how it would've played out if I'd kissed back. If that could even be consider a kiss. Myabe just a friendly peck. Yeah, just a friendly peck.


I sigh and slump back in my chair at work. It's been known for about a day now that I left Gerard and everyone's giving me hell about it. I would blame them but that wouldn't end well. It was my choice to leave him no one has a part to play in that. Only himself and I.

I close my eyes for a seconded and a flash of this morning when Mikey kissed me appears behind my eye lips. My lips tingle from touching his still.I open my eyes with a groan and look to my desk with a heavy sigh. I start working again but stop when I'm tapped on the shoulder.

"Can I help you," I ask wihtout turning around.

"You can listen to what I have to say," He whispers.

I spin around in my chair in surprise, "Why should I Gerard. Give me one good reason why I should listen to you."

"Because your staying with my baby brother," He points out, "For all I know the two of you could me fu-"

"Gerard! You are at my job sit down and watch your language," I sigh, "And I'm not sleeping with your brother. So. Talk."

"Thank you," He leans on my desk, "Kayla I'm sorry I treated you the way I did. It was wrong of me to fool around yes. I was used that life style and afraid of change. But after you left i went out that first night after and I couldn't do it. I cam home to an empty bed. The love of my life was not in out bed where she should've been. I layed there and watched you're side of the bed wishing, praying for you to appear.

But you never did. It got a little better but I hate sleeping in that room. It smells so much like you. I can't stand spending everynight in there watching our favorite movie and you not curled up into me on the couch while I'd play with your hair.

I hate waking up and not seeing you sleeping peacefully next to me till you hvae to wake up and leave for work. I hurts to know that I can't bring you to dinner anymore. I hurts thinking about that beautiful wedding dress you picked out that I never gave you the chance to wear.

But what really gets to me is your just at my brothers but I didn't have the balls to go to you. Till you were here at work where I could make an ass out of myself. And accidently make you look like a heartless bitch. I don't want that. I want you and you only.

I don't want those other girls. Just you. I feel like a complete retard cause I know you wont forgive me but I gave it my best shot. But I promise to try and be a better man for you. I promise."

I stand and look Gerard in the eye and he bites his lip ready for a slap. But I'm no fool I'm not gonna slap him. But I'm truly not sure what I'm gonna do. I don't know how to react. Should I forgive him and try it all over again? What about Mikey?
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6!! 6 parts one day!!! I'm on a roll here!!! SEND ME LOVE!

Much Love Puppets!
