Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

Wicked Little Games.

I stand and look Gerard in the eye and he bites his lip ready for a slap. But I'm no fool I'm not gonna slap him. But I'm truly not sure what I'm gonna do. I don't know how to react. Should I forgive him and try it all over again? What about Mikey?


I do the unthinkable somehting I shouldn't do I kiss Gerard.He smiles into the kiss pulling me close deepening it like he always used to and it feels good to be in his arms again. Gerard runs his tounge over my bottom lip asking me to for entrance. I part my lips a little and he takes it deepening the kiss even futher. I pull away to beathe.

Gerard moves to my neck, "Gerard," I ask slightly out of breath, "That's enough stop, please."

"I love you," he says outloud whihch he hasn't down since the night he asked me to marry him.

I mean up at him from hearing those three little words, "I love you."

"I gotta get back to work, sugar," Gerard kisses my check and gving my some money and my ring, "Come home when your ready okay. I already have you back. Wear the ring though, please."

"Okay," I slip my ring on, "Bye Gee."

He smiles, waves, and leaves me to my work. I sit back down at my desk with agoofy grin on my face but it doesn't last long. I leave work later then usual and head back Mikey's place. that when my smile fades and I think about that 'friendly peck' we shared the morning. I look at my ring and groan I have a good feeling Gerard was lying to me he looked perfectly caught up on sleep.

I ripped my ring off my fingure throwing it in the passenger seat. I grabbed my purse slamming my car door and made my way to the apartment. I came in slipping my heels off, throwing down my purse and making my way to find Mikey.

I found him on the couch and straddle his lap. He looked at me like I was insane I shook my head and yanked him down by his hair kissing him lightly till he responded. Gerard wants to accuse me of sleeping with his brother then damn I might as well do it.

Mikey Kiss me back roughly running his hands up my shirt, then fiddles with the zipper on the side of my skirt pulling it down. I dont stop him but I'd much rather do this on his bed. I jump off his lap and dart for his room. I know he's following me.

Mikey grabs me from nehind spinning me around to face him kissing me roughly again. Walking us into his room and shutting the door as he pushes down my skirt. I peal his shirt off as he unbuttons mine. The rest comes easy, no pun intended.

He pulls me into him afterwards and I fall asleep almost instantly in his arms. Not bothering to think of the consequences of the next morning, not that I truly give a damn. Why should I? If Gerard can sleep around then so can I. But even better his baby brother, not his older sister, skank.
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Woah!!! Leave me love!! 7 parts in one day!! ENJOY IT!

Much Love Puppets!
