Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

Simple Little Things.

He pulls me into him afterwards and I fall asleep almost instantly in his arms. Not bothering to think of the consequences of the next morning, not that I truly give a damn. Why should I? If Gerard can sleep around then so can I. But even better his baby brother, not his older sister, skank.


"Kayla," someone whispers and kisses my neck, "Wake up."

Whoeber it is starts nibbling at the sensitive flesh there on my neck and a moan slips from my lips and my eyes flash open, "MIKEY!"

I sit up remembering the events of last night, I mentally slap myself but as Mikey pulls me into him I relax, "I know about Gerard and I don't mind. But I can't promise I wont do all that's in my power to try and show you I love you more then you think."

"Oh Mikey," I kiss him how can I not be in love with him. But is using him like this right.

My phone ringing from the front of the appartment breaks us apart. He stands and walks out coming back in with my phone. Handing it to me with a hurt puppie look on his face. I gave him a questioning look. but saw it was my boss.

"Hello... Yea... No I'm not feeling well.. Thank you see you tomorrow," I hung up laying back in Mikey's bed.

Mikey crawls up the bed hovering above me with a smile then kissing me softly. Not urgent like last night but just a passionate. He runs his ringers lightly over my body electing goose bumps as he does so. He smiles into the kiss when I shudder and pulls away.

"So," Mikey whispers and kisses my neck, "What are we doing to do?"

"I was hoping a rerun of last night," I giggle as he blows a cool breath on my throat.

"I could do that," He nods.


There's a knock at the door I stand from the couch I'd been there since MIkey left after my shower. I open it to find Gerard standing there with a smile and it hits me this isn't going to end well. When I don't smile back he frowns and walks in and notices my ring isn't on my fingure.

"I thought you were gonna wear it," Gerard asked sounding hurt.

I open my mouth but he puts his hand up and I stop knowing where this is headed.
♠ ♠ ♠
*insert psychotic smile here* Enjoy. Leave me love!

Much Love Puppets!
