Status: Slowly but surely coming along. (: Update as much as possible with school, it's hard, so cut me some slack.

I'm So Sick Of You.

A Beautiful Lie.

There's a knock at the door I stand from the couch I'd been there since MIkey left after my shower. I open it to find Gerard standing there with a smile and it hits me this isn't going to end well. When I don't smile back he frowns and walks in and notices my ring isn't on my fingure.

"I thought you were gonna wear it," Gerard asked sounding hurt.

I open my mouth but he puts his hand up and I stop knowing where this is headed.


"You lied to me after I apologized to you," Gerard laughs coldly.

"Gerard I-"

"No. It's my turn Kayla. You're going to listen and say nothing," Gerard backed me into a wall, "You are going to wear that ring. Move back in with me, take my last name with pride. And stop you bitching you'll be one those Real Wives of Los Angles. Yea that's right a fucked up marrige that you are aware of but ignore because you dont wont to lose it. You will do everything I say and that includes staying away from Mikey. You understand."

I nod my head in pure fear, Geard smiles and kisses me lightly as if nothing happened, "Go get your things, love."

I run to my room as Gerard follows, watching my every move as I pack my things once again. He helps me carry them out to my car, kissing me again before I climb in, he follows me back. I can;t help but reread the note I left Mikey in my mind. I made a promise to see him again in that note. And I will even if I have to lie my ass off I will be with Mikey again.

I nevr thought I'd fall for the younger Way brother but fate is fate and don't fuck with it unless you're me. I plan to make Gerards beautiful lie into something that can ruin his carree and him. My plan falls out like this.


"Gee," I say over my shoulder as I make dinner, "What are you watching?"

"Breaking Bad, why," I can feel Gerard's eyes on my as he respondes.

I shift uneasy as I hear his soft foot steps coming up behind me, "Oh sounds fun. It alm-"

"Smells good honey," Gerard kisses my cheek.

I can't help but mentally cringe at the fakeness of the kiss, "Thank you," I turn the stove off, "Go sit I will bring it to you."

Gerard sits and watches as I fix our plates setting mine down then his. He grabs my wrist before I walk away kissing me gently and mumbling thank you against my lips. We eat in silence and It makes me itch. It's the type of silence that happens in movies before the husband forces the wife into sex.

I cringe, physically cringe, to myself. Gerard doesn't notice merely continues to eat his dinner. And I can't help but feel my prediction just may be right. And that scares me, I'd like to think Gerard isn't that type of man. But here lately I'm not to sure of that. He grabs me rougher then ever, always goes with me when I leave, calls to make sure I'm at work, yells at me if something is wrong. He was never like this and I don't understand why a simple mistake on my part made him act like this. But I still love him and always will, or so I think.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woah!!! What's gonna happen?!
Leave me some love folks!
Enjoy it sweeties.

Much Love Puppets
