The Hearts Dark Passions

Chapter 6

I was cut off from my door creaking open. I turn my head to see...

... I see Cory peeping his head in the door then walking in! Hedge gets up and walks over to Cory. "What do u want!" Hedge snarled. "I-I just heard yelling as I was leaving and I wanted to make sure that Taylor was okay..." He trailed off and turned his face so he was staring into my eyes. "I'm fine Cory." was all I said. He nodded and turned to leave. Unfortunately Hedge wasn't going to let that happen yet. Smack!! Hedge punched Cory in the face with all his strength. "Stay away from my girl twerp!" Cory looked into my eyes and I nodded. I knew he meant he was still going to see me tomorrow as we planned. Just what will happen if Hedge catches me with him.

After Cory leaves I tell Hedge it's time for him to go to. He climbs through the window. After he's gone I jump on my bed and think about what just happen, but before I knew it I was passed out cold.


Can you believe I had the same dream again? Well I did so you better believe it. I turned my head to see the driver and....