The Hearts Dark Passions

Chapter 9

"Where are you Taylor?" The voice raspy with anger and I knew who It was calling...

... "Well I'm not at home, Dad, if you haven't noticed!!" I yelled into the phone. "Don't you get fucking smart with me! You are coming home right fucking now!" I looked at Cory. His eyes were wide, and I guessed that he could hear my dad on the other line. "What are you gonna do, huh? Rape me and abuse me like you do when you're scared! That's why mom left you know!" The anger inside me had grown and I didn't realize the horror in Cory's eyes. He looked as scared as a toddler who can't find his mom. "Don't you dare talk to me about your mother with me! Your mom was a fucking whore and never wanted you. You were her biggest mistake!" he yelled. Before I could control myself, tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was sobbing. Cory moved over to sit by me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Th-that's not-t tr-true!" I stammered between sobs. "Awe, is poor little Taylor crying?" my dad said cockily. "Stop rigging the truth Taylor. You know she never wanted you!" I could hear the smirk in his voice. I sobbed even more. Then my phone was taken away from me by Cory. "It's going to be okay." he said in a comforting tone. "Taylor! Who's that? Is that Hedge! Hand the phone over!" That's the last I heard of my father before Cory left the room saying "Mr. Morgan? Yes, hello..." he said to my dad. "I am Cory..." he paused. "Yes Taylor is fine..." his voice faded away.

Suddenly I was shocked by Cory yelling into the phone "Yo don't deserve to have her live with you!!" It was quiet for a few minutes then Cory walked into the room. He handed me the phone. Rage burning in his eyes. "Hello." I said stiffly. "This isn't over Taylor. I will find you." Then the phone clicked off


Cory walked over and sat beside me. "What did he say?" Cory asked. "He-he said th-that he w-would find me!" I said with shock. Then suddenly another phone went off and Cory pulled out his cell....
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Hope you like:)

Hmm. I have 2 very evil ideas on the caller. Who should I be.