Status: Active.

A Little Piece Of Heaven

Chapter 1

I had never thought I’d see him again. Especially not under these circumstances. There he was, slight Mohawk, he still had his nose ring. He had a look of deep sadness in his light brown eyes. What would drag him to my house at 3:30am?

“Johnny…what, how did you know where I live?” I asked. My eyes and brain trying to refuse that he was once in front of me.

“Taylor, I found you’re address in Jimmy’s phone. I need to talk to you. Please let me in.” His eyes telling me he was being serious yet I still saw the sadness and vulnerability. And it scared me.

He walked into my house and sat on the couch, he put his head in his hands. He mind was contemplating on how to word on what he was going to tell me. I sat beside him. I grabbed my hand in to his, to help comfort him. I needed to know what was drove him to find my house at half 3 in the morning.

He looked at me once my hand reached his, taking his other hand and placing it over mine. He gave me a slight smile. It was looked almost forced.

“Taylor….I, uh, I have some new s about Jimmy.” he said, his eyes focusing on my hand in his.

“What do you mean, Johnny, tell me….you’re scaring me.” I said as I began to panic, my stomach doing flips. Something didn’t feel right.

“He…he died yesterday Tay, he’s gone.” He said, his eyes making contact with mine. That’s when it hit me. Jimmy was actually gone. My best friend was gone.

“But, No…he can’t be! I was talking to him yesterday!” I shouted. Tears on the verge of falling.

I leaned against the wall, tears freely following, slowly slipping down onto the ground. I huddled up, my arms wrapped around my knees. I heard Johnny move from his place on the couch, his arms slugging me into a hug, comforting me.

I felt oddly safe.

But I never felt so alone.

Jimmy was gone and I never could bring him back.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is my first A7X fic. Please comment and let me know what you think.

I will give you cookies.