Status: Active.

A Little Piece Of Heaven

Chapter 5

I woke up on the couch next to Johnny, his arms wrapped around me, almost like he was holding on for dear life. I tried to move but his grip got tight. I smiled at this little reaction and rested my head back down on his remembering the first time we ran into each other. Literally.

It was a sunny day in Huntington and I decided to take my dog Roxy for a walk. I had my walkman blaring Pantera, my favourite band. I wasn’t looking where I was going and next thing I knew I was on the floor and on top of me was Jonathan Steward. It was awkward to say the least. He apologised like a mad man. I found it cute. His eyes are what caught me. Those light brown eyes hooked me left right and sinker. We talked for ages after he realised that I loved Pantera. We became inseparable, we hung out in school from there on out. I become best friends with Matt, Zach, Brian and Jimmy. I was always friends with Gena, Michelle and Val. It was then we became a fucked up family.

I felt Johnny stir beside me. A smile gracing his features, and just as quick a smile gracing mine. But his smile quickly dropped his eyes focused on my shoulder.


“Taylor…why…what happened to your shoulder and don’t give me that I ran into a door crap either.” His eyes focused on the black and yellow bruise that had formed on my shoulder.

I didn’t want to tell him that I had gotten into a destructive relationship before Jimmy had found me one day in the park beaten black and blue. I didn’t want anyone feeling pity on me. But I also didn’t want to lie to him, it would just feel wrong.

“B-Before Jimmy found me, I got into a really bad relationship, got pushed around a lot, hit a lot. It was a common occurrence for 2 years. I became accustomed to it I guess. H-He told me I was a piece of shit, and I believed him.” and that’s when my eyes me Johnny’s met mine, rage filled his brown orbs. “ he left me one night in the park, he hit me until I was black and blue and that’s when Jimmy found me. He took me in and helped me.” my eyes now closed with tears freely flowing.

Johnny wrapped him arms around my shoulders, he hands stroking my hair and he randomly would kiss the top of my forehead. It gave me butterflies.

We stayed in that position for what seem like ages, with him assuring me that I was fair from a piece of shit, that I was amazing and he would always think that, no matter what.

After a little while we went to meet up with the guys at the beach and I was felt like I had finally been reunited with my family. My fucked up family of course.

Johnny and I walked hand in hand down onto the beach to be greeted by the sounds of “Waheey” “OMG!!” and “Swtiz-Soo’s”. I felt myself brush and that’s when Brain took his opportunity to be Brain and well annoy me.

“Awh look at Tay-Tay she’s blushing.” he said whilst squeezed my cheeks

“Fuck off Haner.” I replied whilst swotting his hand away.

The guys had huddled around a made up fire and the girls sat back on the sand not to far away from them. They were having a great time catching up sharing and swapping stories, until I heard a voice that sent shivers down my spine.

“I knew I recognised that laugh, you selfish little bitch.” I raised my eyes to meet the cold and emotionless drunk that was my ex Anthony.

“Anthony, go away, I left two years ago, can’t you leave me be?” I shouted and that caught the boys attention and they dropped their beers and ran over.

“Who the fuck are you?” Matt growled.

“I would be that little bitches owner.” Anthony smiled and shivers sent down my spine.

“You’re the little bastard who hit her like a rag doll and left her in the park?” Johnny piped up causing everyone’s eye to redirect to me and I quickly looked down.

Zacky came over to me. “Did he hit you Taylor.” I looked up and just nodded my head in answer.

“Take her back to ours, well be back soon” Zack said whilst he gave Gena a kiss and handed her the keys.

Val wrapped her arms around my waist and brought me to Zacky’s car whilst tears were now feely flowing from my eyes. I could hear shouting from the background them shouting in the background, Johnny’s voice was getting louder and full of aggression.

Michelle, Val and Gena were silent on the drive to Zacky’s. they knew I wouldn’t want to talk now.

I just started at the scenery passing by hoping Matt, Brain, Zacky and Johnny would do anything stupid.
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Sorry, I've had some serious writers block and my college work felt like it would never end!

Comments? :)