Try to Steal My Best for You

Try To Steal My Best For You...

“You bring it?” Cauli asked as I invited myself into her house. She had been my best friend since 1st grade, and as we hit the 30-something stages I saw it fit to simply invite myself in.
“Yeah, yeah I brought it you got chips?” I pushed my way past her towards her kitchen.
“You’re already high!” She accused me as I tore apart her cupboards.
“I may have rolled myself a joint before I came, yes.” I gave her a troll smirk. “I’ve still got a gram in my bag.” Which I tossed over to Cauli. She jumped for it and ripped open the zipper, checking.
She lifted my glasses case out and opened it. The sweet smell of the marijuana inside hit me like a rock. I used to it keep weed, since I started using contacts three years ago and lost my glasses.
“This doesn’t look like a gram.” She accused. “Maybe .5. On a good day.”
“What can I say? It’s been a green day.” I climbed onto the counter and reached for the chips on the top shelf. “Where’s your bong anyway? I’m sick of joints.” It was usually hidden away in the same cupboard as the chips.
Cauli shrugged, she was already rolling a joint. “Karma for ripping me off.” I gave her my stink eye. “It might be in my room.”
I took the chips with me as I stomped down to Cauli’s bed room. It was an absolute mess. CDs everywhere, and a few belongings that obviously belong to her ‘rock star’ boyfriend I wasn’t allowed to meet. An electric green tie lay on the floor, and a pair of ripped black skinnies Cauli wouldn’t be caught dead in.
Finally I spotted it sticking out from under the bed. I sifted through used clothes for the bong Cauli held so close. “My boyfriend can’t find out I smoke weed, so I can’t keep it in the house.” She would say, so she kept her bong and I held her weed most of the time. Most times I grew it and sold it for her to.
I wadded through the disaster back out to the kitchen. “Well, Cauli, I gotta go shopping.” I took the joint from her mouth and took a long drag. “I’m borrowing this and taking these.” I held up both the chips and the bong. Shoving the bong in my bag, I was off.
I walked through Vancouver rain slowly. The cars seemed to move at a snail’s pace along with me. I thought I saw fire coming out of the exhaust pipe on a Ford Fiesta.
By the time I reach the little organic, whole foods store I had been searching for I was drenched and the chips were gone. One downside of the green, major, major munchies.
I took a shopping cart. Not a normal shopping cart, but one of those ones made for five year olds who want to feel like grown-ups. With the flag on the top and everything.
I pushed it up and down the aisles. My walk must have seemed slow or off to some people, because they were looking at me funny. I was sure my dyed blue bangs were hanging in front of my eyes, not like that was an issue.
I ignored they’re eyes. I was usually considered something to ‘turn heads’. I had short-ish hair, spiked up with long blue bangs that covered my eyes, and when people caught I glimpse of my eyes, they were ice blue and ringed with eye liner. And most likely bloodshot. My ears we’re stretched out so far I could stick a pencil thought them. I always wore band shirts and skinny jeans, paired with Harley Davidson biker boots. People often stared at me because I wasn’t society’s picture of normal.
I calmly put some carrots in a bag. Acting like shit-don’t-faze-me. I was just your average single 30 year old scene stoner. Nothing to see here.
Until I dropped a carrot. My brain wasn’t moving fast enough to really understand. I simply stared at it.
“Tristan! Tristan get back here!” I heard a man’s voice yell. I was still staring down at my carrot. Poor carrot. All alone on the floor. Maybe he wanted to die.
Suddenly, as I watched Mr. Carrot slip away to a high power, a tiny hand grasped onto it. The hand held my carrot to me.
A small boy, shaggy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He had a huge smile plastered on his face as he stretched out on his tippie toes to hand me my carrot.
“Yours?” He asked me in as clear as his new voice could manage. He was maybe three years old. At most.
“Thank you…” I took my carrot and simply held it. Amazed by the kindness of such a small boy. He didn’t know the horrors of life. The temptation of drugs.
Suddenly, he was lifted off his feet. “DADDY NO!” He shrieked and flailed. “I WANNA WALK! I WANNA WALK!” He kicked and punched at his dad as he held him.
His dad was about my age. He had black hair, spiked into a short Mohawk. His eyes were the same chocolate brown as the boy, and he had a beard that actually didn’t look bad like most facial hair.
“Sorry about him.” He said to me. There was something nagging familiar about him. “He’s just curious.”
“DADDY!” The boy screamed again.
I decided to play flirty. This guy was extremely cute. “It’s no problem at all. He was just trying to help me.” I waved my carrot. “Poor little guy decided to end his life.”
The man laughed. “I’m Mike.” I held his hand out for me to shake.
“Jacey.” I introduced myself with a big smile. “Do I know you from somewhere, Mike?” I asked, shaking his hand.
“Maybe.” He winked at me. “Want to go out for coffee later? Find out?” He gave me a flirty smirk. The boy made gagging noises.
“Sure.” I twirled some of my hair around my finger and bit my lip. It was girly, but cute.
“Downtown Starbucks, 4 o’clock.” He said it as a statement, not a question. I watched as he walked out of the store with the boy, still kicking at him. Damn, nice rear view to.
I re did my make up in the mirror at 3:30. I hadn’t smoked anything but cigarette’s since this morning, so my eyes looked fine. I stood back, examining myself.
I wore a tight Green Day shirt that showed off my stomach enough to see my belly button ring. I wore the same ripped black skinnies, simply because they showed off my legs. I switched my stompers for bright red converse. I had to admit, I looked hot.
I still hadn’t figured out where I knew Mike from. He probably worked somewhere I went a lot. Maybe I’d dealed to him before or something. I didn’t know though, he didn’t seem the stoner type. A little kid and all.
I sighed and turned on my favourite radio station. Friends Or Enemies was playing Welcome to the Black Parade – My Chemical Romance. I sang along as I paced my apartment, waiting for a good time to leave.
If I left now, I’d be five minutes early, making myself seem desperate. I’d leave in ten. Fashionably late.
“Do or die, you’ll never make me
Because the world will never take my heart
Though you try, you’ll never break me
We want it all, we’re gonna play this part.” I sang along. I threw myself dramatically down on the couch when the song ended. I loved that song. It was like my theme song.
I knew FOE enough to know if they played a song I loved, the chances of them playing another back to back was 50/50. I didn’t feel like dancing around again, so I kinda hoped they wouldn’t.
“I don’t patronize
I realize
I’m losing and this is my real life.” The radio sang. I sat up faster than I ever thought possible. All To Myself – Marianas Trench. MTrench…consisting of lead singer Josh Ramsay, who I modeled my hair after; guitarist Matt Webb, who I met two years ago at a concert; drummer Ian Casselman, whom Cauli had a huge crush on.
And last but certainly not least, the sexy, funny, amazing bass guitarist Mike Ayley. Who had a two year old son named Tristan. Who recently broke up with his girlfriend and Tristan’s mom.
Holy mother of god, sweet baby Jesus I had a coffee date with Mike Ayley.
I walked down town shaking. I needed to keep my cool. I could do this. He was a person, just like everyone else. He was just famous.
What should I do when I got there? Keep pretending I had no idea who he was? Or tell him? Great conversation starter.
Starbucks came into view and my heart started beating a mile a minute. I couldn’t see Mike anywhere outside, but it was bright and sunny now that the rain cleared up. I would imagine sitting outside would be the choice.
I pushed into the cafe, hit by the scent of baking and coffee, I made my way to the counter.
“Tall caramel latte please.” I said to the pretty little blond cashier. She punched something into the computer and told me a price. I winced internally, wished I was at Tim Horton’s, and handed over a five dollar bill.
I was about to walk away to the serving-whatever place when the cashier spoke again. “Miss!” She called me, I turned around. “I think a man was looking for you. About 6 feet, Mohawk?” I nodded. “He said to tell you he had to take his son to a babysitter, he’ll be ten minutes late.”
Awe. That was sweet. Instead of leaving me wondering Mike took the liberty to tell me in the only way he could think. “Thanks.” I said to her, taking my now ready coffee.
I decided against sitting outside, instead stretching out on one of the overstuffed beige arm chairs. I stretched my legs out, sipping my latte. It burned my tongue a little, but I didn’t care, it was delicious.
I sat with my eyes closed for almost fifteen minutes. My mind was buzzing with so many thoughts.
Mike Ayley. Asking me out. The world had a weird way of making things happen.
“Jacey?” A voice spoke my name. I opened one eye to see Mike looking over me.
“Hey.” I stood up quickly.
“Did the cashier tell you?” He asked, seeming worried.
“Yeah she did no worries.” I smiled at him. “Need to make sure the little ones not throwing wild parties while you’re gone.” Mike laughed.
“Shall we?” He held out his hand. “Rather than stay here I know a nice park only a block or two away.”
I smiled the biggest smile I’d smiled in years and took his hand.
We walked the first five minutes in silence. Simply sipping our coffee and holding hands.
“So Jacey…you figure out where you know me from yet?” Mike asked, smiling down at me.
I nodded. “I did. Nearly had a heart attack to.” He laughed.
“So you a fan?” He asked.
“Huge! I’m actually dying inside right now. Just to let you know, if I drop dead feel free to use mouth-to-mouth.” Mike laughed again. 2 points to me. “I grabbed your ass at your last Vancouver show.” I laughed along with him.
“That was you!?” Mike looked down at me with a surprised smile on his face.
“Yup.” I made a proud face. “Congratulated myself for a week.” We laughed in unison. Then a thought dawned on me. “Please don’t think of me as just another fan. I’m not, I wouldn’t give a shit if you were in a band or not. I think you’re really attractive and your kid is adorable. All Trenchness aside.”
Mike chuckled. “You didn’t seem the type, I wasn’t really worried. You seemed way to chill when we met. Whereas a fan girl probably would have jumped on me.” His face fell a little, but his smile was back as quick as it was gone. “I think I like you Jacey-…”
“Drew. Kinda boring, I know.”
“I like it…what do you do for a living?”
“I’m an artist. I pretty much do any drawing or painting where ever I’m needed. Comic strips in the paper, to murals in subways.”
“It would help if we had subways here, Jace.” Mike laughed.
“Yeah it probably would…”Jace…no one had ever called me that before. Not my parents, not Cauli, not any of my boyfriends.
“Is it okay if I call you Jace?” Mike asked.
“More than okay.” I smiled.
“Good. I like it. Besides, it would piss me off if you called me Michael.” Mike smiled down at me. “You have any kids, Jace?”
I shook my head. “Never really been in a relationship long enough. My longest lasting was six months in high school. I scare them off.”
“Now I find that hard to believe.”
“You don’t know me that well now do you?”
Mike and I sat in that park and talked for hours. Nightfall came, we didn’t even notice. It was like I was on another planet when I was with Mike. Nothing around us mattered; it was just me and him. He didn’t even care when I pulled out a cigarette, simply shook his head and laughed.
“These things will kill me yet.” I said as I light it up and took a drag. “I’m surprised you’re not saying anything.”
“I spend almost every day with a chain smoker, I’m used to it.” He twirled his empty coffee cup in his hand.
“How is it? Life on tour?” I asked.
“Fun for the most part. Seeing the same faces every day can get annoying, and the smells suck but in the long run it’s worth it. Josh, Ian, and Matt are my best friends and I don’t think they’re is any place I’d rather be.”
I don’t even know what happened, I just kissed him. Simple as that. I leaned over and kissed a fucking celebrity. But, by that point in the night he was more like just Mike. He wasn’t Mike Ayely, bassist of Marianas Trench. He was Mike Ayley, loving father and friend and maybe, he could be my boyfriend.
I pulled away first. He smiled at me. “I was hoping you’d do that.”
The next morning I awake feeling at peace. Mike had driven me home, walked me to my apartment door and kissed me again. Everything just felt right.
That was until there was a yell at my ear. “JACEY CLAIR DREW!” It was Cauli’s voice screaming at me from the door to my room. I regretted ever letting her know where I hid the key. “WHY WAS I UNINFORMED OF YOUR ACTIVITIES LAST NIGHT!?” She yelled.
“Because it was none of your business.” I moaned and rolled over into my pillow.
Cauli simply ripped my pillows out from under me. “SPILL.NOW. EVERY. LAST. DETAIL.” She screamed.
“Okay, okay. I’m awake…wait a sec, how do you even know about that?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Uh well…you see…um…”
“My boyfriend told me. My boyfriend is Josh Ramsay. I didn’t want to tell you because I thought you’d flip out and rape him.” My jaw dropped.
“You dirty son of a bitch.” Before either of us could continue, my phone rang, blasting I’m Not A Vampire – Falling in Reverse.
“What!?” I asked in a more bitter tone than I meant.
“Hey Jace.” The voice on the other end said. I was immediately calmer.
“Morning Mike.” I laughed. “Sorry for snapping.” Cauli started giving me the face. You know the face, the face you give your friend when they’re crush walks in. I pushed the face away.
“You mean afternoon? It’s 1:30.”
“Shit, really?” I looked at my alarm clock.
“Sure is…Hey, Josh’s girlfriend is coming to our rehearsal today and he said you and her are friends…do you wanna come to?” He asked me.
“For sure! Actually said girl is here right now…giving me some sort of unattractive face…I think I need to go preform a bit of surgery…I’ll see you later.”
“Bye.” I hung up my phone. Catching Cauli by surprise, I jumped on her. “Stupid stoner!” I yelled at her, we both laughed as we fell off the bed and onto the floor.
“You should have told me you were going out with Mike!” She said, both of us sitting on the floor.
“I’m not going out with him! We just went out for coffee…”
“Just coffee?”
“And maybe a little bit of kissing but that’s IT!” I assured her. “I just met him yesterday for Christ sakes.”
The bands rehearsal started in half an hour, so I explained to Cauli everything that happened while I got dressed and ate my cereal.
“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe.” She cooed. “Mike’s so sweet.”
“Yeah…he is…” She ushered me out to her car and we drove in since across town to a warehouse looking building.
Inside, Cauli led me to a room where Marianas Trench stood, setting up instruments. I couldn’t help but smile. Mike was sitting on the floor, his hair down and insanely curly around his face. He had glasses over his eyes and was attempting to tune his bass.
Cauli nudged me. I nudged her back so hard she fell over and made a loud crashing noise. All the guys looked up. The four boys of Marianas Trench and they’re guitar tech, Brett.
“Jacey pushed me.” Cauli complained from the floor.
“You started it.” I whined like a three year old.
“You escalated it.”
“Ladies, ladies, your both pretty.” Josh stopped the argument. He walked up to Cauli, helped her off the ground, and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Especially you.”
“Ouch my feelings.” I complained.
“You’re prettier to me.” Mike said, still sitting on the floor with his bass. It seemed Brett was making him stay there until it was tuned.
Over the past two weeks, I’ve started dating Mike Ayley, and become friends with the rest of Marianas Trench. I’m invited to all they’re shows, they followed me on twitter. I felt awesome.
With an added joint about once a week, life was pretty good again. Because I had Marianas Trench to speak for me, I got hired to work with drawing anime portraits.
Right now I lay in Mike’s arms at his house. Tristan was with his mom, and we were watching The Phantom Of The Opera.
“I’ll be right back, beautiful.” Mike sat up, kissing my forehead. I smiled.
I sat up as soon as he was out of the room. I cracked my neck and stretched my arms out.
There was a little lit candle on the coffee table. The melted wax pooling around it. I don’t know why, but I found it beautiful. The flickering flame, light dancing off the melted wax.
My next move, I’ll admit was stupid. I reach forward and dipped my finger in the wax.
“DAMMIT!” I yelled, yanking away my finger as fast as I could. The wax had burned my finger really bad. It felt like it was still on fire.
I knew I had some polysporin in my backpack beside the couch. Not even thinking of what else was inside it; I opened it and began digging around.
“You okay, Jace?” Mike walked back in the room.
“Yeah, just burned my finger a little. I’ve got some polysporin in here…”
“Why in the world do you have polysporin in your back pack?” He asked, sitting down beside me and opening the front pockets of it, helping me look.
“I don’t even know, it just ended up in here.” I spotted the little yellow bottle at the bottom of my bag. “Little fucker, come to mama.” I reached in and grabbed it.
I applied the polysporin to my now blistering finger and frowned at it. “Stupid skin. Why you so flammable?” I pouted.
I didn’t even bother zipping up my back pack, I just threw the tube back in and threw it to the ground.
I had zero luck that night, it seemed, for Cauli’s bong came bouncing out. As if screaming “Hey Mike! Your girlfriend’s a stoner!”
“What the fuck…” Mike reached down and picked it up. “Jace why do you have this?”
“You said you’d never done drugs.” Mike was angry; I could see it in his eyes. He was also sad.
“Weed isn’t really a drug!” I said without thinking. Why didn’t I just say I used it for tobacco!? I wanted to slap myself right there. “It’s a plant!”
“Yeah, a plant I don’t want my son around.” Mike shoved the bong back in my bag, and shoved my bag back at me. “Have a nice life, Jace.” He left.
Alone in my room for three months. That’s what came next. I barely ate, I barely slept. I just lay there.
I had really grown to like Mike. It was only two weeks, but I felt like I had something real with him. I didn’t smoke any pot those three months, I didn’t feel like it. I felt like the stupid drug had ruined my life. Yes, I was admitting it’s a drug. Maybe it’s no heroin, but it still fucked my life up.
A knock on my door woke me from a wrestles sleep on the first day of the forth month. I knew it was Cauli. She was the only one that ever came to talk to me. No Mike, no one.
The knock sounded again. “Open up.” Yup, Cauli’s voice. “I’ve got someone who wants to see you.”
“Fine.” I said and sat up. I expected Cauli to walk in dragging Mike by his hair, but instead, holding her hand, was Tristan.
I’d only met him a few times, but he was a really sweet little kid. He accepted me right off and had once said I looked like a girl Josh.
“Hey Tristan.” I said and smiled at him. He walked over and climbed onto my bed. “What’s up?”
For a two year old, he was so mature. I guess that’s what you get when daddy’s a rock star.
“Daddy’s really sad.” He said. “He misses you.” The little boy looked up at me with big brown eyes.
“Tristan, you’re not old enough to know what went on with me and your daddy.” I said to him.
“Daddy got angry and you left.” Tristan said, as if it was that simple. “Come back.”
As the toddler said that, Cauli’s phone rang. “What, Mike!?” She said into the phone. “…I have him…I’m at Jacey’s…calm down…Take a deep breath and get your booty over here…yes now…bye.” Cauli shoved her phone back into her pocket. Tristan and I were watching intently. “Trist, your dad’s coming to pick you up. Go get your shoes on.”
Tristan looked up at me one more time. “Please, Jace?” I nearly started crying from the look on the little boys face.
“I’ll try Tristan.” I smoothed down his hair. “Now go get your shoes on before Daddy gets here.” Tristan listened, jumping off my bed and running out to the front door.
“What was that for, Cauli?” I asked.
“Mike’s exactly like you are, except he can’t afford to lay in bed for months. I knew you wouldn’t listen if I said it…so I sorta kidnapped his kid from the baby sitter.”
“You’re a bitch you know.” I said to her.
“Yeah, well…” Cauli smiled. “Now Mike is coming here.” Cauli winked at me and left my room.
I crawled out of bed, straightening the Blink-182 shirt I wore and checking my PJs for any ridiculous stains (Girls, you know what I mean.) Other than that, I would go talk to Mike, but I wasn’t going to get dolled up.
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. “Daddy!” I heard Tristan yell. I slowly walked out to the living room, where Mike could see me from the door.
He looked a wreck. His hair was fluffy and curly and his glasses were askew. He obviously hadn’t shaved in a long time, his usually well-kept beard out of control. “Cauli…do you mind taking Tristan out to my car?” He didn’t even look as Cauli picked up Tristan and walked out of the door, winking at me as she did.
“Mike.” I greeted him in a curt tone.
“Jace.” Mike mirrored my tone. “Long time no see…”
“Yeah it has…” We simply stared at each other from across the room. “You’re little temper tantrum convinced me to get clean.” I said. “Four months, today I think.”
We fell silent again.
“Tristan can see it; you know…how depressed you are. It’s hurting him…Cauli brought him here to talk to me about trying again with you.”
“Yeah…little guy’s been pestering me asking where you went. Why you left, stuff like that.”
“I miss you.” I was the first one to say it. Well, it needed to be said.
Mike looked down at his feet. “I miss you to. So much.”
I chuckled un expectantly. Mike raised an eyebrow. “Imagine if I hadn’t dropped that stupid carrot? If I hadn’t burned my finger on that wax? What if I never even had that bong?”
“I don’t even want to think about that.” Mike closed the space between us, kissing me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was actually for a one shot contest but I like it :3