A Little Unexpected.

On the road again.

Taylor stumbled out of my house with two giant duffel bags in her hands. She headed straight for the bus she had been so anxiously waiting for all day. Two of her new tour mates followed behind her each wheeling out a big bag full of clothes, shoes, and who knows what else.

“Thanks so much for helping out guys. You really didn't have to.” She says throwing one of her bags in the bus and keeping the other at her side.

Taylor had been waiting all day for the buses to arrive. She could barely contain her excitement about going back on tour again. Except this tour was a little different. This time Taylor would be touring with a band, the Jonas bothers. They were just as famous as her but there music was a little different. Taylor had a country, pop, vibe. While the brothers were more of a rock, pop vibe. They were by far the hottest young artist around and their managements thought it would be a great idea to combined them into one giant tour. They had never meet before this, but they had a few phone conversations. Taylor wasn't worried, she got along with everyone and so did the brothers. She had spent the whole week packing for this tour. 70 shows, 4 of them stadiums, and almost every show sold out. This was big for both artists.

“It's no problem Taylor really.” Kevin laughed.

“Yeah we don't mind at all. Actually you seem kind of tired. Why don't you let Kevin and I pack up the bags for you while you go get some rest?” Nick says giving her one of his half smiles.

“Oh no I can't make you do that.” She huffed as she tried shoving her bag in the luggage compartment.

“Really.” Kevin laughed taking the bag for her and turning it so it fit perfectly. “We got this.”

She laughed. “Ok.” She sighed. “Thanks so much again. I really wanted to spend more time getting to know you guys today though.”

“Yeah we're sorry about that. We didn't expect that flat tire on the bus. We would have been here so much earlier.” Nick rolled his eyes. The bus was suppose to arrive in the after noon but because of a flat tire on the Jonas's bus they didn't get there till 8 pm.

“Actually we were gonna go out for some breakfast tomorrow morning if you wanna join us.” Kevin says as Nick hands him another bag and he maneuvers it into the compartment.

“I would love to. Thanks guys!” Taylor smiles already feeling comfortable by their welcoming nature. “I hope this isn't rude of me to ask...” She starts to say “but isn't there one more brother?” She asked looking around.

“Yeah um Joe.” Nick replies awkwardly rubbing his arm. “He's uh, not feeling well, went to bed early. I'm sure you'll meet him in the morning though.” Nick reassured her.

“Oh ok.” She smiled at them. “Well thanks again guys.” She says giving both of them a hug. “It was great meeting you.”

“You too Taylor.” Kevin smiles.

“We look forward to touring with you.” Nick says in a very business kind of tone. Taylor already had these boys figured out. Kevin seemed easy going and super friendly. Nick seemed very serious, especially when it came to his job, but he still had this little boyish quality about him. Maybe it was that coy smile. But Taylor couldn't deny it, she was excited to be charmed by Joe. He was the one everyone talked about and she could admit she even has a little crush on him. She pushed those feelings aside though because she has a boyfriend. He's not a very good one but still a boyfriend none the less. Even with that said she felt like Joe would be the one she would be good friends with. They just seemed to have the same goofy, personality.

She lifts her small bag of clothes and make up and slowly starts backing away to the door of the bus, still feeling bad that the boys are packing all her bags in for her. “What time should we meet for breakfast tomorrow?” She asks.

“We could go around 10 if you want?” Nick says. “Just come in our bus around 10 we should be ready.” She nods at him as she puts her hand of the door handle.

“Ok. See you in the morning. Thanks again guys. Goodnight.” She waves at them.

They both say goodnight back and Taylor makes her way into the bus. She's missed this place. She toured all around the country on it last time. She stood in the entry way and let the door fall closed behind her. So many memories were made on this bus and she couldn't wait to make more. Taylor had planned on meeting her band in 3 days when they arrived at their first city. They usually take a separate bus so they had a couple more days to pack and get going. Taylor liked this time to herself though. It gave her time to think, write music, relax, something she doesn't get to do often. She places her bag on the couch and makes her way to the tiny area in the back of the bus that she calls “her room”. All her old pictures and hand written letters are still hanging on the cork board and she can't help but smile at how much she loves it all. She takes a tiny leap onto her bed. She forgot how cozy and comfortable it really was. Just as her head hit the pillow she let out a sigh realizing how tired she really was. All the coffee, the excitement, the anticipation had really wiped her out and she was asleep before she could even think another thing.

When she woke up the bus was still moving. She rubbed her eyes and stretches her arms as she sits up. Glancing at the clock she sees it's 830am. A jolt of excitement run through her as she thinks of going to breakfast with the boys. To be honest she's a huge fan, but she didn't want to act like it in front of them. She was actually surprised at how composed she was when she met 2 out of the 3 yesterday. Taylor went through her morning going through her normal ritual, shower, brush teeth, do hair, do make up, get changed. It's what she does every morning, bus or not. When she was done it was 930. She paced her bus back and forth unable to contain her excitement. She took a couple deep breaths calming herself down before deciding to head over to there bus early to meet the boys.

As she makes her way over to the bus all she can really think about is how she'll react meeting Joe. She felt giddy and nervous all at the same time. But she pushed the giddy feeling away. She convinced herself she wouldn't get wrapped up in his charm. As she approaches the door she takes one more deep breath and lets a smile spread to her face when she releases.

The TV was on but it was so quiet you could barley hear. And then she sees him. Sitting on the couch, looking down at his phone. The door shut loudly and makes her jump a little. Joe glances up at her standing in the entry way, he looks back down at his phone. She lets herself in more. “Hi.” She says in her normal bubbly voice.

“Hi.” Joe responds without even another glance.

“Umm.” She says nervously rubbing her arm. “My names Taylor. I'm-”

“I know who you are.” Joe scoffs. She's taken back by his attitude. This wasn't the Joe she expected. She slowly walks over to the couch across from Joe and sits down crossing her legs. Now he slowly lets his eyes meet hers, but it doesn't last long and he looks back at his phone rolling his eyes. She watches as his thumbs text a thousand miles a minute. There is defiantly an awkwardness in the air.

“So this is your bus huh?” she says trying to break the silent tension. Maybe she just need to make conversation, maybe he was just shy. No response. “It's really nice. I like the couches.” She giggles feeling the soft red fabric. No response. “So....” she gulps “Are you excited to start touring again?” She asks hoping for a possible answer.

“Yep.” he response coldly not moving his eyes from his phone.

“Me too. I can't wait actually. I'm a huge fan of you guys.” She giggles.

Finally Joe does something but not what Taylor had hoped. He lowers his phone and rolls his eyes. “Listen.” He says leaning forward, looking right in Taylor's eyes. Intimidated, Taylor leans back on the couch and gulps again. “I'm really not into this whole....” he moves his hand in the air at her. “America's sweet heart thing. Actually, I hate it. I don't like that fact that I have to tour with some country blond bimbo, and I'm definitely not trying to be your best friend.” He says leaning his arms on his knees and clasping his hands together. “Ok.” He sighs. “That's better.” He smirks at her and sits back on his couch. He lifts his phone again and goes on as if it all never happened.

Taylor sits there shocked, taken back, hurt. “WHAT JUST HAPPENED? Country blond bimbo?! He doesn’t even know me! Wheres the funny charming guy from all the videos and the phones calls. This wasn't the Joe everyone spoke about.” The thoughts ran through her head. “Country blond bimbo” was the killer though. She felt like she was possibly about to either start cry or haul off and smack him when Nick walks out from the back of the bus.

“Hey!” He says in a cheery voice. “I thought I heard you.” He laughed. “You're early.”

Still taken back Taylor removes her eyes from Joe and glances up at Nick. “Um, yeah....I uh....I...” she stutters. She takes a breath and puts on a forced smile. “I got done early I thought I would just come hang out for a little.”

Nick could tell something wasn't right. He looked over a Joe. “So you met Joe?” He says looking back at Taylor. She just nods. “What were you two chatting about out here?”

“Nothing much.” She shrugs. “I think I need some air. I'm just gonna head outside.” She says getting up quickly.

“I'll come let me just grab my jacket!” Nick says running to the back of the bus quickly. Taylor takes that time to look back at Joe again. Still nothing. Nick appears again whipping on his jacket. “Joe we're getting breakfast, you comin?” He asks zipping up the jacket half way.

“Is she going?” He asks glancing up at Taylor. She quickly averts her eyes from him and stares down at her feet.

“Uh yeah.” Nick laughs under his breath.

“No I’ll pass.” Joe says moving his eyes back to his phone.

“Let's go.” Nick says seriously, leading Taylor out of the bus. She looks back at Joe one more time and catches his eyes on her. He rolls them again and she leaves before he can look back at his phone. Once outside Taylor takes a deep breath and leans up against the bus, as if she was just suffocating. NO ONE has ever been that mean to her before. No one other than harsh critics but nothing like that, and never to her face.

“Are you ok?” Nick asks calmly.

“Yeah I'm fine.” She chokes out.

“I don't know what he said to you in there, but I'll apologize for him now.” Nick said leaning next to her on the bus. Taylor looks up at him wondering how he knew. She wanted to ask him every question running through her mind but he seems to already know what she was going to ask. “He isn't always like that. He's actually never like that.” Nick huffs running his hand through his curly hair. He stares down at his feet and kicks the gravel a little. “His girlfriend just broke up with him and he's been in this nasty funk for the last couple weeks.” Taylor nods. She has a weak spot for heart broken people, mostly because she can understand their pain. She suddenly didn't feel so hurt anymore. “If he was harsh to you PLEASE don't take it personally. You're the first girl he's seen since it happened so he probably just took it out on you...if I had to guess.” Nick looks back up at Taylor and she nods her head again. “Sorry.” he says again with a half smile.

“Oh it's ok.” she says brushing it off. “I get it. I actually feel better knowing that, for a second I just thought he hated me.”

“He defiantly doesn't hate you.” Nick mumbles under his breath but not loud enough for Taylor to hear.

Just then Kevin comes running out of the bus. “Sorry. Sorry.” he huffs throwing on his jacket. “Couldn't find my shoes.” Taylor can't help but laugh at him. “Morning Taylor.” He smiles at her.

“Morning.” She says with a genuine smile back.

“Uh, Joe's not coming.” Kevin says looking over at Nick.

“We know.” Nick almost growled and Kevin registers the look on Taylor's face when he said Joe's name. They start to walk across the street to the Cracker Barrel they planned to go to for breakfast.

“So I take it you met him?” Kevin says glancing over at Taylor.

“Uh yeah. We met.” She says biting her lip. His word are still ringing in her head.

“Well, I'm sorry.” Kevin laughs. “He's been a huge jerk lately.”

“It's ok. Nick told me about the breakup.” She give Kevin a half smile as they walk into the restaurant.

“Yeah I think it's screw him up pretty bad. He won't admit it though.” Kevin sighs. Once seated they stop talking about it. They spend the rest of breakfast laughing and talking about tour. Taylor can't believe they've let two hours pass. She already feels so comfortable with them, well except for Joe. After breakfast Taylor walks with them back to the buses. It's another day of traveling for them so they say their goodbyes and go back on there own buses. When Taylor get's back on her bus she can't help but let everything Joe said to her flood back. She needed someone right now. She throws herself on the couch and presses 2 on speed dial. It rings once. Taylor feels like she's going to cry. Twice. A tear falls down her cheek. Three. She takes an unsteady breath. With each ring she feels herself slip deeper into those negative thoughts. By the 6th ring it goes to voice mail and then a beep.

“Hey babe.” She says with a shaky voice. She clears her throat and her voice gets steady again “I miss you. Kinda had a rough day. Call me back when you get this, ok? Alright bye.” She sighs and thinks for a second before she says “I love you.”

She crawls into her bed and watches Law and Order reruns while she waits for him to call. It's not till about 9pm and Taylor's about to drift off to sleep when he calls. “Hello.” She answers her voice sounding a little scratchy from all the crying she had been doing. She didn't know if it was because of Joe, or her boyfriend, or that she was just lonely, but she spent most of her day crying.

“Hey baby.” He says so soft it's almost a whisper. “Just got your message.”

“You just got it?” She asks clearly frustrated. “John, it's almost...” she glances at the clock “10. I called you at 1 in the afternoon.”

“I know I know.” He says still keeping his voice low. “I was really busy today. I'm sorry. I miss you baby.” He groans.

She lets out a sigh but gives into him. “I miss you too.”

They spend the rest of the night on the phone till Taylor falls asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
HI so sorry I haven't been on at all. I've been super busy lately. I have this idea for a story and I like it but IDK. I don't really have a lot of ideas for it but I'm taking it one chapter at a time and hoping it comes together.
I hope you like it! Let me know what you think! !