A Little Unexpected.

The first date.

Joe's Pov.

It was 35 minutes later and I was still waiting for Taylor. I couldn't help how nervous I was getting the later it got. I didn't know why I was so nervous, I'm never like this with girls. I'm the cool, calm, and collected one but with her I get all clammy and weird. The longer I waited the longer I started to think she changed her mind. Then I looked up and saw her. She was running towards me in a red sun dress. She had a huge smile on her face, like usual, and her hair bounced with every step. I felt my heart beat pick up as I pushed myself off the bus.

“Hi.” She said a little out of breath. “Sorry I'm late.” She sighed.

“It's okay.” I laughed. “But you had me a little scared there for a while I thought you changed your mind.”

“Well I'm here so obviously I didn't.” She giggled up at me and again I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

“Ready to go?” I asked as I started walking.

“Were not doing anything illegal tonight are we?” She asked.

“No.” I laughed down at her. “I'm done with jail for a while.”

“Good.” She giggled. There was a small silence as we walked. “So where are we going?”

“Well.” I sighed. “We have to be back by 130 for when the buses leave. But that gives us like an hour and a half.” I shrugged. “I was thinking we could grab some pizza and head over to the park.”

“There's a park here?” Taylor asked.

“Yeah I went running around it today.” I said glancing over at her. The way the moon light hit her made her look angelic. I couldn't believe it. I was on a date with TAYLOR SWIFT. I felt my palms start to sweat, so I shoved them in my pockets. It was silent for a second again and then I heard her giggle. That by the way, is one of the greatest sounds in the world.

“You don't have to be nervous Joe.” She giggled over to me.

I let out another big laugh. How did she know I was nervous? We've only been friends for a couple weeks. “What makes you think that I'm nervous?”

“Well,” She giggled up at me with a little smirk. “When you're nervous you put your hands in your pockets.”

I laughed again at how right she was. I looked over at her again and my eye caught something too. “I think you're a little nervous too.” I smirked back at her.

“Am I?” She played back.

“You are.” I laughed. “Cause when you're nervous you twirl that ring on your finger.” I said moving my eyes down to her hands that were clasped together, her thumb twirling her ring.

She quickly stopped and when I looked back at her face it had turned to a light shade of pink. “Well played Jonas. Well play.” She laughed as we continued to walk down the street.

“Lets just leave it at the fact that we're both a little nervous.” I laughed with her, lightening up the mood.

“Okay.” She nodded. “I'm not usually nervous, it's just I haven't been on a real date in a long time.” She sighed. Then she looked up at me and I gave her a sympathetic smile. I totally understand what she's saying. This is my first “date” sense my ex so it was a little nerve racking. But I seemed to calm down just by looking at her. I had a urge to reach out and hold her hand when she smiled back at me but I didn't want to come on to strong.

“Neither have I.” I laughed back. We turned the corner to the pizza place. I held the door open for her and she said “thank you” again with her big winning smile. We both ordered a slice and headed to the park right down the road. We kind of ate while we walked, both of us realized how hungry we actually were. We finished the pizza before we even got there. I took her paper plate and threw it in the trash along with mine.

“You know what I was just thinking?” She asked as she finished her last bite. You know what I love about her? When she talkes you can actually hear her smile. I didn't even have to look at her to know that beautiful smile was on her face.

“No.” I laughed. “What were you thinking?” I asked.

“I was thinking about how we even got to this point. I feel like it was just yesterday that we hated each other.” she said as we walked into the park and headed towards the lake.

“I NEVER hater you Taylor.” I sighed glancing down at her. “And I'm really sorry I was such a jerk to you in the begging. But I never had the intention of hurting you.”

“It's okay Joe.” She laughed a little. “I've been hurt worse, believe me. I just think it's funny that me and you...are on a date...” She giggled a little.

“I never thought in a million years that I would be on a date with you.” I laughed nervously.

Just then Taylor stopped walking and crossed her arms. “What's that suppose to mean?” She said trying to seem angry but smiling again.

“Nothing.” I laughed facing her. “I've just liked you for a really long time and I.... I don't know...I just never thought you would go out with a guy like me.” I said stepping towards her.

“A guy like you?” She asked unfolding her arms.

“Yeah.” I sighed. Then I took off my jacked and laid in on the ground. I sat down next to it and patted the jacket for her to sit. She gracefully sat down next to me but we still managed to face each other again. “I feel like I have this bad rep.”

“I'm not gonna lie....you kind of do.” She smiled at me shyly. “Before I got here everyone told me not to get to close. They said you would charm me like you do with all the girl, make me fall for you, and then drop me when things got to serious.” As she said all this I felt my heart drop. THAT is what everyone thought of me. The evil, heartless, sex crazed, brother is how everyone saw me. I looked down at the grass trying not to let Taylor see how hurt I was. Then I felt her hand reach over and rest on my knee. “But I knew that wasn't you, Joe.” I looked up at her and I felt like she could understand me. “I know what people say about me too. And I'm nothing like they think. That whole “America's Sweetheart” thing, yeah I try my best to be a good person, but it's not like I'm an angel everyday.” She smiled at me. “I understand Joe.”

“Well thanks for giving me a chance to prove you wrong.” I smiled at her. Even with it being dark out I could see her blush as she removed her hand from my knee. I love that I can make her blush like that. Something about it is so sweet and innocent that I can't help but feel myself fall for her every time she smiles and her cheeks turn red.

“So how did you find this place again?” She asked as she stared out at the lake. I watched as her hands nervously plucks grass out of the ground too. I picked up a rock and tossed it into the lake.

“I went running here after rehearsal today.” I said tossing another rock.

“Oh nice! So after my rehearsal I went to sleep, after yours you went for a run.” She laughed and I laughed along with her.

“Well I don't run a lot, just when I have stuff on my mind.” I said still giggling a little. We let it fall silent for a second and we could hear the crickets chirping. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Taylor pull her legs up to her chest, hugging her arms around them. She rested her head on her knees and admired the reflection of the full moon on the water. I turned my head to fully look at her. Then she turned her head towards me too.

“So what was on your mind?” She asked up at me, her head still resting on her knees.

Things are different with Taylor compared to all the other girls I've dated. I could never talk to someone the way I could with her. It's something about the way she listens. How she nods her head, gives you that reassuring smile, everything she does made me want to continue talking to her all night. And I'm not much for talking, most of my relationships move pretty fast.

“Honestly.” I paused and she nodded her head with a smile. “You.” My heart was beating so fast I didn't know what to do. It was true, all I thought about on my run was her. What is happening to me! When did I become this sappy, love guy? I have no idea but she makes me feel...softer. Her eyes light up when I said that too. Her smile spread almost up to her ears, she giggled a little, and then she blushed again.

“Really?” She asked so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

“Yeah.” I huffed. “You're all I've been able to think about recently. It's been driving me crazy.” I sighed. I let the quiet fall again before letting her know “You know, I'm never like this.” I laughed. “I'm never this....open with people I guess you could say.” She looked back at me again as I moved closer to her. “But things are different with you. I feel so comfortable.” I smiled. “Do you?”

“Yeah.” She replied right away. “Yeah I do.”

“Cool.” I laughed nervously again. It was almost a sigh of relief knowing she was feeling the same way I was. I moved closer to her again. I know this is going to sound weird, but I couldn't stop looking at her mouth tonight. Whenever she talked or even when we weren't talking, my eyes were drawn to her lips. I can't look at them anymore without thinking about that kiss the other night. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that kiss since it happened actually. But with her here, so close to me, the urge to kiss her was so much stronger. I didn't want to be disrespectful though, so I pulled away before I got any closer. “So what's your escape? It seems like you've got a lot going on in that pretty little mind of yours too.” I said leaning over and nudging her a little. She laughed up at me and took another second to think.

“Writing. It's always been writing for me.” She said softly again.

“Your songs and stuff?” I asked.

“Yeah mostly songs. But I keep journals too. It just is my way of venting and figuring stuff out. But I've kind of been at this block recently, nothing is coming out.” She sighed.

“That's probably frustrating for you.” I said. My eyes were glued to her now. When she talkes all I want is to hear more. Her voice is so sweet, it's soft and quiet, but when she gets excited she gets louder and more animated. It's adorable.

“Yeah it is.” She sighed again. “But it'll come back at some point. Sometimes I think too much that all my thoughts get cluttered and I just lose the ability to do anything because everything in my brain is so screwed up especially recently with the tour and the break up and you and everything I've just been non stop, and I'm so sorry I just talked really fast and I don't even remember what I said.” She said taking a deep breath in.

“Wow.” I laughed. “That was cute.” I smiled down nudging her again.

“I'm sorry!” She laughed as she ran her hands through her messy blond curls. “I'm still a little nervous.” She said looking up at me with these adorable puppy dog eyes.

“It's okay!” I smiled at her again. Then I took a leap of faith and threw my arm around her hugging her tightly. The way she melted into me was almost like she was meant to be there. Her head rested on my chest. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable in any way, it was just perfect. Her and I looking out onto the lake, her head resting on me, my hand softly caressing her arm hoping to warm her up a bit. We talked a little more after that but there were more moments of silence where I think we were both just enjoying the moment.

“Joe, what time is it?” She asked randomly.

“It is.....” I said lifting my hand to look at my watch. “OH SHIT!” I yelled. Taylor jumped, I scared her so bad. “It's 1:15 the bus leaves at 1:30!”

“We gotta go!” She said shooting up off the ground. She lifted my jacket and put it on, as I shot up to.

“Get on.” I said turning my back to her.

“Are you serious?” She tilted her head at me with a smile.

“YES! Come on.” I laughed back at her. “We'll make it back faster.”

“Fine.” She laughed as she hopped onto my back. She wrapped her legs around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. I took a quick minute too admire her beautiful long legs wrapped around my body and her breath tickling my neck only made me want her more. “You better get going.” She whispered, her mouth inches from my ear. I got chills all over feeling her that close to me. I took off running down the road, past the pizza place, around the corner, right to the center of the buses. Taylor laughed the whole way back. Even when I put her back on the ground she couldn't stop laughing. “Good thing you went for that run this morning.” She giggled at me.

I honestly couldn't even respond because my mine was running crazy. I watched her laughing and giggling as I caught my breath from the run. When we both stopped laughing I walked her to her bus. “Well here we are. And we made it on time.” I laughed a little.

“Joe.” She sighed her face was more serious. “Tonight was one of the be-” I couldn't take it any longer. Before she could finish her sentence I leaned in and kissed her. She was caught off guard at first but immediately fell into it just like last night. Then I felt her hand reach up and caress my face before she moved them to behind me head, keeping us pressed together. My hands were wrapped around her waist holding her close. Both of us seemed to get lost in the moment, not caring if anyone was around or if the bus was going to leave or not. Finally our lips pulled away but we still stayed close. I slowly opened my eyes to see Taylor take in an unsteady breath.

“I'm sorry.” I laughed quietly. “But that's all I've wanted to do sense last night and I was holding back tonight really trying not to kiss you. But I just couldn't take it anymore.” I sighed her forehead now resting against mine. I smiled so big my face started to hurt. We both started laughing again.

“I had fun tonight Joe.” She smiled as she stepped back putting some space between us.

“Me too.” I said taking a step back too.

“Um so...” She giggled. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow?” She blushed as she moved closer to her bus door.

“Yeah I'll see you tomorrow.” I smiled as I watched her open he bus door. “Goodnight.” I said trying to hang onto the moment I didn't want to end.

“Goodnight.” She said with a soft, beautiful smile before she closed the door.

I ran my hands through my hair as I walked back to my bus, my mine running with all things Taylor.
I took a deep breath before I opened my bus door “Damn.” I breathed out as I walked into my bus for the night. I snuck into bed hoping to fall asleep but it didn't take long for me to realize that I wouldn't be getting any sleep at all tonight.