A Little Unexpected.

The Pen.

Chapter 11

Taylor's POV

I got maybe 2 hours of sleep last night. I also spent most of my night staring at the ceiling above my bed, thinking about Joe. I just couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried he kept creeping into my mind. I've never really moved this fast with a relationship either. Usually I won't kiss a guy until at least the 3rd date but I feel like I've know Joe for years. We just have something. This connection that I've never had with anyone else I've dated. I have to keep reminding myself that we only had one date! Why does it feel like we've been dating for months? So many things ran thru my mind that it wasn't until 4am that I finally fell asleep. I even dreampt about him! It wasn't anything intense I woke up before things actually got good but he was still all I could think about. I ran my hands thru my hair knowing that THIS, whatever is happening or going to happen between us...it's going to be bad. I felt myself falling after barely one date.

Joe's Pov.
So I got absolutely no sleep last night. I knew I wouldn't. All I thought about was Taylor. I went over everything about her. Her smile, her eyes, her hair, her legs....her long, smooth, beautiful legs. It was hard to get her out of my mine. That red dress against her flawless milky white skin. Just everything about her and how perfect she is. I thought about the way she just seemed to fit in my arms as we sat by the lake. How her legs wrapped around me when I ran us back and how she whispered in my ear. Even just thinking of her voice and how soft and sweet it is gave me chills. And then I let myself think about the kiss and how her fingertips caressed my face an how her hands held the back of my head. I was gone after that, my thoughts trailing to things that haven't even happened yet. I had to take my mind off of her so I got out of bed and went into the “common area” and watched TV hoping to find something boring enough to help me sleep. As I flipped thru the channels I stopped at a channel with a bloody body laying on the ground. Law and Order was on. I laughed quietly to myself, she was following me everywhere! I kept it on though and eventually fell asleep for an hour. And even then I dreampt about her! A dream I can't go into detail about....it was a very good dream. I was in deep shit, that was a fact. I've never liked a girl like this, at least not this fast.

Taylor's Pov.

Around 7am I woke up and realized there was no going back to sleep. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Then I made my way to the kitchen and pour myself some coffee. I checked the tour schedule on the wall to see what time we would be in the next city. I wave of disappointment ran over me when I realized we were just traveling today, which means I won't be seeing Joe. I sat back on my couch and took a deep breath. “This isn't good.” I thought running my fingers through my hair. I just got out of a relationship and I've already fallen for someone else. It just didn't feel right to me. Just then I heard my phone buzz on my nightstand. I ran over to see who it was, my stomach turned when I saw it was a text from Joe.

*Hey you. * it said. I smiled to myself and sat back on the couch.

*Hey! * I replied.

He responded almost the second I sent it to him *I would have called you but I didn't know if you'd be up and my brothers are here. I didn't tell them about our date yet. *

*Oh it's okay I didn't get much sleep last night anyways. Why didn't you tell your brothers? * I asked hoping it wasn't me. Was he already second guessing his decision to go out with me?

*Not cause of you! It's just nice to have something to myself sometimes. I share everything with them. I'm not ready to share you yet. * I felt my face get hot as I read that. I held my phone up to my chest with a little sigh as I tried to come up with what to say back. Luckily he sent me another message before I could respond and sound stupid. *Why didn't you get any sleep? * He asked

*Just had a lot on my mind I guess. * I responded.

*Like what? * He asked back. It's weird to me that he even asked. John would have never cared about what I was thinking.

I wasn't going to tell him it was him so I said *I don't know. Just stuff lol But I wrote a song last night*

*Really? Hmmm * He replied and even then I could imagine his cocky little smirk he does. The one that makes me melt.

*Yeah! I guess you could say I was inspired. * I giggled to myself as I sent it.

*;) Well I didn't sleep much last night either. * I read with a laugh.

*Why? * I asked.

*Just had a lot on my mind I guess ;) * Way to copy me! Very slick Jonas.

*Like what? ;) * I responded.

*I don't know. Just stuff. * He's such a jerk. A very very attractive, funny, sweet jerk. Before I could respond he had already sent me another text *So apparently we're just traveling today :( * It said.

*Yeah I saw that :( * I replied genuinely feeling sad.

*I'm going to try to convince the boys to stop for lunch. Maybe we could see each other then?* Once again I died a little inside knowing he wanted to see me that bad. My heart beat picked up again and I could feel myself blushing.

*I promised Liz and Catiline I would do lunch with them today :( *

*Oh. It's okay. We'll just see each other tomorrow then I guess. * Somehow I knew he was disappointed, I know I was. How is it that I could miss someone so much when he's only a bus away? I just saw him last night! We aren't even a couple! And yet I miss him, I want to see him, I want to kiss him again. Did he feel the same way?

We texted back and forth a little all the way up until lunch when I felt the bus start to pull over. The second we stopped I through on my shoes and ran outside. Liz and Catiline were already waiting for me by their bus. To the left Joe was just leaving his bus with his brothers. I Saw him look both ways and when our eyes caught each others a huge smile came to his face. I smiled back and even gave him a very subtle wave before Nick pulled him away. I made my way over to Liz and Catiline. I ate lunch with them in a bit of a daze. Joe had me feeling pretty out of it lately, my mind stuck in some sort of daydream all the time. Catiline didn't catch on but Liz might have. They decided to stay on my bus tonight and keep me some company. I think they think my daze like attitude is about the break up when really it's the complete opposite. Once we were back on the bus we popped in a movie, the buses were still stopped. Catiline went to get changed and Liz was in the bathroom when my phone rang.

Joe's Pov.

Nick and Kevin had just ran out of the bus to pick up some snacks and stuff cause we were running low. I took this moment of privacy to call up Taylor. It only took one ring for her to answer. “Hello.” She literally sang, her voice sounding cheery as always. My mouth went dry for a second at how amazing she sounded even over the phone!

“Hey!” I said finally sounding like a desperate loser.

“HEY!” She said back even more excited then me. I just have to see her. “What's up?” She asked lowering her voice a little.

“I wanted to see if you wanted to come by real quick.” I said my stomach turning into one big knot.

“What about your brothers?” She said her voice even softer now, almost to a whisper.

“They just left to pick up some snack. They said they'd be back in 15 minutes.” I said pacing the center of the bus.

“Liz and Caitline are here.” She sighed. “Um. You know what? I'll be there in a minute.” She said quickly hanging up.

“Okay.” I laughed looking at my phone.

Taylor's Pov.

I hung up the phone with Joe just as Liz was coming out of the bathroom.

“Who was on the phone?” She asked pulling her hair into a ponytail.

“Oh. Just my mom. You know always checking up.” I laughed nervously. “Hey so I just remembered that I left my...pen in the boys bus from when I was writing with Nick the other day so I gotta go get that.” I said slipping on my shoes again.

“Your pen?” She asked. “You need it now?”

“Yep I'll be back in 10 minutes.” I didn't waist anymore time I ran out of the bus before she could continue questioning me. The thing is I totally understand what Joe said before about wanting to keep this to himself. I just know once I tell the girls they'll make it into this big thing and...well I don't even know what this is right now myself. And yet I found my self bolting over to Joe's bus. I didn't bother to change, I was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a white tank top but I didn't care. I knocked on the bus door and looked around as if I was on the lookout or on some secret mission. Joe opened the door and quickly pulled me in by my arm.

“Hey.” I laughed as I stumbled into the bus. He was looking better then ever today. His hair was a little messy but I have to admit it made him look kinda sexy. And he was wearing his usual V-neck tshirt that showed off only his best features.

“Hey.” He said giving me a big smile.

And then, I swear it was like we were magnets, our lips were attached again. Except this time I knew it was going to happen. It wasn't aggressive or needy but gentle and sweet. I rested my hand on his cheek right before we pulled away.

“Thanks for stopping by.” He said in a husky voice that made my heart beat pick up even more.

“Sure.” I smiled up at him. “I had to lie and te-” He didn't let me finish, he was kissing me again. He always does that! Cuts me off right in the middle of my sentences. But I didn't even care, I would take his lips over talking any day. When we pulled away I laughed and playfully smacked him in the chest. “Stop doing that.” I giggled our faces still so close.

“Sorry I can't resist.” He shrugged with that smirk of his again.

“Neither can I.” I laughed before leaning up and kissing him again. Our lips stayed attached a little longer this time but still nothing over the line. He was very respectful about it, keeping his hands wrapped around my waist and his lips gentle on mine.

“So what were you saying before that?” He asked grabbing my hand as we walked over to the couch.

“Just that I had to lie to Liz and tell her I came back for a pen.” I laughed as we both sat down.

“A pen?” He smirked again, narrowing his eyes at me.

“I'm a bad liar okay?” I laughed again.

“So they don't know about us either?” He asked. But my mind had gone blank. US? Did he say US? Does that mean we're actually something? When I snapped out of it I answered.

“No. I wanted to keep it to myself too.” I shrugged.

“It's kind of fun.” He laughed a little and so did I.

“Yeah it is.” I replied. Then he leaned down and kissed me again. And again. And again. I was so lost in what was going on. It's like when he kisses me my mind goes blank. The only thing I'm thinking about is how good it feels. I bit my lip when we finally pulled away. “Your brothers are gonna be back any minute.” I sighed.

“I know.” He rolled his eyes. “But I'll see you tomorrow?”

“You'll defiantly see me tomorrow.” I said standing up off the couch.

Joe walked me to the door. “Well I'm really glad you came by.” He smiled again as he leaned against the wall.

“I'm glad I came by too.” I swooned up at him. “Bye.” I said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Bye.” He said as he watched me open the door. “Hey wait!” He said running into the kitchen, opening a drawer. “Don't forget your pen.” He winked as he tossed it to me. I caught it and smiled back.

“Thanks.” I laughed and ran out of the bus just as Nick and Kevin were approaching.

“Hey!” Nick said just as I tried to escape. “What up?”

“Nothing just forgot my pen...had to come back and get it.” I laughed knowing my face was probably still red from Joe.

I slowly backed away to my bus while Nick talked “Your pen?” He laughed. “You needed it that bad?”

“It's lucky. The only pen I can write with.” I shrugged. “I'm just superstitious like that.”

“Yeah you kinda are.” He laughed. “See ya later.” He shrugged as he made his way into the bus along with Kevin. I took a deep breath and ran back to my bus where Liz was apparently waiting for me.
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