A Little Unexpected.

The let down.

Joe Pov.

I watched her lie to Nick from the window and I couldn't help but laugh, at the same time I sent Taylor a text *Bad liar my ass ;) *. I was still trying to process what just happened. I know I couldn't stop smiling but I tried to play it cool when Nick and Kev came back. Kev got a call from Danielle and went to his bunk, while Nick stayed in on the couch giving me a weird smile.

“What?” I laughed.

“She forgot her pen?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Yeah.” I shrugged playing it cool.

“Did she find it in your mouth?” He laughed at himself.

“What?!” I scoffed rolling my eyes. “No.”

“Okay.” He sighed as he stood up and walked to his bunk. “You have a little lip gloss on your bottom lip by the way.” He laughed as he crawled into bed.

Taylor's Pov.
When I walked back into my bus Liz was sitting on the couch her legs crossed, looking as if she was waiting for me to come back.

“Hey.” I sighed walking into the kitchen area for a glass of water. “Where's Catiline?”

“She felt kinda sick. Did you get your pen?” She asked.

“Yep.” I said holding up the pen Joe gave me.

“You got a text while you were gone.” I turned around to see her holding my phone in her hand.

“Really?” I gulped taking a sip of water.

“Yeah it says 'Bad liar my ass' with an adorable winky face.” She smirked at me. “It was from Joe.”

I brought my hands to my face to cover how red it was and started laughing.

“Care to tell me what you're lying about here?” She laughed uncrossing her legs.

I sighed again and took a seat across from her on the couch. And then I spent the rest of the trip telling her everything. When I was done Liz was smiling just as much as me.

“Wow. Well I haven't seen you like this in a long time.” She said raising her brow at me.

“I haven't felt like this in a long time.” I sighed with a huge smile. “But do you mind keeping this on the down low for a while until we figure out whats going on?”

“Of course.” She answered. “Taylor just promise me you'll be careful. I'm really happy you moved on so fast from John and I think Joe is exactly what you need but you need to just make sure you're not a rebound.”

“I know.” I sighed. “I've thought about that a lot. But I don't see Joe like that and I don't think he sees me like that either. We've only been on one date though. It's not like I expect him to ask me to be his girlfriend now. Ya know?”

“Yeah I know what you mean.” She smiled again. We left it at that and continued watching the movie I originally put in. I couldn't quite pay attention though due to the fact that what Liz said was running through my mind. I couldn't help but wonder if I was just some girl he was using to get over his ex. I was beginning to think it was going to be a long night of non stop thinking again until I got a text. Liz feel asleep in the guest bunk and I sat wide awake in the living room area watching reruns of Friends.

*I didn't get to tell you how beautiful you looked tonight. * I read the text from Joe.

*I was wearing sweats and a tank top, Joe...* I laughed as I sent him the text back.

*I know. I don't know any girls that can pull that off as well as you can. * He replied. Totally Joe always trying to charm me with his cheesy lines. They work.

I started laughing again. He's a smooth talker that one. *Oh shut up! Lol you're to smooth for me Jonas. *

*hahahaha well you should actually try to get some sleep tonight. I have a big dinner date planned. *

Once again I felt my heart beat pick up. All the doubts I was having before about being a rebound flew out the window. I sent him a text back saying *Yeah I'm heading to bed now. But I can't wait to see you tomorrow. *

I made my way to my room and feel asleep that night with the biggest smile on my face and my phone gripped tight in my hand.

When I woke up I couldn't wait to see Joe. This is all so new for me. I've never woken up excited to see someone or talk to someone the way I am for Joe. But I hopped out of bed with a new pep in my step today. I took extra time getting ready in my bus just because of him. I must have been in my bus for a whole extra hour before heading into the stadium. Once inside I tried my hardest not to sprint to the boys dressing room. Just as I turned the corner of their hall way I saw Kevin and Nick leaving. I smirked to myself and made my way over to door. I knocked twice before letting myself in like he usually does to me.

“Hey. So I th-” I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I felt my heart drop. I felt sick to my stomach at the sight in front of me. Joe was sitting on the couch...with his ex. Her back was facing the door but when her eyes met mine I froze like a piece of ice. When Joe saw me his face was full of guilt.

“Taylor.” He said somewhat quietly.

I couldn't stay there. “Sorry I didn't know you had company.” As I said that my body unfroze and I bolted out of the door. I started speed walking down the hallway to get to my dressing room because I knew I would break down any minute. I saw John with a million girls while we were dating and yet none of that hurt as much as that one second, seeing Joe with his ex. Just as I felt my eyes start to water I heard him call after me as he ran town the hall.

“Taylor. Taylor, wait up!” He called as I listened to him run towards me.

I stopped and took a deep breath. I couldn't let him know I was upset. He would think I'm insane and too emotional just like every other guy I've dated. “Yeah. What's up?” I asked turning around to face him.

He took a breath from running and lowered his voice. “I'm sorry. I didn't know she was coming. She just showed up and was in my dressing room when we came in.”

“Joe it's fine.” I said my voice sounding a little shakey. “It's not like we're really anything, right? It was one date.” I shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. “I'll see you on stage.” I quickly turned my back and walked back to my dressing room. Once the door closed I leaned against it and let a couple tears fall. I couldn't cry though, I had rehearsal in 10 minutes and no one could know this happened.

I held it in pretty well for the rest of the day, not letting myself think about it. About how she's probably sitting in that room convincing him that he should take her back. Telling him how sorry she is, how much she loves him. And he's probably sitting there believing all of it. I pushed all those thoughts away to keep me from crying.

My performance that night was mediocre. My energy was low. My voice was weak. But I honestly didn't care. All I wanted was to get through it so I could go back to my bus and never come out. Yeah I know it sounds like I'm being dramatic but I felt something with Joe I've never felt with anyone else. So seeing him with his ex, wasn't just jealousy but I felt like I lost hope. In what, I don't know. It's not like I'm in love with him. But there was a strong possibility and seeing them together was just a news flash that I was fooling myself. I don't have the history she has with him, I'm not as pretty or talented as her. I think it just made me realize what I didn't want to believe all along and that was that I have no chance with him.

When I got off stage that night she ran up and hugged Joe right away. That was all I had to see. I grabbed my stuff from my dressing room, pushed passed/ignored my band, and headed straight for my bus. And the second my foot hit the floor I started sobbing. I had been holding it in all day but now I was alone and I could cry as much as I wanted. So I threw myself onto the couch and cried, and not just about Joe, but everything. How I never seem to be good enough for a guy, how there is ALWAYS another girl, how I wish I'd never become friends with Joe, how I wished I hated him, and how much I actually really liked him. I hate feeling this way and I hate that I'm always the one to fall first.
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Hey so I hoped you liked it. Sorry it's a little bit of a bummer lol Next one should be better. I'll try and have it up by next week...hopefully.

Comments are the best if you like the story and thanks so much for the ones I already got ;D