A Little Unexpected.


I woke the next morning curled up in a ball in bed. When I opened my eyes I was a little confused to how I got there cause I didn't remember going to bed last night. I rolled over, my eyes widening at the sight next to me. Joe was laying there sleeping on his back, his arms resting under his head. My first instinct was to make sure I was still dressed, I glanced under the sheets and breathed a sigh of relief. I laid there and tried to think about how he got there. I thought back to last night and the last thing I remembered was falling asleep on Joe's lap. I remember his hands stroking my hair and how soothing it felt. I thought harder and had a little flash of him lifting me up. So he carried me to bed. But how did he actually get in my bed? But then I remembered it, feeling him put me down and I must have been out of it because I remember asking him to stay. I looked back at Joe as I pieced it all together. “Oh.” I sighed quietly. He carried me to bed, that's so sweet! I moved over a little and rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I took in his sent, his cologne still lingering from last night, I love the way he smells. Then I felt his chest rise and he took in a tiny breath. I glanced up at him as his eyes fluttered open. I moved back to my pillow, still facing him.

“Morning.” I laughed as his eyes came into focus and that beautiful smile came to his face.

“Good morning.” He smiled wider. “Wow.” He sighed.

“What?” I asked unable to control how happy I was too.

“Your eyes are really blue in the morning.” He laughed a little. “Sorry I feel asleep here last night.”

“It's okay. It was actually nice not to wake up alone.” I sighed. He smiled and pulled me in close to him.

“It has to be kind of nice though.” He started saying. “You know, just having all this time to yourself.” I sat up Indian style, Joe sat up a little leaning against the head board.

“It's okay it's nice having some alone time. It gets kind of lonely though.” I shrugged. “What's it like sharing a bus with you're brothers?”

He laughed and rolled his eyes. “Let's just I would die for some alone time. I never really get any privacy so...it's tough sometime. This is really nice though.” He said pulling me back to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed with content. He kissed the top of my head once again giving me goose bumps all over. We were silent for a little, embracing the silence and each other. “So what's your normal routine?” He asked breaking the quiet.

“Well....” I said sitting up again. “Usually I'll wake up, take a shower, get ready, grab some coffee and then I don't know, sometimes I write. I've been writing a lot lately.”

“Really?” He asked giving me a cocky smile.

“Yeah really.” I said mocking him. “Actually.” I suddenly had a line in my head that I had been missing in the song I've been working on. I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room.

Joe's Pov.

That girl makes me laugh. Right in the middle of her sentence she gets out of bed and goes sprinting down the center of the bus. I couldn't help but watch her and just laugh. I got out of her bed, which is the most comfortable thing I've ever slept on by the way, and made my way to the kitchen. I started a pot of coffee and leaned against the counter as I watched her work her magic. She sat with her notepad on her lap, her guitar in her hands, and her pen hanging out of her mouth, as she strummed and hummed along. She scribbled something down in her pad and played the tune again still humming. When she was done there was a pause where she just looked at the notepad then she threw her hands in the air “YES!” she yelled totally forgetting that I was standing right there. I laughed at her a little from the corner of the room as I poured her a cup of coffee.

“So does that happen every morning or.....” I laughed as I sat down next to her on the couch handing her her coffee.

“Oh sorry.” She giggled taking the coffee from me. “But no, that doesn't happen every morning.” She laughed. “Thanks for this.” She said before taking a sip of coffee.

“So what just happened then?” I asked/laughed setting the my mug on the coffee table.

“I just finished a song.” she said taking another sip. She set her cup on the coffee table. “I wrote it the other night and I just got the line I needed.” She was so happy, so excited that I couldn't help but be just as excited.

“Can I hear it?” I asked.

“Ummmm.” She went from excited to nervous within seconds. “I don't...I don't know.” She shrugged.

“Please?” I leaned forward and gently kissed her lips “Please.” I smirked.

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes with a laugh. I sat back, the smirk still on my face. She positioned her guitar again. “It's called Fearless.” She said only glancing up at me for a second.

I couldn't stop smiling while I watched her play. And I have to say I don't think there is anything sexier than a girl with talent, and Taylor definitely has talent. Watching her play and sing was amazing. When she was done it was quiet again and she placed her guitar back on the ground. She finally let her eyes meet mine and in that moment I needed to kiss her. I moved over to her and pressed my lips to hers. They parted as she laughed. “You taste like coffee.” She giggled kissing me again. Her hands moved there way to the back of my head. I leaned forward as she leaned back on the couch. “MMM.” she hummed as we kissed...that drove me absolutely wild. After another minute her hands moved down to my chest and she gently pushed me back, I pulled away and leaned back on the couch giving her some space. We were both breathing a little heavier then normal. That was definitely our most passionate kiss yet.

I fixed my hair she had run her hands though as she sat back up a little wobbly. She wiped her mouth off and smirked at me. “Well. I'm guessing that means you liked it.” She laughed.

“I loved it.” I smiled at her. “You're so talented.”

“So are you.” She flirted moving closer to me. She kissed me, one long slow kiss before she got up off the couch. I watched her in amazement as she walked over to the fridge putting more milk in her coffee. “So what's your usually routine?” She asked leaning against the counter. I was still lost. My mind was in a completely different place. All I could think about was the feeling that was overcoming me. And how beautiful she is. And that kiss.

“Ah....what?” I asked shaking my head to get all those thoughts away so I could focus.

“Do you have like a usual routine?” She asked again with a laugh.

“Not really. Just wake up, eat cereal, shower, head to the show.” I shrugged. “Pretty boring stuff.” Just then the bus stopped and I immediately felt sick. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay in that bus with that girl forever.

“Look's like we're here.” She said running towards the window. She turned and looked back at me. “Thanks for staying last night.”

“Thanks for letting me stay.” I said standing up. She walked over to me and I engulfed her in the tightest, longest hug I could. I kissed the top of her and whispered. “I feel like this is the start of something really great.”

“Me too.” She leaned back to look up at me. I gave her a small kiss...that lead into a big kiss and again, just as she opened her mouth, the door flew open. I'm going to kill nick! But this time it wasn't him it was Liz. She was just standing in the doorway her mouth hanging open with a bigger smile on her face then Taylor.

“Well hello!” She said narrowing her eyes at us.

“Liz.” Taylor groaned giving her a look that screamed “get out of here!”

“Sorry.” She laughed slamming the door.

Taylor covered her face again and laughed.

“We have to teach them how to knock.” I laughed with her.

“Really!” She continued giggling. I hugged her one more time.

“I should get going.” I said quietly not wanting to leave. I knew the second I stepped out of that bus I would be back in the real world. She walked me to the door and opened it for me.

“I'll see you later?” She asked.

I smiled wider and kissed her fast. “I'll see you later.” I winked at her and ran back to my bus just in time to meet Nick and Kevin.
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Hi more coming soon! lol