A Little Unexpected.

On the phone.

Taylor's Pov.

Joe and I have only been a couple for three weeks but it already seems to good to be true. After that night he spent of my bus things were different for Joe and I. We still tried to keep things quite between us, keeping the PDA to a minimum. We would hold hands walking into the stadium but we wouldn't do anything until the door was closed. Eventually my band found out and his brothers but we didn't mind. The media hasn't found out yet and we're still putting that off as long as possible, especially because the relationship is still so new. But all in all I've felt really good lately. The only thing is with all this traveling Joe and I really don't get to see each other that often. I mean half the time we're on our buses, the other half is when we stop for food and during or after rehearsal but that doesn't give us much time. And even when we're together it's hard to be alone. I haven't invited Joe back on my bus since that night because I'm worried he'll get the wrong impression...OKAY and also because I don't know if I'll be able to control myself. It's just the more time I spend with him the more I like him and I don't want to sabotage that by doing something stupid and getting heart broken again. So yes I'm keeping him at a little bit of a distance but just to protect myself. With all that said the alone time we do get together is magical. Even if it's just a minute in my dressing room we either spend it talking, or kissing. Most of the time kissing but I don't really mind that because if it was up to me I would never stop kissing him. Can you see where the control issue comes in? When we aren't together we're texting and every once and a while he'll call...like tonight.

I was jogging on my treadmill (Joe inspired me a little) when my phone starts going off. I turned it off and ran to my phone, seeing a picture Joe took of himself when he stole my phone. I smile every time I see it. “Hello?” I say very out of breath. I have no idea how I get through a show without dying.

“Hey beautiful.” He says keeping his voice low and soft. I love when he calls. I just love the sound of his voice. And it's funny because even though his brothers know, he still talk kind of quite and deep. I'm not going to lie...his voice is hot. I think it's one of the sweetest things that he calls me beautiful all the time too. Something about the way he says it just gives me butterflies.

“Hey.” I giggle still catching my breath and plopping down on the couch.

“You okay? You sound a little out of breath.” he laughed.

“Yeah...I'm fine.” I huff finally breathing even again. “I was just jogging.”

“Nice! It feels good doesn't it?” He says and I know him so well that I can almost hear him smirking through the phone.

“No my legs feel like they're about to fall off! I don't know how you do it.” I laugh bringing my knees up to my chest. “So what are you doing?”

“Nothing.” He sighed. “I just called cause I miss you.” Yeah he said that. Then I heard him growl “Oh shut up.”

“What was that?” I ask.

“Nick made a gagging face cause I said I miss you.” He laughed. “He's just jealous that I have you and he doesn't.” He continues laughing.

“Well you tell Nick he better back off or I'm not giving him the hook for the song we've been working on! It hit me about an hour ago and it's perfect.” In my spare time I've been writing a little with Nick. It also gives me an excuse to hang out in Joe's bus.

“He just went back to his bunk but I'll tell him in the morning.” He laughes again. He's so happy and he makes me so happy. We laugh so much together and when we talk, it's the best feeling in the world. “I had to call you though.”

“Well I'm glad you did.” I say laying back on the couch. “I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever.” I sighed closing my eyes, picturing him laying on his couch like me, his chocolate brown eyes staring up at the ceiling too.

“I know, it's weird isn't it?” He sighed. There was a silence before he said “So listen don't make any plans for tomorrow night, alright?”

“Joe, do I ever have plans?” I laughed. “What's tomorrow night?” I asked sitting up on the couch.

“We're going on a date.” He answered.

“A date?” I smiled raising my brow. “We haven't had one of those....well since our first date.” I laughed.

“I know, I know. It's long overdue but I'll make it up to you tomorrow. And the best part is we'll have most of the day.” Once again I could almost hear him smiling.

“Really? We don't have a show? What state are we even going to be in?” I laughed at how I didn't even know what day it was.

“Yeah we just have rehearsal in the morning to the afternoon but we'll have all evening together. Oh and we'll be in Jersey.” He laughed again.

“New Jersey huh? I think I know someone from there.” He laughed playing with him.

“Oh yeah? Who's that?” He asked.

“Oh just this really hot guy I know. He grew up there doesn't live there anymore, he's traveling now.”

“Oh is he the one with the really hot girlfriend?!” he played along.

“Yep that's the one!” We both burst into a laugh until I heard Joe quiet down. “Sorry.” I heard him whisper. “I just got yelled at.” He laughed quietly.

“I can't wait for tomorrow now.” I sighed. “It's gonna be really nice to spend some actual alone time with you.”

“I know.” He sighed back. “I'll make it special for you I promise.”

“It doesn't have to be extravagant Joe.” I giggled and then yawned.

“I got it.” He laughed. “You should get some sleep, I'll let you go.”

“Okay. Thanks for calling babe.” That was the first time I called him that. I didn't even mean to it just kind of came out. I scrunched my nose at how it sounded the second it left my lips. There was a silence before I heard Joe sigh. “Sorry. Was that wei-”

“No. No, that sounded perfect.” he laughed a little. “Goodnight beautiful.”

“Goodnight Joe.” I sighed hanging up the phone. I laid back on the couch as I imagined everything that would happen on our date tomorrow as I slipped into a deep sleep.
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16 is good! It's a little dramatic/intense/long but I really like it. I might split it into 2 parts but I'll figure that out when I'm done writing it. :) Enjoy the next one should be up soon!