A Little Unexpected.

Being Civil.

For the next two days she did the same things. Wake up, awkwardly sit in the bus with Joe, have breakfast with Kevin and Nick, go back to the bus and watch TV and write music all day. The day after her little spat with Joe she didn't say a word to him and he barley acknowledged she was there. This morning she decided to try again.

“Hey.” She said quietly as she made her way into their bus.

Joe looked up from his magazine he was reading and nodded his head at Taylor.

She sat done across from him and looked around for Nick and Kevin. They were both still getting ready. “How's it goin?” She asked tapping her fingers on her knee nervously.

“Fine.” He groaned. He lifted the magazine to cover his face.

“Listen Joe...” Taylor sighed. “Nick told me about the break up. I'm sor-”

“Just shut up.” He glared at her as he lowered the magazine.

“I just wanted to say I know how you feel.” She said trying to keep her cool.

“I bet you do.” He said sarcastically. He looked up at her and rolled his eyes again.

“What's that suppose to mean?” She asked still taken back by his attitude.

“Don't act like you're little miss perfect. I know you get around.” He huffed shutting his magazine.

“How dare you say that about me?! You don't even know me!” She yelled standing up off the couch.

“And I don't want to know you.” He grunted slamming his magazine on the couch. “I thought I made that clear the other day.”

“Oh you made it very clear.” Taylor huffed. “Sorry I was trying to be nice! I don't know what your problem is but you're the only one that hasn't made me feel welcome here!” She yelled down at him.

“GOOD!” He said standing up now too. “It must be killing you to know that someone in this world doesn't like you!” He growled at her.

“No what's killing me is you fucking attitude!” She spat stepping towards him. Joe was caught off guard for a second by the fact that she cursed, but he bounced right back.

“Well you wouldn't have to deal with my fucking attitude if you just stayed out of the fucking way!” Joe spat back. “I don't need you pity.”

“OH pity is the LAST thing I'm feeling towards you right now.” She laughed with anger. She brushed past him and headed for the bus door. Just before she left she turned back around to Joe. “You can tell your brothers I'm passing on breakfast this morning.” She huffed and slammed the bus door.

Nick appeared in the hallway with a shocked look on his face. “What just happened?” He asked staring at Joe.

“That bitch is what happened.” Joe grunted slamming himself back on the couch.

“JOE!” Nick yelled. “What is wrong with you? Seriously! What's going on?!” It's not everyday Nick gets angry but he was fed up with Joe's attitude and the way he was treating Taylor. At yesterdays breakfast he could tell Taylor was upset and he couldn't help but think it was because of Joe. “You won't even give her a chance.” he said calmly as he sat across from Joe. “Really bro. What's up with you?” He asked hoping Joe would open up to him.

Joe sat up on the couch and ran his hands through his hair with a sigh. “I'm going for a walk I'll be back before the buses leave.” Joe sighed grabbing his jacket from the chair and leaving before Nick could say another word.

Taylor paced in her bus frustrated with everything that just happened. She tried to be nice to him, she really did but now she was done. She accepted the fact that he didn't like her and from now on she would just stay away. What she wasn't going to do was take his shit. She wouldn't speak to him unless he decided to say something nasty to her.

The next day they're finally at their first city but it's rehearsal day. Taylor and the boys head over to the arena but you can feel the awkwardness between them. Taylor rehearses first. The boys rehearse after her. They also have a duet during the boys set. Taylor gags at the idea of having to sing with Joe but she sucks it up and does it anyways. She keeps her distance but they still manage to exchange nasty glares at each other.

The truth is Joe was starting to feel bad. Yesterday during his walk he realized just what he was doing, taking out his anger of his ex out on Taylor. He spent the night finally talking to his brother about the break up, which made him feel better. He then agreed that he needed to take it easy on Tay and Kevin even convinced him to apologize. He still didn't like her very much though. It's just...she was so happy all the time, and right now the last thing he wants is to be around someone so cheery. But he did want to be civil with her. And well who was he kidding he thought she was hot, and when she blew up in his face the way she did he couldn't help but think it was kinda sexy. But he pushed those thoughts away, far far away. After Taylor performed the duet with them she headed back to her dressing room while they finished rehearsing. When they were done Joe slipped away from Nick and Kevin and found Taylor's dressing room. He took a breath before knocking on her door and letting himself in.

“Hey.” He said peaking his head in the door. Taylor turned around from her makeup chair with a smile, until she saw it was Joe, her smile faded fast. She turned her back to him again. “Umm....can I talk to you?” he asked stepping inside, softly shutting the door. “You did good during rehearsal.” Joe said nervously shoving his hands in his pockets. Taylor stayed with her back turned towards him. She didn't know why he was there or what he wanted but she knew it wouldn't end well. “You know you're gonna make it hard for me to apologize if you won't even look at me!” Joe snapped. This got Taylor's attention. Apologize? Joe is apologizing? She slowly swirled her makeup chair around and crossed her arms over her chest. 3 days of nothing but nasty comments she was ready for an apology. “Better.” He said and then for the first time Taylor saw him let out a quick smile. It was so fast that if you blinked you would miss it, but she didn't. She was still waiting for her apology though. Joe walked over to her couch and leaned against the back of it. “I'm sorry...if I've been...snappy with you recently.”

“Snappy isn't even the word.” Taylor mumbled under her breath. She appreciated his apology but every word he's said to her has been ringing in the back of her head from the day they've met. “Did your brothers put you up to this?”

“No.” Joe said looking down at his feet. “Well a little.” He glanced back up at Taylor. “Listen I'm not saying we have to be best friends, or friends at all for that matter, I just want to be...” He paused looking for the word. “Civil with you.” Taylor nodded her head and removed her arms from her chest.

“I can do that.” She nodded.

“Good.” Joe straightened up and relaxed a little. “I mean I'm not saying I'm gonna have sleepovers on your bus and talk about my break up, but no more nasty comments and mean looks.” He said giving her a half smile.

Taylor nodded her head again and gave him the best smile back that she could “Thank you.” She said softly.

Joe nodded back at her and headed towards the door. “Ok, well, I'll see you around.” he looked back at Taylor and this time gave her a real smile. Taylor in return gave him a real smile back. Then he left softly shutting the door behind him. Taylor let out a deep breath and relaxed in her chair. That didn't really go how she expected, it went better. She even thought she saw a little glimpse of that charming, funny, Joe everyone talked about. A huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

But there was another weight still on her. Her boyfriend. It's been almost 3 days since she talked to him last. Taylor made her way back to her bus that night. She was exhausted and emotionally worn out from these past few days. The only thing she wanted was to talk to her boyfriend. When she was settled back in her bus she checked he phone for the 600th time that day. Still nothing. No text, no calls, no voice mails, and she had no idea why. Although this wasn't shocking, he did this all the time, but 3 days has been the longest. She stared at her phone a little longer before deciding to try again. She'll called a million times, left a million voice mails and a million texts, a part of her was starting to think something was wrong. She worried about him a lot, it's what she spends most of her time doing actually. The phone rang but once again no answer. She didn't leave a message this time, she just hung up. She sat on her couch praying he would call. She felt like she was about to cry again for the 3rd night in a row, when she heard a knock on her bus door. She quickly wiped away a tear and yelled “Come in!”

All three brothers entered the bus. “Hey we're going to dinner. You comin?” Kevin asked.

“Um...” She glanced at her phone. “No.” She said forcing a smile up at the boys. “I think I'm gonna pass tonight but thanks for the invite.”

Her forced smile seemed to fool them because they accepted and walked out. Just before they left Joe and Taylor made eye contact. He gave her a sympathetic smile and softly closed her bus door. She left out a big sigh and stared back at her phone, just waiting for him to call. She could wait all night like this, she did last night. Just then the door opened again and she was shocked at who came back.

“Hi?” She said confused. “Did you forget something?” She asked.

Joe nervously shoved his hands in his pockets again, he didn't really know why he came back. He could see on Taylor's face that something was wrong. He recognized the look, the same look he's had on his face for the past couple weeks.

“I uh, yeah. I forgot my jacket.” He shrugged.

“Wouldn't that be in your bus?” Taylor said with a little bit of a giggle.

“It would be.” He laughed. “Walked in the wrong bus , I guess.” He shrugged again with a laugh. Taylor looked up at him confused.

“Oh ok.” She sighed moving her eyes back to her phone that still hadn't rang.

“Are you ok?” Joe asked suddenly.

“What? Yeah I'm fine.” Taylor shook her head but Joe wasn't convinced.

“He still hasn't called?” Joe said quietly.

She looked up at him confused before shaking her head yes. “How'd you know?” She asked looking down at her hands.

“The look on your face. I've had that same look for the past couple weeks.” He sighed. Taylor had no idea why Joe was suddenly being so nice. Joe had no idea why either but they both went with it. “How long has it been?” Joe asked hesitantly sitting on the couch across from her.

“3 days.” Taylor admitted looking up at Joe. For the first time she took in what he really looked like. His face was so much softer than the last couple of times they've spoken. She liked this Joe.

“3 days.” He repeated making a huffing noise. “And you got nothin? No texts or anything?”

“Nope.” She said bringing her eyes back to her phone.

“I'm sorry.” He sighed. “Can I ask you a question?” he said feeling much more comfortable at this point. Taylor nodded. “Why are you even with him?” Joe asked. Taylor look up at him shocked that this was the same Joe she just yelled at this morning. “It's just...” Joe shrugged “he seems like he's bringing you down that's all.” He said glancing down at his hands.

“He needs me.” Taylor replies. She can't help how weak and frail her voice sounds. “He's just...he has no one. I'm the only person in his life that cares. I can't just leave him. I love him.” She finishes.

“Who is this guy?” Joe asks.

“John.” She answers feeling a pain in her chest as his name leaves her lips.

“As in Mayer. John Mayer?” Joe was shocked. “I heard the rumors but I didn't think they were true!” He huffed to himself. “Don't you think he's a little old for you?” Joe asked.

“At first I did. But he's really like a big kid. He may be 32 but he acts like he's 18.” She wants to laugh but it's to painful for her.

“So you really think you're the ONLY person in his life?” Joe asks knowing the rumors that haven been going around. He's been drowning himself in magazines these last few days and he's read lots of stuff about John. Taylor looks up at him with a confused look on her face. “Taylor come on do you live under a rock?” Joe asked realizing he sounded a little insensitive. “It's just, I've heard things recently....about him. He's a big boy Taylor he can handle himself.” Joe sighed.

“I know. It's not that. I'm just the only....stable....person in his life. I don't know.” She said dropping her head and running her hands through her hair. “I love him, I really do. But I don't know if I can handle this much longer.” Taylor could feel her tears form in her eyes and her voice started to shake. “I'm always worrying about him. What if he's passed out somewhere? What if he's hurt? What....what if he overdosed? I can't take it.” She cried into her hands.

Joe instantly felt horrible about the way he's treated her these last few days. He had no idea just how much she had on her plate. He hated seeing her cry but he didn't know what to do. He sat there with her in silence while she sobbed. “He's not your responsibility, Taylor.” he said softly hoping to calm her down.

She nodded her head in her hands and said a quiet “I know.”

“You know what you need?” Joe asks as he leans over and places his hand on her knee. This gets Taylor's attention. She removes her hands from her face and looks at his hand resting on her. She slowly moves her eyes up to his. “You need to relax.” Joe smiles at her. “I just got out of a break up, you're boyfriend is being an ass...” Taylor raises her eyebrow wondering where he was going with this. “What do you say I go get some wine from my bus, a deck of cards, you can pick a movie and some junk food? We'll just hang out.” He smiled at her.

Taylor can't help but smile back and nod her head. “Yeah. Ok.” She wipes away her last tear.

“Cool!” Joe says jumping up. “Red or white wine?” He asks.

Taylor thinks for a second “White.” She smiles again.

“Ok, I'll be right back.” He smiles at her again. Before he leaves Taylor stops him.

“Joe!” She calls out. He turns around to face her. “Why are you doing this? I thought we weren't even friends.”

Joe laughs down at his feet. “We're not.” he smirks up at her. “Just two heart broken people.” He gives her another smile but this one is more broken. A silence falls between them but Joe breaks it with his humor. “Don't pick any sappy movies.” He smirks again and leaves the bus before Taylor can stop him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy chapter 2!

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