A Little Unexpected.

The First Show

The next day Taylor woke up and got ready. She was still wondering why Joe left so soon. After she was done getting ready Taylor made her way over to the boys bus. This time though, just as she approached so did Joe who looked like he was just coming back from a run. He slowed down when he saw Taylor.

“Hey.” Taylor smiled at him. “You left kinda sudden last night. Is everything okay?” She asked.

Joe tried avoiding her eyes. “Yep. Fine.” He said wiping the sweat off his forehead.

“Are you sure? Cause I tho-” Taylor started saying but got caught off by the door opening.

“Hey guys!” Nick said as him and Kevin stepped out of the bus. “Ready for breakfast?” They asked as they lead the way. Joe caught up with Nick and Kevin hung back with Taylor.

“How's it goin?” Kevin asked.

“Um. Not bad I guess.” Taylor said with a smile. “You?” she asked.

“Pretty good. Pumped for the first show tonight.” Kevin laughed. They walking into a cafe, Joe held the door.

“Thank you.” Taylor smiled at him but got nothing back. She was more than confused. Last night things between them seemed to be fine and all of a sudden he was giving her the cold shoulder again. After they ordered their coffees Taylor ordered a blue berry muffin and waited for the boys to finish ordering. As they made there way back to the buses Taylor pulled Joe back to her. “What's going on?” She asked quietly.

“Nothing.” Joe huffed.

“Are you mad at me or something?” She asked.

Joe sighed and stopped walking Taylor stopped too and faced him. Joe waited for Nick and Kevin to walk back in the bus before he started talking. “I just didn't want to interrupt your conversation with your boyfriend.” Joe said finally letting his eyes move to hers.

“Is that what this is about? Cause I answered the phone when John called last night?!” She asked folding her arms. “What was I suppose to do Joe? Just not answer?”

“He didn't! For 3 days!” Joe snapped back. Taylor sighed and untied her arms letting them fall to her side. Joe felt kind of bad about yelling at her so he added. “It's just...you gave in so quickly. You didn't even put up a fight, Taylor.”

“I've never been that kind of person, Joe. I hate fighting.”

“I just think he's never gonna learn if you don't put up a fight.” Joe shrugged. Suddenly he was irritated and walked away, into the bus, without another word.

Taylor stood there for a second before letting out a tiny grunt as she headed back to the bus. At first she was pissed at Joe for assuming he knew all this shit about her. But when she thought about it more she realized he was right. She didn't put up much of a fight...ever. John always had it his way. She didn't have much time to think about it though because before she knew it, it was time to head to the theater for the show. As Taylor walked into her dressing room she saw her back up singer Liz and violin player Catiline sitting at their make up chairs, waiting for Taylor. They shot up and hugged Taylor right away. “GIRLS!” She jumped as they hugged. “Oh my god I've missed you guys.”

“We've missed you too!” Liz said as they settled back in their chairs.

“SOOOO. What's going on?! Fill us in on what we've missed!” Catiline laughed.

“I don't know.” Taylor laughed. “We've just been traveling and stuff. I've been writing a lot of music. The guys are really sweet. I had a little mishap with one of them but we're okay...I think.” She laughed.

“Who?” Liz asked.

“Joe.” She answered.

“Really?! I thought you two were gonna really get along.” Catiline chimed in.

Taylor laughed “Yeah me too! He was just really cold when we first met. The first couple days was just fighting between us. But I think we're cool now, we talked last night and sorted stuff out.” Taylor turned her chair to the mirror and started applying her make up.

“And how's stuff with John?” Catiline asked.

There was a silence that fell over them. They knew this was a sore subject but they're Taylor's best friends, they needed to know.

“Taylor?” Liz said breaking the silence.

“I don't know.” She sighed. “He hadn't called me for 3 days. I didn't hear from him at all but then he called last night and we talked and...I don't know.”

Liz huffed. “Why do you take that?! He's such a jerk. And knowing you, you were probably worried sick. Am I right?”

Taylor nodded her head feeling ashamed. “I know. I know. But it's not that easy you guys. I can't just break it off with him that easy. He was busy he apologized.”

“Taylor YOU are busy. He is lazy.” Catiline added.

“Can we just drop it right now? I've been thinking about it all night and all today and it's just making me sick.” She sighed.

They spent the rest of their time catching up on what was going on with everyone. They then headed to rehearsal where they met back up with the rest of the band.

The first show that night went fantastic. Taylor had been rehearsing with her band back in a warehouse in Nashville but it was nothing like having a live crowd. After Taylor finished her set she sat in the sound booth and watched the brothers perform.

“You did great sweet heart!” A woman said running up to hug her in the sound booth. Taylor was use to this so she didn't think much of it until they pulled away and the woman said. “Oh I'm sorry, my names Denise Jonas.”

“OH!” Taylor laughed. “Well it's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from the boys.” She giggled.

“I've heard a lot about you too...from the boys.” She laughed. “I hope they've been treating you nice.”

“Yeah.” Taylor smiled at her as they settled down in the seats they had. “They've been great.”

“I heard Joe's been a little off. I'm sorry about that.” She sighed. “I miss my old Joey, I barely recognize this new guy.”

“Oh no it's fine!” Taylor reassured Miss Jonas. “He's heart broken, I understand. Just give him time I'm sure he'll come around.”

“I hope so.” Denise sighed.

Just than Taylor's mom made her way into the sound booth. “MOM!” Taylor yelled as she jumped up and hugged her.

“I'm so proud of you baby girl.” Her mother said as they hugged.

“Thanks mom.” Taylor sighed when they pulled away.

“Mom this is Denise Jonas. Denise this is my mom.” Taylor introduced them.

They just met in time as the lights went down again and the boys took their place on stage. The crowd went wild for the rest of the show and Taylor watched in awe of them. When the show was over Taylor said goodbye to Miss Jonas and her mother and met her band back stage. Now that Taylor was 20 she felt she didn't need her mom on tour with her anymore, although sometimes she misses her. But she had Catiline and Liz to keep her company. Catiline and Liz hung out in Taylor's bus after the show. They were eating pizza and watching The Notebook when there was a knock on Taylor's bus door. “Come in!” Taylor yelled.

The next thing she knows Joe is making his way into the bus. “Hi.” She says somewhat awkwardly because of how they left things.

“Oh.” He says when he sees Catiline and Liz “I'm sorry I didn't know you had people over.” Joe said as he turned his back to leave.

“No you can stay.” Taylor laughed.

“Actually.” Liz said shooting Catiline a look. “We were just about to go back to our bus.” Liz said getting off the couch.

“You were?” Taylor asked.

“Yep. Getting kinda tired.” She said grabbing Catiline's hands they ran out of the bus before Taylor or Joe could stop them. There was an awkward silence in the air when they left. It lasted for a minute until Joe broke it.

“I just wanted to say I'm sorry about how I acted this morning.” His face got a little red as he said it.

“You don't need to apologize. You were right. I give in to easily.” Taylor sighed.

Joe sat down across from her on the couch. “I've been such a jerk lately. I know I have.” He sighed. “I don't like being this way and I'm sorry if I'm still taking stuff out on you.” He said bringing his eyes back to Taylor's.

“Joe stop apologizing.” She laughed lightening the mood. “I get it. It's not easy going through a break up.”

“It's not even that. It's ju-” Joe was cut off by Nick sticking his head in the bus.

“Hey we're leaving now.” He said.

“Give me one minute.” Joe said. Nick nodded his head and closed the door again.

“Basically I wanted to say I'm sorry. And that I really do want to be friends.” He said giving Taylor a smile.

“I would love to be friends Joe.” Taylor said giving him a big smile back. Joe stood up and so did Taylor, then Joe did something Taylor didn't expect. He gave her a big hug.

“Thank you.” He whispered as they hugged. Then he was gone, leaving Taylor to stand there and wonder what just happened.

From that day on Joe and Taylor became very close. Taylor hung out in the boys bus every night and her and Joe always seemed to stay up talking longer then everyone else. Her band got along with them really well too. A week had gone by since Joe and Taylor became friends and so far things were much better.
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Sorry this one is kind of boring, it's just a filler chapter. The next one is one of my favorites.

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