A Little Unexpected.

Breaking Out

It was around ten at night and Joe's brothers had just gone to sleep, but he couldn't. He had so many things running through his head. He laid on the couch staring at a TV that wasn't even on. The number one thing on his mind. Taylor. He didn't know why he had been thinking about her so much lately but it was bugging the hell out of him. They had grown closer over the past couple weeks and Joe really felt like he could talk to Taylor about anything. Well anything except for one thing, Joe's ex. Joe still hadn't talked to anyone about her. And now she was the second thing on his mind. She texted him today. It's been about a month and a half since they broke up and the message from her really shook him. All it said was

Hi. I've been thinking about you. I miss you. I wish you would answer one of my calls.

She had called him every once and a while but Joe can't bare to even look at his phone when she calls, no less talk to her. He didn't know what to do. Answer her text. But what would he say? Call her back. But what would he say? Finally he couldn't take the agony of thinking of her anymore. He leaned over and picked up his phone off the coffee table. He scrolled down his contact list until he got to Taylor's name. Then he sent her a quick text hoping she was still up. He knew she would be though, they're both late night people and it's only 10:30 now.

Hey are you up?

He texted her. Within a minute he got a text back and he couldn't help but smile at how fast she always replies.

Yeah! What's up?

Joe smiled as her read her message.

I can't sleep. Do you mind if I come hang out with you?

He stared at his phone and waited for her reply.

Sure! You know I NEVER sleep this early. :)

Joe laughed at her message and shoved his phone in his pocket. He grabbed his jacket and head over to Taylor's bus.

Joe strolled into Taylor's bus “Hey.”

“Hey!” Taylor smiled up at him from her couch. Joe couldn't help but notice her long legs sprawled across the couch. She was wearing a short pair of bright red shorts and a V-neck white t shirt. He pulled his thoughts away from how physically attracted he was to her, it almost made him uncomfortable at times. But he's learned to control himself.

“Can I talk to you about something?” He asked rubbing his own arm nervously.

“Of course.” Taylor Replied. She sat up on the couch and quickly shut off the TV. She folded her legs Indian style and made room for Joe on the couch. Joe sat down and let out a big sigh. “What's wrong?” She asked right away.

“It's my ex.” He said glancing over at Taylor who was waiting for him to go on, but he didn't.

“You don't really talk about her much, do you?” She asked.

“No.” He replied. “I haven't really talked about her to anyone.” Joe said as he sat back on her couch and ran his hands through his hair.


“It hurts to much.” He shrugged.

“I know what you mean.” She huffed and even let out a little laugh. “So why now?” She asked after they fell silent again.

“She texted me today. And she's been calling me these past couple days. I just...I don't know what to do.” He said looking to Taylor, hoping for an answer.

“Can I ask you a question?” Taylor said looking at Joe.

“Fire away.” Joe said looking back at Taylor with a little forced smile.

“Why did you guys end it? What happened?” She asked.

“I don't know. I honestly don't. I mean I just left for tour and she called me and ended it about a day or 2 after we left. I think it's because I was so distant. But I didn't want to be! I was just so busy. Like the brothers and I were trying to finish up the last minute stuff for the new album before we left cause if we didn't it could take another year. And then we left and we were so busy getting our tour plan together that...I don't know I guess I just stopped being there for her. I mean I still called her and stuff but I couldn't physically be there for her. Ya know?” Taylor just nodded and continued to listen to him. “So she found someone else. Someone that could be there for her. And she left me. It was my fault really for not being the man she needed me to be.”

“No.” Taylor said right after he said that last part. “It's not your fault Joe.”

“But I feel like it is.” He said back.

“It's not! Long distant relationships are hard, Joe. If she can't handle that it's HER fault, not yours. You tried to make it work. She cheated on you, and she tried using your “absents” as an excuse to make HERSELF feel better.” Taylor reassured him. She didn't even realize that her hand was now on top of his. “She doesn't deserve you. Can I ask another question?” She asked placing her hand back on her lap.

Joe sat there for a second taking in Taylor's words. “She doesn't deserve you.” ran through his head and he felt as if a weight had been lifted off his chest. As much as his brothers and his family tried to comfort him he never heard that, and that, for some reason stuck with him. When he snapped out of it her glanced back at Taylor “Sorry go ahead.” he said giving her a genuine smile.

“What was her name again?”

“Ashley.” He rolled his eyes as he said her name.

“That's right.” Taylor said under her breath. “Ashley Green.” she nodded.

“Yeah. How did you know that?” Joe asked with somewhat of a smirk at Taylor.

“Oh just....media stuff.” Joe knew she was lying by how red her face got. “But in my opinion I think you should just let her go, at least for now. Just don't answer, she'll stop and you'll heal. I promise.” Taylor smiled at him. But what she didn't know was he was already healed. And it was because of her.

“Thank you.” Joe said leaning forward, bringing Taylor in for a tight hug. Taylor hugged him back and when they sat back the feel in the air was much lighter.

“So speaking of relationships...hows stuff between you and John?” Joe asked.

“Not to great.” She rolled her eyes. “But what else is new.”

“You know what?!” Joe said as he jumped off the couch, startling Taylor a little. “Come with me.”

She laughed as she looked up at him as if he was crazy. “Where?”

“Just come on!” He laughed grabbing her hand and pulling her off the couch. “We can't sit around here and wallow in our pity. Tomorrow we have our first stadium show! Let's get pumped! Let's do something crazy!” He laughed.

Taylor stood there frozen staring at him with a crazy smile on her face. “Joe. I think you're cracking up.” She laughed. “We don't have anywhere to go.”

“I do.” He said seriously. “Please. For me.” He said giving her a sad face.

“Let me get my shoes on.” She sighed with a laugh. She went to the closet and slipped on a pair of sneakers. Joe grabbed Taylor's hand and dragged her out of the bus before she could change her mind. He ran her around the buses until they were standing at the front gate of the stadium. Joe looked up at it with a smile and then back to Taylor.

“What?” She laughed at him. “I'm so confused over what the hell is going on right now.” She giggled again.

“We're going to go in.” Joe gave her a mischievous grin.

“What?! No. Joe are you FUCKING CRAZY! We can't break in, we'll get arrested!” Taylor panicked as she tried to run but Joe grabbed her hand before she could.

“No we won't.” Joe laughed at her. “I do this all the time. Trust me.” He said looking into Taylor's eyes.

“Fine.” She sighed under her breath. “How do you plan on getting in? Mr. Criminal.” She laughed.

“Climb. It's just a gate.” He laughed at how paranoid she seemed. “I'll give you a lift and you just stick your feet in the wholes and climb your way up.”

“Oh now I'm going first?!” She laughed at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Well if I go first, how do I know you won't leave?” He laughed back at her.

“Good point.” She giggled. “I don't know, Joe. This seems kinda high.” She said nervously.

“It's not that bad. How bout I give you a life and I'll meet you at the top?” Joe reasoned with her.

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes again but she couldn't help but smile at how crazy all this was.

Joe kneeled down and patted his knee. “I can't believe I'm doing this.” She mumbled as she stepped up on his knee and started slowly climbing the fence. Joe couldn't help but love his view he was getting as Taylor climbed above him. When she made it to the top she straddled the top of the fence and looked back down at Joe. “Your turn.” She whispered with a smirk.

“Actually. I don't think I want to do it anymore.” Joe said turning his back to her.

“JOE!” she yelled at him. “I will kill you.” She whispered loudly.

“I'm kidding.” He said laughing up at her.

“That's not funny.” She said trying to be serious but letting a laugh break through. “Hurry up, this is a little bit uncomfortable.”

“Coming.” Joe laughed. He got a little running start and scaled the fence like a monkey. He was at the top of the fence withing seconds facing Taylor. “Hey.” He smirked at her.

“Show off.” She laughed rolling her eyes at him.

“I'll meet you at the bottom.” He laughed as he jumped down from the top of the fence without even stumbling when he landed.

“Do you do gymnastics or something?” Taylor laughed down at him.

“No. Not really.” He laughed. “Alright, come on.” He said opening his arms wide.

“Are you sure?” She said swinging her leg over to Joe's side.

“I promise I'll catch you. It's not as high as it seems.” He laughed.

Before Taylor could think about it anymore she closed her eyes and jumped down. Thank god Joe was there though because Taylor didn't stick the landing like he did. As she jumped down she landed on top of him and they both fell to the ground. When Taylor opened her eyes she realized she was laying on top of Joe, her lips just inches from his. She pulled back a bit. “Sorry.” She whispered.

“I told you I'd catch you.” he smiled up at her. They both laid there for a second just looking at each other until Taylor snapped out of it and lifted herself off of Joe. She wiped off her knees and hands as Joe got back to his feet too.

“Are you okay?” Joe asked as he wiped off his hands on his pants.

“I'm fine thanks.” She laughed a little. “So what now?”

“Follow me.” Joe said as he walked more into the stadium. As they were walking in Taylor's eye caught an emergency exit.

“Joe.” She stopped. “Are you kidding me? There was an emergency door right there. You know they never lock those. Did you know that was there?” She said narrowing her eyes back at Joe. Joe gave her a mischievous grin and shrugged. “You suck.” She laughed as she followed him more into the stadium. They walked into the stadium that would be packed with people tomorrow. Joe walked next to Taylor as they made their way to the floor. Joe could see Taylor shiver from the corner of his eyes. He didn't even ask, he slipped off his jacked and placed it around her shoulders. Taylor looked over at him.

“The wind in here can get a little crazy.” Joe smiled at her. She blushed a little but it was to dark for him to see. They walked down the center of the floor until they made it to the stage. Joe pulled Taylor to the side of the stage and up the steps. She couldn't help but laugh again. When they were up the stage Joe let go of her hand and made his way to the center of the stage. Taylor followed and stood next to him. They stood there for what seemed like forever just looking out at all those empty seats. “Pretty amazing, huh?” He said bringing his eyes back to Taylor.

“Yeah.” She responded almost breathless. “It's beautiful.”

Joe smiled at her. He couldn't deny the fact anymore that he had feelings for her. He slowly sat down and swung his feet over the stage. Taylor removed her eyes from the empty seats and looked down at Joe. She giggled at him and he could feel his heart speed up. He patted the empty spot next to him and she slowly sat down.

Joe laid back onto the stage and looked up at the stars. “The stars look amazing from here too.” He said softly.

Taylor laid back next to him. “Wow.” She huffed. “They're gorgeous.”

Joe turned his head to look over at Taylor. “They are.” He smiled. Taylor turned her head and saw Joe staring at her. She smiled at him.

“Thanks for showing me this.” She giggled a little.

“Thanks for trusting me.” He laughed as he brought his eyes back to the sky.

They laid there not talking or laughing or anything. It was pure silence, the only sound was the wind whistling into the stadium. They stayed like that for almost an hour. Joe finally sat up and sighed. He looked down at Taylor's long bare legs still hanging over the edge. He shook his head at the thoughts that ran through his mind. Taylor soon sat up too.

“Can you believe we sold this place out?” Joe asked not being able to take his eyes off of Taylor who was still marveling at the view of the giant stadium.

“I can't.” She sighed. “You know...sometimes I wonder how I got here.” she sighed again.

“You climbed a fence.” Joe laughed.

“Not here you idiot.” She said playfully smacking his arm. Joe laughed at her again but let her continue. “I mean HERE. Playing a show for, what 30,000 people tomorrow?”

“35,000.” Joe answered with another giggle.

“It blows my mind.” She sighed resting her head in her hands. “Sometimes...sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it.” She said with ease. “Like there are people out there that have worked harder than me for years and never got a chance to sell out stadiums like this. John. He's worked hard his whole life for something like this but he's never really been able to experience it. I just feel like I don't deserve all this...all this love.”

“Taylor? Are you kidding me.” Joe huffed. He couldn't help but reach over and place his hand on top of hers. This caused her to look back at him. “You deserve all of this. You deserve MORE than this. You should have 6 stadiums like this filled for you every night! You should never feel like your not good enough...because you are.” She tried to look away to hide how hard she was blushing but it was no use, he already saw and she couldn't take her eyes off him. “You are talented, and smart, and funny, and kind, and passionate, and really...really beautiful. You are better than good enough, okay?” all Taylor could do was nod her head because as Joe said all this he got closer and closer to her. “And you deserve love.” He said softly as he was now just inches from her face. “YOU deserve someone who's going to make you feel good enough.” He sighed. He looked into her eyes one last time before connecting his lips to hers. Taylor was taken back a little at first but soon fell right into the kiss. His lips were soft and gentile against her's. Joe brought his hand that was resting on top of hers to her chin as he continued to slowly kiss her. When they pulled away Taylor took a breath as if the kiss had taken her breath away. And it did. She didn't know a kiss that simple could be so powerful but it was. For a minute she smiled the biggest smile she had in a long time and Joe was just mesmerized by her. He was in a daze gazing at her as if it was his first kiss ever. But then her smile faded as the thought of John, her boyfriend, came running back through her brain. She lowered her head into her hand and sighed.

“Shit.” She sighed quietly.

Joe quickly snapped out of it once he processed her sadness. “Taylor. I'm so sorry. I didn-”

“It's okay Joe.” She sighed. “You don't have to apologize. I kissed you back. But...” She sighed again as the battle in her mind started raging. She wanted to scream out of happiness from that kiss, but she wanted to break down and cry because of John. “I think I should go.” She said quietly.

“Taylor, don't pl-”

“I just need to think, okay?” She said as she jumped to her feet. Joe nodded his head. Taylor walked off stage and started walking down the center isle back to the exit. Joe watched as she walked, only replaying that kiss in his mind. When she was half way she stopped and turned around. “Thanks for tonight Joe. Really it was fun.” She said giving him a weak smile. “Can we talk tomorrow morning?” She asked.

“Of course. I'll see you in the morning.” He smiled at her.

“Don't stay out to late.” She said just before turning around and making her way out through the emergency exit.
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Yep love this chapter! I hope you liked it too!

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