A Little Unexpected.

Locked Up.

When Taylor got back into her bus she took a big deep breath. When she released a huge smile come to her face. She had thought about kissing Joe before, she couldn't lie. But it was so much better then she had imagined. She fell onto the couch and let out another content sigh. But again the thought of John ruined her moment. She reached over and grabbed her phone off the coffee table. 6 misses calls, 8 texts, 1 voice mail. Her hands were shaking as she held the phone in them. It was only an hour, maybe an hour and a half, that Joe and her were gone and yet NOW John decides to call. She placed the phone back down on the table and ran her hands through her hair as she contemplated on what to do. Break up with John? But she loved him. But they fight...all the time. But he needs her. But he's a grown man. She spent almost and hour weighing the pros and cons when she came to a decision. Then she picked up her phone and dialed 2 before she could change her mind.

It only rang once u before he picked up “Where the hell have you been?! I've been calling you for 3 hours!”

“3 hours?! Really John, try 3 days!” She spat back right away.

“Fuck you, I was busy I told you that before!”

“Busy doing what John? Screwing around behind my back, because you sure as hell aren't working!” Taylor yelled.

“Don't talk to me like that! I was worried sick about you, okay?” John said lowering his voice a little.

“YOU were worried sick about ME?! John, I'm not the one with a drug problem, or an alcohol problem. I'm WORKING. I went out to get some air tonight for 2 hours get over it.” She huffed.

It was silent for a minute and all she could hear was Johns breathing. “I'm sorry.” He huffed. “I didn-”

“Don't. John I can't do this anymore.” It was silent again after the words left her lips. “I just can't. I feel like I'm more of a mother to you than a girlfriend. You're just not the same person I fell in love with.” She sighed after getting it all off her chest.

“So that's it. After all this your just ending it. Like this. You know how much I love you.”

“You sure do have a funny way of showing it. Don't you? I'm not blind, I've read all the magazines, I've seen all the evidence. And the worst part is I accepted it. I let you do it to me! I don't...I don't even know why. I was just another girl to check off your list, wasn't I?”

“Taylor, you know you can't believe that shit. It's all lies.” He tried to reason.

“No what was all lies was us John. Our relationship is a lie. I care for you, I always will. But this...this has to end. I can't take one more sleepless night wondering if you'll call, or if your okay. I just can't.” Taylor was surprised at how easily this all seemed to be coming out and she wasn't even crying.

“I can change.” Her begged.

“You said that last time I picked you up from that bar, drunk off your ass. And then the time after that I found you passed out off the pills. I'm done. I can't say it anymore, please just let me be done.” Taylor was begging him now.

“Fine. FINE! If this is how you want it to end then here you go! It's over. Have a great fucking life.” He yelled. The next thing she heard was something shatter and he hung up. She took a deep breath and pressed end on her phone. She knew she should have felt sad, and upset, and angry, but she didn't. She felt free. For the first time in months she didn't care. She let out another sigh and let her head fall back on the couch pillow. She was surprised she didn't cry, or even flinch really. I mean she was mad at first but she was over it so easily that she wondered why she hadn't done it earlier. As all these memories ran through her brain she drifted off to sleep and dreamt of Joe and the night she had with him. The first night in a long time her dreams weren't a nightmare.

It was 6 am when she woke up to Nick frantically running into her bus. “Taylor?!” He yelled causing her to shoot up from the couch in fear. Nick stopped and looked at her for a second, he couldn't help but laugh at the expression on her face, and her messy hair. “Sorry.”

“What happened?” She said rubbing her sleepy eyes.

“Do you happen to know what happened to Joe last night?” Nick asked.

“What? No he just came over to talk. Why?” She asked swinging her legs around to the floor.

“He got arrested last night.” Nick sighed.

“He what?!” Taylor said clearly awake now.

“Apparently for breaking and entering. A security guard found him in the stadium last night and he's been in jail since then. We got the call at 2am but they're just allowing him to be released now.”

For a quick moment Taylor let herself let out a tiny laugh. “What a stupid ass.” She giggle to herself, running her hands through her messy hair.

“I was going to pick him up now actually. I just wanted to see if you knew anything before I left.” Nick said confused to why she was smiling.

“Do you mind if I pick him up?” Taylor asked up at Nick.

“I'm sorry...what?” Nick laughed.

“I think I might know why he was there last night. Can I please just do it?” She asked standing up now and stretching her arms over her head.

“Yeah. I mean I guess you can. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?” He asked. Taylor was fixing her hair in the mirror now and it immediately feel into place. She through a jacket on over her plane white night shirt.

“I'll be fine.” She said tieing the sting on her red shorts. She walked up to Nick. “Can I barrow your car?” She asked.

“Sure?” He said handing her the keys with a confused look.

“Thanks. I'll have him back before rehearsal, promise.” she said as she took the keys from him and ran out of the bus before he insisted on going with her again. Luckily the jail was only 20 minutes out of town, so she didn't have to go far. Once she was there she parked the car and made her way inside.

“Hi. I'm here to pick up Joe Jonas on bail.” She said to the fat man behind the front desk.

“Hey are you that Taylor girl?” He asked with a heavy Italian accent.

“Yeah I am.” She laughed.

“My daughter loves you! Do you mind signing this while I let out your boyfriend?” The man slid a blank piece of white paper with coffee stains on the edges and donut crumbs all over it, across the counter to her.

“Oh he's not my-” she tried to say but he was gone before she could finish. Taylor sighed and signed the paper in blue pen. When she looked up the first thing she saw was Joe walking towards her. His hair was a complete mess. He looked like he'd gone through hell and back and yet she couldn't help but bust out laughing.

“Ha Ha. I know get it out now.” Joe said trying to sound mad but he was really laughing right along with her.

“I'm sorry.” She said as she tried to take a breath. “You look like crap.” she giggled.

“Well I feel like crap. Can we get out of here? This place gives me the creeps.” He leans in and says quietly as the big man waddles back to the front desk.

“We have to pay your bail first.” She whispers to him. Taylor reaches in her purse as the man sits back down and types something on his computer.

“Here you go.” Taylor says in a sweet voice. “I signed it and even added a pick in there for you.” She smiles at him. Joe watches Taylor as she works her magic on the man.

“How much do I owe you?” Joe asks turning to him. The officer looks over at Joe and his look is stern again. “I'll let it go this time. But only cause of this lovely lady over here. Have you learned your lesson Mr. Jonas?”

“Yes sir. Definitely.” Joe says trying to hold back a huge smile.

“Thanks so much....” Taylor leans in a little to read his badge “Mike.” Taylor tries not to giggle. “Tell your daughter I say hello. And if you want we're having a show here tonight, it's only 20 minutes away. I could get you tickets.”

“Are you serious?! She would love that. She's 8, has your posters all over her walls.” He smiled wide at her.

“Aw. How sweet! Well I'll take your card here and I'll have my manager email you the seats. Thanks so much for your help.” She smiles again, this time tilting her head a little to the side.

“No thank you. My daughter is going to be thrilled.” He says as he pulls out his phone and Taylor runs out of the station with Joe.

Once in the car Taylor buckles her seat belt and narrows her eyes over at Joe. “So much for knowing all the security guards.” She giggles.

He laughed back. “Yeah yeah yeah.” Joe say waving his hand in the air. “What was all that?” Joe narrows his eyes at her now.

“All what?” Taylor laughed as she starts the car and slowly proceeds to leave.

“All that 'Hi Mr. Officer man. Do you want tickets to a show? Here's my pick.'” Joe laughed as he imitated her in a high soft voice that sounded more like Marilyn Monroe.

“I do not talk like that!” She says playfully smacking his shoulder with a laugh. “And you should be happy I got you out of paying for bail!”

“No I am.” He smiles at her from the passengers seat. “I'm happy you came to pick me up.” Taylor takes one quick glance over at him and blushes immediately just because Joe's looking at her.

Taylor looks back at the road and it's awkwardly quiet for a couple minutes until they both say, at the same time, “About last night...” They stop and both laugh a little.

“You go first.” Joe encourages her.

“I broke up with John.” Were the first words out of Taylor's mouth. Joe couldn't help but smile, big. He tried to hide it though. “Stop smiling you jerk.” She laughed at him.

“Well you don't seem too upset about it.” He says sitting back in his seat.

“I'm not, surprisingly. I mean, I really took to heart what you said last night and you were right. John, he was just such a heavy weight on my chest, ya know?” She says glancing over at Joe who's nodding his head seriously. “So of course we got in a fight last night and I was just done.” She shrugged.

“Well that's...great. I'm not gonna lie it's great.” He laughed and Taylor laughed along with him.

“So what were you going to say?” She asked as she stopped at a red light.

“Well.” He said running his hands through his hair. Taylor couldn't help but stare at how his muscles flexed when he did that. “I couldn't stop thinking about you last night. I just sat in my jail cell running that kiss through my head. And now that your not with John I was wondering if maybe you would want to go on a date with me?” He said in his cool tone.

Taylor took a second to process it all. A date? She sighed wishing the timing was better. She wanted to say yes but it was way to soon. Plus Taylor and Joe just became friends a couple weeks ago and now he wanted to date her?! Although she couldn't lie either, she ran that kiss though her head a billion times too. She had even dreamt about it. “Joe, I think your really great but I can't. I JUST got out of a relationship. I think it's only fair to John and myself if I just lay low with dating for a while.” She was hesitant to look at Joe but when she did she registered the hurt on his face. “But that doesn't mean I don't want to!” She said quickly. “Cause I do,” She blushed and Joe smiled wide again. They were now pulling into the parking lot were their buses were and Taylor put the car in park and shut off the engine. “Just not right now. If you can wait, I PROMISE you will be the first to know when I'm ready again.” She smiled over at him.

“Sure.” Joe said giving her the sweetest smile she had ever seen. It actually made her second guess her decision.

“Last night was the most fun I've had in a long time. I missed feeling that free.” She sighed again. “I never got a chance to say thank you.” She blushed up at him. She didn't know why she couldn't stop blushing, cause she's never like this around guys. But Joe seems to have this effect of her.

“That kiss was thank you enough.” Joe giggled a little. And Taylor blushed harder now, her face turning bright red.

“Okay.” She laughed. “I should get going.” She said dying to get out of the car. She couldn't stand the fact that Joe saw how crazy he made her.

“Yeah me to.” Joe sighed as they stepped out of the car. “Thanks for picking me up Tay.”

“Sure.” She said as they walked back to their buses. As they got closer to their buses they slowly started parting ways.

“Big show tonight.” Joe said just before he reached his bus door.

“Yeah I know.” She laughed. “I'll see you at rehearsal.” She said giving him one more big smile before she stepped into her bus and collapsed on her couch with a giddy squeal.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey I hope you guys liked it! I think this chapter is kinda cute! Thanks for the comment btw it's great to hear feedback and it really helps when writing.

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