A Little Unexpected.

"Just don't rule him out."

At rehearsal Taylor sat in the audience with Catiline and Liz while she watched the boys perform. Things were different now though. She COULD NOT keep her eyes off Joe. No matter how hard she tried to focus on Nick or Kevin her eyes always ended up on Joe. It was the same for Joe, kind of. Since he was on stage he had to take direction and sing at the same time it was hard for him to focus on Taylor. But she was sitting right in the front row and at the end of every song he was looking at her and the biggest smile would grown on his face when he saw her clapping. Even though she said no to the date, Joe seemed okay with it. He was never one for giving up, especially when it came to girls, so he wasn't going to now. There was no denying they had something, Joe knew that. When they were done Taylor went back to her dressing room to warm up for her rehearsal.

“Me me me me me me me.” She sang to herself then cleared her throat.

“You you you you you you you.” She heard Joe's voice sing behind her. She turned around and saw him in the door way.

“Hey.” She laughed.

“Hey.” He laughed back. “So what did you think? Tonight’s the big show, I really don't wanna screw this one up.” He said as he shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way more into her dressing room.

“Are you kidding?! You did great! Your set is amazing. And the energy is just going to be nuts.” She laughed walking towards him a little.

“Are you excited for the duet?” He asked.

“Yeah!” Taylor smiled. “I just hope the fans like it.”

“They'll love it. Don't worry.” He said giving her his big grin. It was silent for a second and Taylor started to blush again. “I hope stuff between us isn't going to be awkward now...” Joe said looking down at his feet with a little bit of a nervous laugh.

“Well when you say that....it kinda gets awkward.” She laughed. “Joe, we're fine.” She said touching his shoulder. “I'm just really glad we're friends.” She sighed.

“Me too.” He said looking up at her again. He can't help but get lost in those blue eyes of hers every once and a while and right now was one of those moments. Taylor stared back at him wondering what was going through his head and thinking about how his eyes look green when shes close to him. The moment was broken by Liz walking through the door, clearing her throat.

“Okayyyy.” Taylor said removing her hand from his shoulder. “Yep you did a great job today.” She said patting his shoulder twice. Her face became bright red and Joe was trying to hold back a laugh.

“Thanks. See ya later.” He said, quickly leaving the room.

“Okay, what the hell is going on?” Catiline asked as she closed the door.

“I don't know what your talking about.” Taylor blushed as she tried to look like she was busy by going through her rack of clothes.

“Don't give us that BS!” Liz laughed. “Your face is as red as that couch right now.”

“Nothing is going on.” She said looking back at them.

“Do you think were blind or something?!” Liz laughed. “We saw the way you were looking at him during rehearsal. You couldn't keep your eyes off him. I mean I can't blame you he looks great in those tight jeans.” She laughed. “So what's going on?”

“Nothing! We're just friends!” She said facing them again. “Nothing is going on.” She said seriously. They narrowed their eyes at her knowing she was lying. “FINE. We hung out last night and we ended up kissing and I broke up with John and Joe got arrested and I picked him up this morning and he asked me out on a date and I said no but now I kinda wanna say yes and I think he's really hot and my brain is going crazy!” She yelled without taking a breath. When she was done she let out a big sigh. “Happy?” She said forcing a smile at them, throwing herself on the couch.

“Oh wow.” Catiline laughed. “I didn't catch all that can you say it again?” Her and Liz burst into laughter again while Taylor laid on the couch rubbing her forehead.

“Wait! You guys kissed?! Joe got arrested? HE ASKED YOU ON A DATE?! You broke up with John?! This all happened last night? Is that even possible?” Liz yelled sitting at the other end of the couch. Taylor just groaned and nodded her head with a little giggle.

Just then Taylor's manager popped her head in. “Taylor, we're ready for you.”

“Oh thank God.” Taylor said jumping up from the couch, running out the door. Liz and Catiline followed.

“We're talking about this later.” Catiline whispered to Taylor as they made their way to the stage. Taylor just rolled her eyes and laughed.

Rehearsal went perfectly. Joe and Nick sat in the audience and watched as Taylor ran through her set. This was her first time performing in a sold out stadium so it was somewhat nerve racking. And yet when she looked down into those empty seats and saw Joe smiling up at her, those nerves went away. They brought the brothers up for the last song, the duet, of should've said no. Taylor could feel the butterflies in her stomach build as Joe made his way to her. “You did great.” He whispered when he stood next to her.

She blushed and let her head fall as Nick and Kevin took their places on the other side of her. They ran through the song in full and no matter how hard she tried Taylor seemed to be drawn to Joe like a magnet. She would strut over to nick and sing with him, and skip her way over to Kevin and sing with him, but she always ended up right next to Joe.

Once rehearsing was over she walked back to her dressing room Liz and Catiline followed behind, they closed the door as they made it into the room.

“So. Tell us more.” Liz said sitting down on the floor in front of the couch, stretching her legs out in front of her.

Taylor laughed knowing they weren't going to give up. She sat down on the couch and Catiline sat on the coffee table across from her.

“Okay.” She said taking a big sigh. “We snuck into the stadium last night and we talked and laughed and everything was just perfect. Then we were talking and he said the sweetest thing and the next thing I know he's kissing me. So at this point my mind went all foggy and I got all flustered and I left.”

“You left?!” Liz yelled.

“I had to! I was still with John at the time. So I went back to my bus and called him. We got in a huge fight and I just had to break it off.” She shrugged again shocked at how easily she was talking about it.

“Thank god.” Catiline huffed.

“And then Nick comes running in my bus this morning telling me Joe was arrested, so I went to pick him up so we could talk. And on the ride home I told him about how I broke up with John. Then he asked me out on a date.” She said trying to hold back a smile.

“Dear lord PLEASE tell me you said yes.” Catiline said awaiting her answer.

“I couldn't.” Taylor said quietly. “You guys, I just broke up with John last night! Don't you think it's just A LITTLE too soon to go out with someone else?”

“Not if you know that it's right, Taylor. And I can tell that you know you like Joe. You blush if he so much as blinks at you. Why would you let that go?” Liz says as she pushes herself off the floor and onto the couch.

“I just wanted time.” She sighed. “To think I guess. But now...I don't know...now I kind of want to go out with him.” She sighed again as she twirled the ring on her finger. “But I feel like it's to late, like I already ruined the moment. And I still feel like it's too soon.” she ran her hands through her hair as her brain ran with a billion thoughts.

“Listen. I think you should take a little nap before the show and try to think a little. Play the show and then make a decision later. If you feel like it's right you'll know. Just don't rule him out, okay?” Liz said giving Taylor a little pat on the back.

“Yeah I'm gonna do that.” She sighed. She stood up and ran her hand through her hair. “Thanks guys. I'll see you in a couple hours.” She said as she walked out of the room and back to her bus for a nap.
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Sorry if this one is crappy.

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