Status: working~

Unfortunate Career


While I walked home, the scent of last night's freak thunderstorm lingered around, and to me it smelt, almost renewing somehow.

I kept my eyes closed, knowing this part of town well, and just inhaled. It was a lot better than the smog that usually hung over the major part of the city.

Once I turned onto my street, I couldn't resist the replay of last night that kept trying to have the main attention in my head.

I knew I shouldn't, but the thought of last night made me bite my lip. And I kind of wanted it to happen again.

I tried to stop the thought, it's a bad idea to get attached to customers, but it was true.

The important part, or what should be, is that I got enough for this month's rent, plus more.

I opened the door to my measly apartment, and dropped down onto the couch and fell asleep almost instantly.


When I woke up, it was thundering again. When the lightning that had flashed outside faded, I realized that the lights had gone out, and that it was night time again. I just sighed, got up, changed into a t-shirt and shorts in the dark, and went out side.

I got soaked almost instantly, and my hair was dripping and my shirt see-through by the time I got to the back of the apartment building.

I sat down and leaned against the building, feeling the rain hit my skin.

My mind had almost zoned out, when something dropped and hit me in the head.

"Shit!" my hand automatically went to my head. "The fuck?" I looked up to see who would've done it, but all of the windows were closed and dark from the black out.

I looked to my side to see what had fallen.

But all I saw was a black notebook.

"The fuck." I mumbled, leaning over to pick it up.

I thumbed through the pages to find them still intact and almost dry, though it should've been falling apart and soaked. They were completely blank too except for the inside of the front cover, and the cover itself.


I jumped away from the gravelly voice that came from my right.

I had no idea what I was looking at.

They had bug eyes, was smiling, and was floating off of the ground by a good six inches.

"H-hi," I even went so far as to give it a little wave.

"Boy, do you look freaked, I'm Ryuk."

"Okay, what do you want?"

"I just want to explain what you found there."

I looked at the book in my hand, "This thing?"

It nodded.

"Well then please, do explain, because all I see is a notebook."

So it explained, or he, as apparently he's a guy.

When he had finished, I stared at what he had called a 'Death Note'. It should've been obvious by the silver lettering on the front, but hey it's dark, you can't blame me.

I sat for a second, and my mind flooded with possibilities; if this thing was real and I wasn't just going crazy, I could have some fun with this.
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sorry - it's kind of fillerish but I wanted to get something out soon :) sorry for any errors and thanks to the one subscriber I already have ^-^