Journey into Madness

Chapter 1: Star

A bit of warning before you read this story! Have a strong stomach. Not only does this story contain a lot of sick and twisted violence it will contain some strong sexual content including dialogue and themes and a brief but somewhat graphic sex scene. The scene will have no climax so to speak as Star (my Chikorita) flips out. More on that later It deals with bullying and contains a general sense of unease. I beg you have a strong disposition towards violence as this story contains a lot of it as well as strong language. Most if not all of my stories will contain a Chikorita being as she is my favorite and Star my hero for this story is unlike any that you have read before. Be a mature adult when reading this or if not that then don't hate me for writing this story. It will also have some demonic subject matter. This is an unhappy story so if you like your stories to be happy or cheerful then please click the back button on your browser. I don't want to be flamed because I did warn you so if you get disturbed it is your own fault. With that out of the way then let us continue with why you are here in the first place.

Chapter One: Star

The young Chikorita sat alone in the small corner as she watched the other Pokemon play. Her name was Star or at least that was the name that was given to her by one of her only friends in the world. A Pokemon that was known as a Latias. This generous Pokemon found Star wondering alone in the rain, but that wasn't what caused her to take in Star.

No, what caused the Latias to protect Star was the simple fact that this Pokemon was drenched in blood. Not just a little here and there but covered everywhere and her shiny coat made her look quite the sight. She was limping heavily which could only mean that her legs have been broken. Or at least one back leg and one front. Her ass was dripping with a whitish fluid that could only mean that some horny male had his way with her. But this was only the beginning. Her eyes were swollen shut and one eye was dripping a fluid. She looked quite the sight.

The Latias was a wise Pokemon and she saw a lot of the world's brutality but she never saw anything like this. This went beyond simple cruelty. She wondered briefly what kind of sick bastard would do something like this to a Chikorita who were normally so trusting and loyal it was sad to think about. Thinking quickly she made a decision to help out the pitiful creature. She teleported outside her house and appeared right next to shivering creature. She realized then that the Chikorita was shivering not only out of being cold but also out of fear.

Heart breaking she laid a tender hand and wiped some of the semen from the Chikorita and said. "Who the hell would do this to you? Do you want to come with me." No answer from the shivering Pokemon and the Latias realized that the Pokemon was still a bit scared. Who would blame her, I would be the same way if this happened to me, the Latias thought to herself.

"I swear I won't hurt you, I just want to clean the blood off you. I have some Pokemon that will help with that as well as something warm. Won't you trust me and them? They are good kids and will help you heal." Still there was no answer from the shivering wreck but not, the Latias thought an ignoring silence. I honestly think that this hollow shell of a Pokemon can't speak. Making a decision she scooped up the Chikorita and instead of teleporting (which would damage the already bloody wreck that was the trusting Chikorita) she flew gently into her house which was luckily nearby. Once inside the house, she set the still shivering Pokemon on the floor and called for some help.

A mudkip walked into the room stopping dead in his tracks when he saw the bloody wreck. He ran for her and without being asked proceeded to use a very weak Water Gun and cleaned the worst of the blood off her. The gore, for there was a lot of it as well as some left over semen that the Latias had missed refused to be washed away and it was difficult but possible. Despite the leg injury, she seemed to revel in the water.

She squealed in delight and tilted her head so that the Mudkip could reach more places that he couldn't reach before. Eventually the gore and semen were washed away and she was dripping wet but at least more presentable. Despite the bath she was still shivering violently and noticing this the Latias called in another Pokemon. In walked a Charmander and his reaction was more violent than the Mudkips.

Tears sprung to his eyes when he eyed the floor where there was a pool of blood. Being a fire-type he would be able to warm the shivering Pokemon. He bounded over to her and took her into his paws. He was careful to keep his tail away from her to keep from setting her on fire. He rocked her from side-to-side and talked to her.

Instantly the heat from him soon made its way to the shivering Pokemon calming her violent tremors. After several moments of silence he looked up at the Pokemon that had taken him in as well as his brother the Mudkip. The reason that the other Pokemon was considered like a brother was the simple fact that they lived together with their savior the Latias that had found them and taken them in when everyone else would have turned them away.

"Who would do such a heinous act of violence against this creature?" Looking more closely at the now asleep Pokemon in his arms he noticed a weird design on the forehead of the Pokemon and looking closer he noticed that it seemed to shine slightly. "I see that you have a star on your forehead. Seeing as I can't call you Chikorita all the time I will call you Star." Star continued to sleep peacefully her still broken legs propped awkwardly against his. Seeing this simple act of trust caused his heart to break again . The Mudkip shuffled over and bent his head down against the sleeping Pokemon. The Latias lowered herself and wrapped everyone into a tight embrace.

For the next few months, Star continued to live with her new family. She never talked but her emotions and the way she acted were more powerful than any words could ever be. The others especially the Charmander grew close and protective of Star. When someone usually another Pokemon teased or attempted to hurt Star, their wrath was unleashed and strength they never knew they had was born. Finally the Latias noticed that all the other Pokemon were going to school and she decided to enroll everyone in class.

Before they knew it school came by faster than ever. Star, even though she couldn't talk translated her fears through Mudkip and Charmander, only Charmander seemed to get the full point of what Star was trying to say. They were the closest seeing as how they had been intimate the longest. He tried to keep from feeling anything for her as that would complicate an already complicated experience in her life seeing as how she was raped.

He didn't think that anyone would be interested after that happened. He looked over at his step brother and they shared a look when they were sure that Star wasn't looking saying that the other Pokemon would eat her alive. He hoped that they were around to prevent any real tragedy from happening. She was still hesitant on trusting any other Pokemon other than the three that had found her. Latias took the youngsters on her back as she teleported to the building that would be school for the next few years. As Star felt herself vanish she huddled closer to Charmander hoping that he would catch her if she slipped. Latias felt the young grass-type huddle closer to her friend and gave a sympathetic sound before saying, "Have no fear young one it will be over before you know it and besides you can't fall while you teleport." Star calmed down slightly but she was still nervous. How would she be received and if she was liked how would she know? She had no idea what to expect.

She didn't even know what happened to her the night that they found her. It was all a giant blur that seemed to dance in and out of her reach. One minute she would get a glimpse of her past and then the other she would forget again. She was also worried because the others said that she was raped and she was drenched in blood. She had no idea how or even why something like that would happen. Finally after what seemed like hours when really it was only a second or two for the wise Latias knew how to teleport faster then even an Abra and that was saying something.

"Okay, you three have fun and I will meet you back here at the end of the day!" She vanished before they could say goodbye but only Star had no idea what to expect when she seemed to vanish suddenly. She tried to push it out of her thoughts for she would soon be in a classroom with other Pokemon and she couldn't afford to wonder in dreamland forever.

And that is how Star was in the classroom staring as all the Pokemon played. She tried to find her friends but the room was simply to crowded to attempt to find them. So she simply sat there gazing in terror around at everything. She was blushing from sheer embarassement and the loud noise of the other Pokemon frightened her so much that she was paralyzed as if from an eletric attack. She was so engrossed in her agony of social anxiety that she did not notice the hungry expression from one lone Pokemon gazing out at her. She couldn't see him even if she tried but he stayed hidden anyway just in case she happened to see him. Finally someone laid a kind paw on her back and she nearly died from the shock before realizing that it was Charmander. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I was just over here to see if you were alright. You looked so scared from the corner that I decided to keep you company till the class starts." She sighed happily and huddled closer to him feeling a little safer.

Suddenly the classroom didn't seem all that bad when her friend was there. The darkness in the tunnel of her unexplainable fear was gone for a short time and she was able to relax. Finally a buzzing from the top of the room from an antique clock said that it was time for the class to start and everyone started to walk slowly to their desks. Wanting to spare Star the agony of being the center of attention he hurriedly led her to a desk but even though they were quick they were not quick enough to sit together. Star fought really hard not to cry at the sight of charmander walking away. She caught the apolegetic look in his eye. She made her way to a desk near the corner that she was huddled in not too long ago.

Soon the teacher an old looking Sandshrew came in holding a list in his right claw. He then reached the front of the class and then held up the paper in both claws and without warning began to read the names of various Pokemon. When he finally made it to Star's name, there was an awkward silence and before the teacher could repeat if there was indeed a Star in the class, Charmander rose and spoke in a fast way as if hoping that he could prevent a negative reaction from the teacher the faster he talked. "Uh sir, Star is here she just can't talk. I would explain why but it is kind of private and i don't want to humiliate her with this information in public." The teacher seemed to think about it and then reluctantly, "Okay I would prefer to hear it from Star herself but I will respect her wishes. Now let us get on with the lesson."

The day passed extremely slow for Star as she learned about battle techniques and other seemingly important imformation that would help her in the real world. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the leaving bell ended and the lesson was ended. The other Pokemon filed out of the room and the teacher left so that he could talk to her friends. This left her alone in the room. Sighing she closed her eyes and tried to relax but fearing social anxiety around everyone except her friends caused her extreme embarassment.

She wasn't the only Pokemon in the room however. He was staring with a hungry expression and it was so intense that it was dangerous. She was unaware too caught up in her misery and thoughts to know that anyone else existed other then her. He slithered up to her and brought out a note and grinning evily at his stealth placed it in a way that wouldn't disturb her on her desk. Then with one more hungry look over at her he slithered out a hidden door that he found long ago and was gone.

Star awoke at a loud noise and she was embarassed to say that she had been on the verge of falling asleep. Hating herself for falling asleep alone, she was about to hop down when something on her desk caught her attention. It was a note and she wondered who could have left it. Wondering if it was her friends getting fed up at her for waiting and leaving her she opened it and read it. Instantly all color drained from her face and she seemed to turn white as a sheet. It wasn't from her friends, it was much much worse then that. The note in her paws fell to the floor as she begun to shake violently. What was she going to do with something like this?

"I know what you do at night you little whore. I am going to make you a deal I won't expose you if you come to the park for a real ride with a real Pokemon. We are going to have so much fun that you would scream. If you don't thats okay, I would just kill your friends and then you because you know you want it. But I won't stop there, your secret gets out and everyone in this fucken world will know the truth. So remember: park, midnight, alone or I will find you. Ditch the losers and well you know what to do. I won't repeat myself.