
Shards of bullets.

She yanked the bike into the very same alleyway before hopping off. Hands tucked in her pocket, hair pushed back, she crept through the dark shadows. The chill of the night settled firmly on top of her, this dry cold that leeched the moisture from her lips. She skirted the walls, passing the tall shadowed buildings that swooped up towards the moon-lit sky. The stars twinkled, drenching her in the natural light.

She passed the symbol of the rebels, stopping briefly to stare up at the rough symbol. To her awe and shock someone had reattached the infinity symbol with four words spelled underneath:

The protectors are forever.

Passing the symbol, she felt a cold shiver run down her back. Slipping into the alleyway, she let her eyes flash through the darkness. She realized with some afterthought that she didn't have any sort of protection. Just herself and her thoughts. Her lost memories might just be within reach.

Or she could be delusional.

Shaking her head free of these thoughts, she came across the store. Jiggling the lock, she cursed softly under her breath. The lock caught, and it wouldn't budge. Realizing with a cringing thought that she had assumed that she'd be able to get in without a problem. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though it is going to be that easy. Slamming her hand against the wooden door frame, she shoved away from the door. Red bloomed across the surface of her face, growing there. She had been this close to him today, but she'd let him walk away. He's gone. Way gone.

She kept walking down the alleyway, anger compelling her forward, kicking pieces of rocks. One skittered across the ground and smashed into the brick wall before skidding off. Coming behind the building, she glanced to her left, her eyes catching on steel. Two large doors thrown open for the world to see, against the ground. A basement door opening into the dingy ground underneath the shop. Taking a slow step forward, moon-light thrown down across the ground where she walked. A dingy light lit up the alleyway, other than that moon-light. Gravel crunched underneath her heel, the dusty smell that she had grown accustomed to grew stale in her nose. Her ears caught the sound of someone shuffling through those doors.

“Hello?” she asked quietly.

A dark shadow of a man came out of the doors. It stood up, sending a shadow swooping across the ground. The head tilted, glancing over at Sol. She stood there, frozen. She couldn't see his eyes, she couldn't see him. The man turned slightly towards her, throwing only a little light upon him. She still couldn't see his face. Muscles jumped when he crossed his arms, a small smile playing on the edges of his lips.

“Look who it is.”


Fraser pulled his hat lower of his eyes, head bowed. He'd told his commander what had happened, and now he could only continue on with the next phase in the mission. Cracking his neck, he wondered briefly where Sol was and if she was okay.

He hoped she would stay out of trouble.


He took a step forward, letting the light drench his face. Ice blue eyes pierced her and Sol took a faltering step backwards. This was not the man she'd hoped to find. His dark hair fell in layers over his eyes, a snake-like smile on the edge of his lips. He took a step forward, tucking his hands in his pockets. His cocked his hip, his smile becoming a sneer.

“Who are you?” Sol asked, taking a step back. An image flashed in her mind, an image of his ice cold eyes narrowed on her. “Who?”

He took an easy step forward. “You dropped off of the face of the planet after the theft, Sol, I'm surprised you have the balls to face me now. You've always been ballsy though. Little tough bitch.”

“Who are you?” she demanded, taking a step backwards.

“Why, Sol, you don't remember me?” he asked, splaying his hands across his chest. “I'm hurt. You did try to kill me once, so I figured you'd at the very least recognize me.”


He narrowed his eyes on her. “You tried to stab me just before you stole the gem. We're wondering where you put it. Rumor has it that even the protectors don't know where it is. Hoarding the stone of hearts for yourself?”

Sol felt flashes in her mind, a slow conversation. However, they faded as he took another step forward towards her. She touched the brick wall as she took another step back. He still was coming forward, moving towards her. Her hair moved across her shoulder as she flattened herself there. He moved in, coming closer.

“What do you want?” she asked.

He smiled. “First, find out where the the Heart Gem is. Second, kill you.”

Sol felt her heart tremble inside of her, pounding in her chest loudly in her ears. It screamed at her, her eyes falling closed for a brief second before it vibrated through her mind.


Bolting away from the hallway, she spun out of his reach. She bolted across the ground, sprinting through the alleyway. She heard a vague “fuck” from behind her, but she didn't stop to see whether or not he was following her. All she knew was she had to get as far as possible away from him. Another man recognized her, this time, while it wasn't necessarily a good reaction, she at least knew something about herself. Not a happy lesson to learn, that you might have been a murderer in your past life, as she liked to consider it. She'd get over it, as soon as she'd get away from him. So long as she survived.

Shouting emerged from behind her and fear kicked her heart. Adrenaline has her nearly flying into a wall when she tried to turn. Catching herself, she shoved away, continuing. A brick behind her exploded, and she screamed bloody murder. A cloud of dust went up next to her in a loud shot, and she spun around another corner as another bullet destroyed part of the wall. A few other shouts erupted from the town, the peaceful atmosphere literally shot to hell with another trigger pulled. Sol cried out as shards of brick hit her in the face. She dodged to the side.

She had to get back to the bike, but without him on her tail.

“What is going on?” demanded a woman, her door swung open.

Sol shoved past her, leaping over a coach, with a screeching woman behind her, throwing pillows and cushions at her. Ignoring the soft padding of items being thrown her way, she flung herself out the window. She rolled across the ground, sending up a puff of dust in the air with her landing. Her feet fell against the ground, and she caught herself, her head tilted. This came natural to her. What was this? Hearing the woman cry out again as the man trying to put a bullet in her entered the house, Sol cleared her mind of her past. She didn't wait to find out whether he was on her ass or not. She reached out, her feet slamming against the ground as she dissolved into the dark night. Her lungs cried out for a break, but she didn't dare stop. She found the bike and punched in the ten digit code. For those few seconds, she had her body tense, awaiting either an abusive hand or a intrusive bullet to touch her. When nothing came and she straddled that bike, she revved the engine. Kicking up the stand, she spun around the corner, kicking up dirt as she almost lost control. She shot forward, hitting a few bumps much too fast. She bit back a groan when she bounced up and smashed her chin down back on the handlebars. She heard shouts and loud noises from behind her. She didn't dare glance back, except for sparing a glance at the mirror that reflected the blue-eyed man standing in the middle of the road.

He lifted his arm, squinting his eyes, his finger seeming to tighten over the trigger. Yet, for some reason, even as Sol awaited the bullet, he let his arm drop. Sol disappeared into the dark night, the moon lighting her way. Stars shimmered down upon her as she slid across the desert like land. Nothing greeted her as she moved across that land. A few miles out, she pulled to a stop in the middle of no where. She got off that bike, grasping her hands together, pressing them to her face. She saw flashes, quick flashes across her mind. It blinded her, these sights. Just a few brief images.

Tears rolled down over her pale, smooth cheeks as she recognized that inside of herself, this darkness lurked.


Cursing softly, people stared after this strange man with blue eyes as he kicked the dirt. In the thrill of the run, he'd had no problem shooting at her, but the moment he has a real clear shot, he blows it. Blew it. He shouldn't kill her anyway, considering she was the only one who could know where the Heart Gem was. She'd hidden it, before she'd passed out.

“Who are you?”

She didn't remember him.

Something was off. Running his fingers through his hair, he knew that where Sol was, Fraser wouldn't be far behind. Fraser would have the answers if Sol didn't. Fraser would know why Sol looked upon him with such a blank stare, such a clueless demeanor. He would ask Fraser his questions.

Then Fraser would die.
♠ ♠ ♠

That was completely necessary.